摘要(英) |
Information extraction, transformation and loading (abbreviated as ETL) tools are important for big data analysis and value-added applications, especially when the information comes from the Web. Typical Web scraping systems allow users to specify where to fetch the page and what information or data to be extracted from the page. Although these commercial services already provide a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) to guide the system to the target pages for each data source, such systems are not scalable because users have to create crawlers one by one. In this paper we consider the problem of pagination recognition, which aims to automate the process of telling the system how to find similar pages by locating the next page link and the list of page links from any starting URL. We propose a neural sequence model which label each clickable links in a page as either one of the three tags: ``NEXT′′, ``PAGE′′ or ``OTHER′′, where the first two could guide the system to find similar pages of the seed URL. To have multilingual support, we have exploited the query and keywords in the links as well as LASER for anchor text embedding. The experimental results show that the proposed model, called PRNSM (Pagination Recognition Neural Sequence Model), achieves an average of macro 0.774 F1 score on 6 datasets including EN, DE, RU, ZH, JA, and KO. In terms of practical deployment on event extraction, we are able to automatically create 196 data API from
402 given event source URLs. |
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