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姓名 吳旭閔(Hsu-Min Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 新創A公司在台灣冰品市場的泡泡冰拓展規劃
(A market Development Plan for Start-up Company A for Bubbly Ice in the Taiwanese Frozen Dessert Market)
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摘要(中) 隨著時代的改變,冰品不再只是加上標準配料的平價夏日美食,而是一種延續傳統經驗與技術傳承價值的經濟商品,根據調查顯示,台灣冰品市場每年超過新臺幣40億元,並以每年3 %的速度成長。
台灣民間有句俗語 :「第一賣冰,第二做醫生(台語)。」,這句話從小就深深烙印在我腦海裡。恰巧在2018年有機會結識臺灣著名的基隆泡泡冰第三代老闆石小姐,經過一番洽談協商,我們決定成立A公司,以工廠生產與行銷基隆氣泡冰。由於傳統泡泡冰製成過程繁複且物流倉儲較困難,一直面臨銷量持續下滑和成本攀升的傳統氣泡冰,在競爭激烈的冰品市場中面臨著被淘汰的可能。
摘要(英) With the passage of time, ice products are no longer just cheap summer treats with standard ingredients, but an economic commodity that continues the value of traditional experience and technical expertise. According to survey, the Frozen Dessert Market in Taiwan exceeds 4 billion NTD per year, with an annual growth of 3%.
There is a common saying in Taiwan: “the first choice is selling ice, the second choice is being a doctor.” This sentence has been deeply imprinted in my mind since I was a child. It happened that in 2018, I have a chance to meet Miss Shi, the third generation owner of Keelung′s famous bubbly ice in Taiwan. After some negotiations, we decided to started up Company A to produce and market Keelung bubbly ice with a factory. Due to the complicated production process and difficulties in logistics and storage, traditional bubbly ice, which has been challenged with continuous sales deterioration and cost escalation, is faced with possible elimination in the highly competitive ice market.
This study is a market development plan for our new startup. The study first analyzes the froze dessert market, and looks into the opportunities for the bubbly ice product, from various aspects including market situation, operation and competition strategy, product technological innovation, organization, and team management. Then, the strategic plan of the startup business, containing short, mid and long run strategies are derived. The immediate short term action is playing the outsourced manufacturer’s role for existing major brands.
關鍵字(中) ★ 泡泡冰
★ 產業轉型
★ 策略
關鍵字(英) ★ Bubbly ice
★ industrial transformation
★ strategy
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3研究流程 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1台灣冰品市場 4
2.2 SWOT 分析 5
2.3 白地策略 9
2.4本章小結 12
第三章 產業分析概況 13
3.1 全球冰品市場分析 13
3.2 台灣冰品市場分析 17
3.3 本章小結 22
第四章 個案A公司概況與銷售困難之分析研究 23
4.1 個案公司概況 23
4.2 個案公司銷售概況 28
4.3 銷售面臨的瓶頸 28
4.4 本章小結 30
第五章 A公司在台灣拓展泡泡冰計劃 31
5.1 SWOT 分析 32
5.2 泡泡冰拓展策略 34
5.3 預期成效評估 41
5.4 本章小結 42
第六章 結論及建議 43
參考文獻 46
參考文獻 一、中文文獻
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指導教授 范錚強 審核日期 2021-7-22
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