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姓名 林奕昕(Yi-Shin Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 以學生成績觀察分析共通職能的指標鑑別度
(Analyzing the Discrimination Index of General Competency Based on the Academic Performance)
★ 應用自組織映射圖網路及倒傳遞網路於探勘通信資料庫之潛在用戶★ 基於社群網路特徵之企業電子郵件分類
★ 行動網路用戶時序行為分析★ 社群網路中多階層影響力傳播探勘之研究
★ 以點對點技術為基礎之整合性資訊管理 及分析系統★ 在分散式雲端平台上對不同巨量天文應用之資料區域性適用策略研究
★ 應用資料倉儲技術探索點對點網路環境知識之研究★ 從交易資料庫中以自我推導方式探勘具有多層次FP-tree
★ 建構儲存體容量被動遷徙政策於生命週期管理系統之研究★ 應用服務探勘於發現複合服務之研究
★ 利用權重字尾樹中頻繁事件序改善入侵偵測系統★ 有效率的處理在資料倉儲上連續的聚合查詢
★ 入侵偵測系統:使用以函數為基礎的系統呼叫序列★ 有效率的在資料方體上進行多維度及多層次的關聯規則探勘
★ 在網路學習上的社群關聯及權重之課程建議★ 在社群網路服務中找出不活躍的使用者
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摘要(中) 現今企業在招募社會新鮮人時,除了重視個人的專業能力之外,自身的軟實力也是招募時看重的能力。為了讓學生們能瞭解自己的興趣以及在職場上的競爭力,教育部推出「大專校院就業職能平台」(UCAN)提供職業興趣探索及職能診斷,職能診斷包含了職場共通職能診斷及專業職能診斷,其中職場共通職能代表著職場中常見的軟實力,分別為溝通表達、持續學習、人際互動、團隊合作、問題解決、創新、工作責任及紀律還有資訊科技應用,透過診斷,將能力量化以了解個人的能力程度。
摘要(英) When companies recruit fresh graduates, in addition to their personal professional abilities, their own soft power is also an ability that they value. In order for students to understand their own interests and competitiveness in the workplace, the Ministry of Education launched the "University and College Employment Function Platform" (UCAN) to provide career interest survey and competency assessment. Competency assessment includes general competency assessment and professional competency assessment. General competencies represent common soft power in the workplace. They are communication, continuous learning, interpersonal interaction, teamwork, problem solving, innovation, job responsibility and discipline, and information technology applications. Quantify these abilities through assessment to understand the individual’s abilities.
The listed general competency items can be judged based on experience that some of them are related to each other. This research uses decision trees to find the rules between student′s course performance and general competencies. Through rule analysis to evaluate whether the items are related and can be merged, so that the total number of items is reduced. And through rules to analyze the distribution of students′ course scores for each general competencies, to assist institutional research in making decisions. According to the results to determine how to improve students′ soft power, so as to enhance students′ competitiveness in the workplace.
關鍵字(中) ★ 校務研究
★ 共通職能
★ 決策樹
關鍵字(英) ★ Institutional Research
★ General Competency
★ Decision Tree
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vi
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景及動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 章節介紹 4
二、文獻探討 5
2-1 決策樹(Decision Tree) 5
2-1-1 ID3 5
2-1-2 C4.5 6
2-1-3 CART 7
2-2 剪枝方法(Pruning Method) 9
2-2-1 Reduced Error Pruning (REP) 10
2-2-2 Pessimistic Error Pruning (PEP) 10
2-2-3 Critical Value Pruning (CVP) 11
2-3 隨機森林(Random Forest) 12
三、系統架構與流程 13
3-1 系統流程 13
3-2 資料前處理 14
3-3 組合共通職能項目 14
3-4 找尋規則與分析評估規則 14
四、研究方法 15
4-1 資料前處理 15
4-2 尋找共通職能組合項目 16
4-3 建立決策樹找尋規則 17
4-3-1 生成C4.5決策樹 17
4-3-2 後剪枝 18
4-3-3 隨機森林 22
4-4 分析評估共通職能項目合併可能性 22
五、實驗 24
5-1 實驗環境與規格 24
5-2 共通職能項目組合 25
5-3 決策樹表現 25
5-4 判斷共通職能項目合併可能性 30
5-5 各項共通職能之成績分布 31
六、結論 35
七、參考文獻 36
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指導教授 蔡孟峰(Meng-Feng Tsai) 審核日期 2021-7-27
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