博碩士論文 108521069 詳細資訊

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姓名 邱棋顯(Chi-Shian Chiou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 應用於客戶終端設備之FR1頻段雙極化基站天線設計
(Design of Dual-Polarized Antennas for Base Stations of CPE FR1 Band)
★ 利用缺陷型接地結構之雙頻微型平面倒F天線設計★ 應用於第三代行動電話之倒F天線設計
★ 使用寄生元件之平面式倒F型雙頻天線設計★ 利用寄生元件之平面式倒 F 型三頻天線設計
★ 無線通訊之三頻天線設計★ 無線通訊之雙頻與三頻槽孔型天線設計
★ 應用於智慧型行動裝置之LTE/WWAN多頻單極天線設計★ 應用於行動手持裝置之LTE/WWAN天線設計
★ 利用背腔式槽孔線結構之多頻段天線設計★ 利用缺陷地面共振電路之介質量測技術
★ 應用於藍芽與全球衛星定位系統之電抗性負載型雙頻槽孔天線★ 帶通圓形極化頻率選擇面之設計
★ 啞鈴型缺陷地面之介質量測電路分析與設計★ 雙頻圓極化微波極化器設計
★ 利用微小共振電路之多頻段天線設計★ 應用於X-band平面吸波器之薄型負載電路設計
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摘要(中) 本篇論文提出應用於客戶終端設備之FR1頻段雙極化基站天線設計,可提供5G NR(New Radio)行動通訊應用。本篇論文所使用的板材皆為低成本的FR4介質板,提出之天線設計皆以雙極化交叉偶極天線為主要設計架構。
所提出的設計主要有兩項。第一項為應用於0.698-0.96 GHz的低頻段基站天線設計,其中使用金屬耦合結構實現縮小天線體積,使其操作頻率相較其他同體積之基站天線能更加的低頻,並使用平衡-非平衡轉換器架構饋入能量以及固定天線。第二項為應用於3.3-5.0 GHz的高頻段基站天線設計,為了涵蓋所有目標頻段,主要是將雙極化交叉偶極天線以領結型結構進行設計,藉此獲得較寬的阻抗頻寬,並將二支基站天線置於同一反射板上,使其獲得單向輻射的特性。
量測結果顯示,低頻段基站天線二埠量測頻寬分別為40.5%與52.7%,增益為4.3-6 dBi ,隔離度大於17 dB以上,高頻段基站天線二埠量測頻寬分別為54.7%與53.1%,增益為6.0-7.5 dBi,隔離度大於27 dB以上,二支天線皆具有高指向性及高增益。
摘要(英) In the thesis, designs of dual-polarized antenna for base stations of CPE FR1 band are presented. The proposed designs can be applied for the 5G NR(New Radio) mobile communication applications. Two designs are proposed and discussed. The main structures of the proposed antennas are based on dual-polarized crossed dipole antenna, with low cost FR4 substrates. The first design is for the low-band base station at 0.698-0.96 GHz. In order to achieve compact size, metal coupling structure is used, making the operating frequency lower than other base station antennas of same size. The antenna is fed and supported by baluns. The second design is for high-band base station at 3.3-5.0 GHz. In order to cover all bands of interest, the dual-polarized crossed dipole antenna is designed by using bow-tie structure to obtain broadband response. In addition, and the two base station antennas are placed on the reflector to obtain unidirectional radiation.
The measured impedance bandwidths of the low-band base station antenna at ports #1 and #2 are 40.5% and 52.7%, respectively. The measured antenna gain is 4.3-6.0 dBi, and the measured port isolation is more than 17 dB. The measured impedance bandwidth of the high-band base station antenna at ports #1 and #2 are 54.7% and 53.1%, respectively. The measured gain is 6.0-7.5 dBi, and the measured port isolation is more than 27 dB. Both proposed antennas have sufficient antenna directivity and high gain for practical purposes.
關鍵字(中) ★ FR1頻段
★ 雙極化
★ 基站
關鍵字(英) ★ FR1 Band
★ Dual-Polarized
★ Base Station
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章 序論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 章節介紹 4
第二章 天線基礎理論 5
2-1 簡介 5
2-2 偶極天線介紹 5
2-3 雙極化交叉偶極天線 8
2-4 背腔反射架構介紹 9
第三章 低頻段0.698 – 0.96 GHz基站天線設計 10
3.1 簡介 10
3-2 低頻段基站天線初期設計 11
3-3 低頻段0.698 – 0.96 GHz基站天線優化縮小設計 19
3-4 模擬與量測結果 29
3-5 結論分析 36
第四章 高頻段3.3 – 5.0 GHz基站天線設計 39
4-1 簡介 39
4-2 高頻段基站天線初期設計 40
4-3 高頻段3.3 – 5.0 GHz基站天線優化頻寬設計 48
4-4 模擬與量測結果 56
4-5 結論分析 63
第五章 結論 66
參考文獻 67
參考文獻 [1]H. Huang, Y. Liu and S. Gong, "A Broadband Dual-Polarized Base Station Antenna With
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[4]A. Alieldin, Y. Huang, S. J. Boyes, M. Stanley, S. D. Joseph and B. Al-Juboori, "A Dual-Broadband Dual-Polarized Fylfot-Shaped Antenna for Mobile Base Stations Using MIMO Over-Lapped Antenna Subarrays", IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 50260-50271, 2018.
[5]Y. Cui, L. Wu and R. Li, "Bandwidth Enhancement of a Broadband Dual-Polarized Antenna for 2G/3G/4G and IMT Base Stations", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 7368-7373, Dec. 2018.
指導教授 丘增杰(Tsen-Chieh Chiu) 審核日期 2021-7-20
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