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姓名 涂珮榕(Pei-Jung Tu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 基於實驗追蹤與模型回復的機器學習超參數優化設計與實作
(The Design and Implementation of Machine Learning Hyperparameter Optimization with Experiment Tracking and Model Restoring)
★ 條件判斷式事件驅動程式設計之C語言擴充★ 基于小波变换的指纹活度检测,具有聚集 LPQ 和 LBP 特征
★ 應用自動化測試於異質環境機器學習管道之 MLOps 系統★ 提升乳癌篩檢效率之批次排程框架
★ 設計具有可視化思維工具和程式作為單一步的 輔助學習程式之棋盤式遊戲★ TOCTOU 漏洞的靜態分析與實作
★ 用於繪製風力發電控制邏輯之特定領域語言★ 在Java程式語言中以雙向結構表達數學公式間關聯之設計與實作
★ 支援模組化規則製作之程式碼轉換工具★ 基於替代語意的 pandas DataFrame 靜態型別檢查器
★ 自動化時間複雜度分析的設計與實作–從軟體層面評估嵌入式系統的功率消耗★ 以震波層析成像為應用之特定領域語言實作與分析
★ 用特徵選擇減少疲勞偵測腦電圖通道數★ 一個應用紙本運算與數位化於程式設計學習使程序性思維可視化的機制
★ 基於抽象語法樹的陣列形狀錯誤偵測★ 從合作學習角色分工獲得函式程式設計思維學習遞迴程式的機制
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摘要(中) 機器學習程式是透過不斷實驗、調整模型以訓練出一個理想模型為開發目標。為了使模型盡可能地符合期望,開發者需不斷執行超參數調整的過程,既存作法雖可達到在訓練期間調整超參數的功能,但仍有其不足之處。為了對比調整前後的差異,常見使用表格的方式去記錄實驗過程,然而此法較不易直觀地看出實驗之間的關連性。
摘要(英) Building machine learning model is an experiment-driven process. Tuning hyperparamters iteratively to meet the acceptance criteria usually results in tremendous trial models. There are some related research for tuning hyperparameters during training, but still have constraints for building a model. Moreover, most of the developers tend to manage these artifacts in tableau way, and extra effort must be spent with it. However, tables can not reveal the correlation between experiments.
In this paper, we implement a tool: RETUNE with callback function and checkpoint operation. It allows users to tune optimizer′s hyperparameters based on the visualized feedback of the model metrics during training, and automatically extracts model configuration from the experiment. With the feature to restore model from the previous training state, users would be able to compare from multiple potential models. Finally, the tuning process would be plotted as a tree graph which aimed at helping users understand the historical experiments and realize the relation between hyperparameters setting and training process, in order to effectively manipulate hyperparameter tuning and model optimization.
關鍵字(中) ★ 機器學習
★ 超參數調整
★ 互動式機器學習
★ 實驗追蹤
關鍵字(英) ★ Machine Learning
★ Hyperparameter tuning
★ Interactive machine learning
★ Experiment tracking
論文目次 一、 緒論 1
1.1 機器學習訓練過程 ...................................................... 1
1.2 超參數調整方法 ......................................................... 2
1.2.1 手動調整超參數 ................................................ 3
1.2.2 自動搜尋超參數 ................................................ 3
1.3 訓練期間調整超參數 ................................................... 7
1.3.1 Hyperparameter schedule..................................... 7
1.3.2 Interactive machine learning................................. 7
1.4 模型管理 .................................................................. 8
二、 動機 10
2.1 動機實例 .................................................................. 10
2.2 現有作法不足之處 ...................................................... 12
2.3 問題總結 .................................................................. 14
三、 提案 16
3.1 整體架構 .................................................................. 16
3.2 回呼函式 .................................................................. 17
3.3 自動記錄模型設置 ...................................................... 18
3.4 訓練期間調整優化器超參數 .......................................... 19
3.5 儲存、回復模型狀態 ................................................... 19
3.6 樹狀圖呈現調整歷程 ................................................... 21
四、 實作 23
4.1 實作環境 .................................................................. 23
4.2 實作細節 .................................................................. 24
4.2.1 plot_metric ...................................................... 24
4.2.2 getter.............................................................. 25
4.2.3 setter .............................................................. 26
4.2.4 recorder ........................................................... 28
4.2.5 plot_tree ......................................................... 29
4.3 使用案例 .................................................................. 30
五、 評估 34
5.1 回到動機問題 ............................................................ 34
5.2 輔助開發的效果評估 ................................................... 36
5.2.1 使用 Retune 輔助開發的訓練結果 ....................... 36
5.2.2 比較 Retune 實現遞減學習率訓練效果 ................. 37
5.3 與相關實作進行功能面比較 .......................................... 38
5.3.1 訓練期間調整超參數- BIDMach .......................... 38 5.3.2 視覺化輔助超參數調整- HyperTuner.................... 40 5.4 研究限制 .................................................................. 42

六、 相關研究 43
6.1 Interactive machine learning.......................................... 43
6.2 視覺化輔助超參數搜尋 ................................................ 44
6.3 模型管理 .................................................................. 44
七、 結論 45
7.1 結論 ........................................................................ 45
7.2 未來展望 .................................................................. 46
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指導教授 莊永裕 審核日期 2021-7-21
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