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姓名 許育瑋(Yu-Wei Sheu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 照明與顯示科技研究所
論文名稱 利用波紋導光管之RGB雷射二極體在LCOS上之效率與均勻度分析
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摘要(中) 本文使用RGB laser diode作為光源,進行RGB混色理想白點,使用單顆波長638 nm的R光源2.5 W、單顆波長525 nm的G光源1.5 W及單顆波長447 nm的B光源2.2 W。總共使用R光源81顆202.5 W、G光源80顆120 W及B光源33顆72.6 W,混成光源92500 lm的理想白點。設計RGB三組4種導光管:圓對圓導光管、波紋圓對圓導光管、圓對矩形導光管、波紋圓對矩形導光管,觀察於LCOS上之效率與均勻度。
圓對圓導光管在R channel的效率為40.47%,平均差為12.44%,G channel的效率為51.99%,平均差為8.85%,B channel的效率為46.82%,平均差為11.19%。波紋圓對圓導光管在R channel的效率為51.82%,平均差為7.33%,G channel的效率為52.81%,平均差為7.03%,B channel的效率為49.62%,平均差為7.20%。圓對矩形導光管在R channel的效率為73.82%,平均差為28.40%,G channel的效率為88.14%,平均差為54.12%,B channel的效率為84.96%,平均差為35.94%。波紋圓對矩形導光管在R channel的效率為75.03%,平均差為13.24%,G channel的效率為88.02%,平均差為4.59%,B channel的效率為85.14%,平均差為4.92%。
摘要(英) RGB laser diode is used as the light source to perform the ideal white point of RGB color mixing. A single R light source with a wavelength of 638 nm is 2.5 W, a single G light source with a wavelength of 525 nm is 1.5 W, and a single B light source with a wavelength of 447 nm is 2.2 W. A total of 81 pieces of R light source of 202.5 W, 80 pieces of G light source of 120 W and 33 pieces of B light source of 72.6 W are used to form an ideal white point of 92,500 lm. Design RGB three groups of 4 kinds of light pipes: circle to circle light pipe, corrugated circle to circle light pipe, circle to rectangle light pipe, corrugated circle to rectangle light pipe, observe the efficiency and uniformity on LCOS.
The efficiency of the round-to-round light pipe in the R channel is 40.47%, the average difference is 12.44%, the efficiency of the G channel is 51.99%, the average difference is 8.85%, the efficiency of the B channel is 46.82%, and the average difference is 11.19%. The efficiency of the corrugated round-to-round light pipe in the R channel is 51.82%, and the average difference is 7.33%, the efficiency of the G channel is 52.81%, and the average difference is 7.03%, and the efficiency of the B channel is 49.62%, and the average difference is 7.20%. The efficiency of the round-to-rectangular light pipe in the R channel is 73.82%, the average difference is 28.40%, the efficiency of the G channel is 88.14%, the average difference is 54.12%, the efficiency of the B channel is 84.96%, and the average difference is 35.94%. The efficiency of the corrugated circle to the rectangular light pipe in the R channel is 75.03%, the average difference is 13.24%, the efficiency of the G channel is 88.02%, the average difference is 4.59%, the efficiency of the B channel is 85.14%, and the average difference is 4.92%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 波紋導光管
★ 雷射二極體
★ RGB混色
關鍵字(英) ★ ripple rod
★ laser diode
★ RGB color mixing
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 文獻回顧 1
1-2 研究動機 7
1-3 論文架構 7
第二章 設計理論 9
2-1 光度學之基本原理 9
2-2 色彩學基本原理 10
2-3 全反射原理 11
2-4 導光管原理 12
2-5 平均差 13
第三章 圓對圓導光管與波紋導光管 14
3-1 雷射二極體規格 15
3-2 RGB混色理想白點 19
3-3 RGB 光源排列 28
3-4 偏振分光鏡 31
3-5 LCOS 規格 32
3-6 圓對圓導光管設計 34
3-6-1 R圓對圓導光管 34
3-6-2 G圓對圓導光管 37
3-6-3 B圓對圓導光管 40
3-7 圓對圓導光管於LCOS面板的效率與均勻度分析 44
3-8 波紋圓對圓導光管設計 50
3-8-1 R波紋圓對圓導光管 50
3-8-2 G波紋圓對圓導光管 52
3-8-3 B波紋圓對圓導光管 54
3-9 波紋圓對圓導光管於LCOS面板的效率與均勻度分析 57
3-10圓對圓導光管與波紋導光管的效率與均勻度比較分析 59
第四章 圓形對矩形之導光管與波紋導光管 61
4-1 圓對矩形導光管設計 61
4-1-1 R圓對矩形導光管 61
4-1-2 G圓對矩形導光管 63
4-1-3 B圓對矩形導光管 65
4-2 波紋圓對矩形導光管設計 66
4-2-1 R波紋圓對矩形導光管 66
4-2-2 G波紋圓對矩形導光管 69
4-2-3 B波紋圓對矩形導光管 71
4-3 圓對矩形導光管於LCOS面板的效率與均勻度分析 74
4-4 波紋圓對矩形導光管於LCOS面板的效率與均勻度分析 76
第五章 結論 80
參考資料 81
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指導教授 孫文信(Wen-Shing Sun) 審核日期 2021-10-28
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