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姓名 范忠堅(Pham Trung Kien)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
(Effects of Urbanisation on Ecosystem Service Values in Nha Trang, Vietnam)
★ 應用經驗模態分解法在福衛五號遙測照像儀之相對輻射校正★ 福爾摩沙衛星五號遙測儀之在軌絕對輻射校正
★ 應用衛星資料及地理資訊系統在印尼BALURAN國家公園野生牛棲息地之測繪★ 利用MISR衛星資料反演陸地區域氣膠光學厚度和地表反射率
★ MTSAT-1R衛星資料在東亞沙塵暴監測及氣膠光學厚度反演之探討★ 結合衛星與地面觀測氣膠輻射參數在東南亞地區氣膠種類辨識之應用
★ 衛星資料在臺灣地區西南氣流降雨估算之應用★ MODIS衛星資料在亞洲地區氣膠種類辨識之應用
★ 結合MODIS與MISR觀測資料在氣膠單次散射反照率反演之應用★ 應用衛星資料探討大台北地區都市熱島效應之時空分布
★ AERONET觀測資料在氣膠種類輻射參數之探討★ 結合衛星資料與建物資訊解析台北市空間發展與都市熱島效應之鏈結
★ 季風輻合效應在台灣地區熱帶氣旋降雨影響之探討★ 衛星資料探討台南都市發展在熱島效應及區域降雨型態之影響
★ 福爾摩沙衛星二號遙測照相儀之在軌相互輻射校正★ Landsat-7衛 星 資 料 反 演 都 市 大 氣 氣膠光學厚度之研究與應用
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摘要(中) 人類活動對於環境的地形地貌有著極大的影響,進而衝擊了生態系統與其功能。矛盾的是,生態系統的複雜條件和運作過程中產生了人類賴以生存的一系列商品和服務。為瞭解並量化人類活動對於生態系統之衝擊,本研究利用1990年、2000年、2011年和2020年的 Landsat 衛星影像獲取這期間土地利用及地物變化的訊息,以研究越南芽莊市的都市化程度及其對生態系服務價值 (ESV) 的影響。在生態系服務價值的計算,本研究使用前人研究所修改的ESV係數,來觀察土地利用所引起的ESV變化趨勢。結果顯示,隨著城市地區的擴張和密集化,ESV有著顯著下降。隨著森林復育計劃的成功,芽莊市的年ESV從1990年的 1.487億美元增加到2000年的1.722億美元,隨後因為城市於原本應為耕地的地區快速發展,在2020年又下降到1.493 億美元。根據結果,本研究亦討論了將ESV 納入城市治理後的一些影響,探討結果建議,區域性的土地利用計畫應優先考慮基於生態系統的管理,其長期的效益將優於短期關注的經濟收益。根據本研究結果顯示,確保環境生態系統的多樣性與穩定發展,對於氣候適應型沿海城市的永續發展至關重要。
摘要(英) Anthropogenic activities have greatly reshaped the environmental landscape and altered land composition, thereby negatively affecting the ecosystem′s structures and functions. Paradoxically, the complex conditions and procedures of ecosystem operations generate a range of goods and services on which humans rely to thrive. To understand and quantify the impact on the ecosystem, this study examines the urbanisation pattern and its effects on ecosystem service values (ESV) in Nha Trang, Vietnam, by obtaining land-use/land-cover changes information derived from Landsat satellite imagery in 1990, 2000, 2011 and 2020. The modified ESV coefficients from previous studies were employed to examine the directional change of ESV induced by land-use practice. The results showed a significant decrease of ESV associated with the expansion and densification of urban areas during the past 30 years. Total annual ESV in Nha Trang increased from US$ 148.7 million in 1990 to US$ 172.2 million in 2000 due to the success of the forest rehabilitation programme, then declined to US$ 149.3 million in 2020 because of the rapid development of urban agglomeration at the expense of cultivated land. Drawing from the outcomes, some implications for integrating ESV in urban governance were discussed. The investigation results argue that the priority of regional land-use planning should be given to ecosystem-based approaches rather than focusing on the economic gain in the short term. Therefore, it can be concluded that ensuring the stable delivery of multiple ecosystem services is critical for building a climate-resilient coastal city and sustainable development.
關鍵字(中) ★ 都市化
★ 地形地貌與土地利用
★ 生態系服務價值
★ 永續發展
★ 經濟收益
關鍵字(英) ★ Urbanisation
★ Landscape and land use
★ Ecosystem service value
★ Sustainable development
★ Economic gain
論文目次 摘要 i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
List of Abbreviations ix
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Study area 5
1.4 Research Objectives and Methodological Framework 7
Chapter 2. Literature Review 8
2.1 Interrelationship of Human and Ecosystem Services 8
2.1.1 Ecosystems, Well-being, and Equity 8
2.1.2 Anthropogenic Interference and Ecosystem Responses 10
2.2 Mainstreaming Ecosystem Service into Policy 15
2.2.1 Earth Observation and Ecosystem Service Mapping 17
2.2.2 Economic Value of Ecosystem Service 19
Chapter 3. Materials and Methodology 23
3.1 Data Description 23
3.1.1 Remote Sensing Data 23
3.1.2 Ancillary Data 26
3.2 Methodology 27
3.2.1 Multitemporal Land Cover Changes Analysis 27
3.2.3 Map Accuracy Assessment 34
3.2.3 Ecosystem Service Value Estimation 38
Chapter 4. Results and Discussion 41
4.1 Land Use Land Cover Transition 41
4.1.1 Accuracy of Land Classification 41
4.1.2 Land Use Land Cover Change Assessment 42
4.2.3 Driving Forces of Land Use Changes 51
4.2 Ecosystem Service Estimation 56
4.2.1 Ecosystem Service Values Annual Flow 56
4.2.2 Individual ESV Assessment 59
4.2.3 Spatial distribution of Ecosystem Service Values 62
4.3 Urban Ecosystem Service Governance 65
4.3.1 Challenges and Opportunities 65
4.3.2 Integrating Urban Ecosystem Service 67
4.4 Restriction of Approach 69
4.4.1 Uncertainties in Multi-temporal Analysis 69
4.4.2 Uncertainties in Benefit Transfer Method 69
Chapter 5. Conclusion 71
References 73
Appendixes 83
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指導教授 林唐煌(Tang-Huang Lin) 審核日期 2021-7-14
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