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姓名 藍杰(Pratul Ranjan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際研究生博士學位學程
論文名稱 關於愛琴海岩石圈的異質性
(On the heterogeneous nature of the Aegean Lithosphere)
★ 台灣東北部龜山島的地震活動特性★ 印尼Semeru火山地區之火山顫動非線性動態性質分析
★ Forecasting volcanic eruptions using permutation entropy variations in ambient seismic noise★ Nonlinear Dynamics of Volcanic Tremor Recorded at Mt. Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
★ 模擬在地熱型及佛卡諾型噴發中的火山彈道拋體軌跡,以台灣北部大屯山火山群中的七星山為例★ A reappraisal of seismicity recorded during the 1996 Gjalp eruption in Iceland using modern seismological methods
★ Duration-amplitude scaling of volcanic tremor recorded at Mt. Erebus volcano, Antarctica★ Permutation Entropy Variation of Seismic Noise prior to Eruptive Activity at Shinmoedake Volcano, Japan
★ Seismic Anisotropy of the Upper- and Lower-Crust in the South Aegean Inferred from Shear-Wave Splitting★ 試問2017年比加半島(土耳其)的地震群是否為誘發性地震?從多年地震記錄分析的觀察
★ 由海底地震儀資料探討南沖繩海槽熱液活動★ 日本新茂岳火山三次噴發週期地震噪聲中排列熵的時間變化
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摘要(中) 愛琴海形成大陸岩石圈,向東地中海地區俯衝的努比亞岩石圈推進。由於努比亞板塊回滾引起的伸展使愛琴海岩石圈變形,並產生了幾個裂谷/斷層帶、複雜的地質結構以及流體運移通道,這些都是傳播地震波的異質介質。除了一些當地的研究外,尚無法對這些介質如何跨越愛琴海影響地震波傳播進行定量估計。 在此論文中,我的目標是研究這些異質特徵並量化它們在愛琴海地區的特性,以了解產生它們的潛在過程。

此研究使用的數據從2002 年秋季至 2020 年春季,在愛琴海運行的主要地震網絡的地震圖和地震相位走時,對非均勻結構進行了三階段建模/成像。首先,使用地震圖中峰值能量到達的延遲時間來模擬地殼和上地幔小尺度速度擾動的光譜特徵。接著,使用地震圖包絡估計並繪製不同頻段地殼結構產生的固有衰減和散射衰減。最後,對愛琴海地殼的 3D 速度結構進行走時層析成像。

透過以上分析,我發現愛琴海殼幔邊界是一個過渡帶,而地殼由三個主要岩性單元組成:極低速沉積物、低速矽質單元和高速變質單元。產生地震包絡加寬以及散射和固有衰減的地殼不均勻性僅限於四個子區域:科林斯裂谷、基克拉澤斯、克里特島和戈科瓦灣。橫跨愛琴海的正常斷層作用和前弧中的逆衝斷層作用可能會在地殼中產生顯著的地震包絡加寬和散射衰減。另一方面,來自火山中心下方以及變質核複合體內的流體移動可能導致地殼中的高固有衰減和高 Vp/Vs比。上地幔不均勻性主要出現在弧後部,很有可能會發生地幔楔形熔化,而南部前弧中的不均勻性較小,與地殼底鍍的板片物質有關。使用斷層掃描模型對孔隙度的預測,火山中心下方有 4-9% 的熔體含量,其中聖托里尼島表現出最高的熔化程度。橫跨愛琴海的大地震發生在低 Vp 和高 Vp/Vs 比的區域,說明流體活動是其觸發機制。
摘要(英) The Aegean forms the continental lithosphere thrusting towards the subducting Nubian lithosphere in the eastern Mediterranean region. The extension induced due to the Nubian slab rollback has deformed the Aegean lithosphere and created several rift/fault zones, complex geological structures as well as pathways for fluid migration, which act as heterogeneous media for the propagating seismic waves. A quantitative estimate of how these features across the Aegean impact seismic wave propagation is not yet available, apart from some localized studies. In my thesis, I aim to identify these heterogeneous features and quantify their properties across the Aegean to understand better the underlying processes that generated them.

I use the seismograms and the seismic phase travel-time data from major seismic networks that operated in the Aegean between autumn 2002 to spring 2020 for a three-stage modeling/imaging of the inhomogeneous structure. First, I model the spectral characteristics of the crustal and upper mantle small-scale velocity perturbations using delay times for peak energy arrival in seismograms. Then, I estimate and map the intrinsic and scattering attenuation produced by the crustal structure in different frequency bands using seismogram envelopes. Finally, I perform the travel-time tomography for the Aegean crust for the 3D velocity structure.

Using the above analyses, I find that the Aegean crust-mantle boundary exists as a transition zone and the crust is composed of three main lithological units: extremely low velocity sediments, low velocity silicic units, and high velocity metamorphic units. The crustal inhomogeneities, which generate seismic envelope broadening as well as scattering and intrinsic attenuation, are restricted to four sub-regions: the Corinth rift, the Cyclades, Crete and the Gulf of Gökova. Normal faulting across the Aegean and thrust faulting in the fore-arc likely generates significant seismic envelope broadening and scattering attenuation in the crust. On the other hand, fluid migration from below the volcanic centers as well as within metamorphic core complexes possibly cause high intrinsic attenuation and high Vp/Vs in the crust. Upper mantle inhomogeneities are mainly prominent in the back-arc, where mantle-wedge melting is expected, with small inhomogeneities in the southern fore-arc linked with slab material underplating the crust. The estimates of porosity using the tomography model suggests 4-9 % melt-fraction beneath the volcanic centers with Santorini exhibiting the highest degree of melting. Large earthquakes across the Aegean occur in low Vp and high Vp/Vs zones, indicating fluid activity as their triggering mechanism.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地震學
★ 愛琴海岩石圈
★ 地震衰減
★ 地震層析成像
★ 俯衝帶
關鍵字(英) ★ seismology
★ The Aegean lithosphere
★ seismic attenuation
★ seismic tomography
★ subduction zone
論文目次 摘要..............................................................................................................................I
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................V
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES.....................................................................................................VIII
CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND STUDIES OF THE AEGEAN LITHOSPHERE...........................................................................1
1.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................1
1.2 Geology and Seismotectonic Setting....................................................................................1
1.2.1 Introduction................................................................................................1
1.2.2 Upper-mantle Structure and mantle flow......................................................................2
1.2.3 Crustal structure and geological features ..................................................................3
1.2.4 Crustal stress field, seismicity and seismic anisotropy.....................................................4
1.3 Volcanic Setting......................................................................................................5
1.3.1 Introduction................................................................................................5
1.3.2 Sousaki-Aegina-Methana-Poros................................................................................6
1.3.3 Milos.......................................................................................................7
1.3.4 Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo................................................................................8
1.3.5 Kos-Yali-Nisyros............................................................................................9
1.4 Aims of this thesis...................................................................................................9
1.5 Structure of the thesis..............................................................................................11
CHAPTER 2: SEISMIC NETWORKS AND STATIONS.........................................................................................22
2.1 Hellenic Unified Seismic Network (HUSN)..............................................................................22
2.2 Exploring the Geodynamics of Earth’s Lithosphere using Amphibian Deployment Of Seismograph (EGELADOS) network.....23
2.3 CYClades seismic NETwork (CYCNET)....................................................................................23
2.4 Miscellaneous Stations...............................................................................................24

3.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................32
3.2 Earthquake data and waveform preprocessing...........................................................................33
3.3 Peak delay times and their properties................................................................................34
3.3.1 Measurement methodology....................................................................................34
3.3.2 De-trending, spatial distribution, and frequency relation..................................................35 De-trending of hypocentral distance dependence...................................................35 Spatial distribution of de-trended peak delay times..............................................36 Relation between peak delay times and frequency..................................................38
3.4 Inversion for random inhomogeneities
3.4.1 Background theory..........................................................................................39
3.4.2 Inversion methodology......................................................................................40
3.4.3 Sensitivity Tests..........................................................................................43
3.5 Description of results...............................................................................................45
4.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................57
4.2 Earthquake waveform data and S-wave envelope calculation.............................................................58
4.3 S-envelope Inversion Methodology.....................................................................................60
4.3.1 Forward Model..............................................................................................60
4.3.2 Inversion Method...........................................................................................63
4.3.3 Mapping Method.............................................................................................64
4.4 Results..............................................................................................................68
4.5 Checkerboard Tests...................................................................................................70
5.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................77
5.2 Earthquakes and travel-time data.....................................................................................78
5.3 Local Earthquake Travel-time tomography..............................................................................79
5.3.1 Inversion Algorithm........................................................................................79
5.3.2 Minimum 1D velocity model estimation.......................................................................79
5.3.3 Optimization for inversion parameters and 3D inversion.....................................................80
5.3.4 Resolution tests for horizontal and vertical sections......................................................82
5.4 Results..............................................................................................................84
CHAPTER 6: DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS...........................................................................................94
6.1 Physical meaning of the PSDF parameters, intrinsic/scattering attenuation, and velocity anomalies....................94
6.1.1 Relation between PSDF parameters and properties of inhomogeneities.........................................94
6.1.2 Relation between structural features and types of seismic attenuation......................................94
6.1.3 Relation between velocity anomalies and lithological structure.............................................95
6.1.4 Relation between tomographic anomalies, seismic attenuation and inhomogeneities............................95
6.2 Demarcation of the Aegean Moho.......................................................................................96
6.3 Lithological composition of the crust................................................................................98
6.4 Lateral differences in the crustal structure........................................................................100
6.4.1 The Corinth Rift..........................................................................................100
6.4.2 The Cyclades..............................................................................................101
6.4.3 Crete.....................................................................................................103
6.4.4 The Gulf of Gökova and the Kos-Yali-Nisyros volcanic field................................................105
6.5 Inhomogeneities in the shallow upper mantle.........................................................................107
6.6 Active Volcanoes and Melt Fraction..................................................................................108
6.7 Large earthquakes and velocity anomalies............................................................................110
6.8 Limitations of current work.........................................................................................114
6.9 Future Directions...................................................................................................115
6.10 Conclusions........................................................................................................117
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指導教授 柯士達(Konstantinos I. Konstantinou) 審核日期 2021-8-23
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