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姓名 黃啟恩(Chi-En Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 雙維度注意力機制之 超解析度生成對抗式網路: 生物辨識影像為例
(Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Network Base on the Dual Dimension Attention Mechanism ( For the case of Biometric Image Super-Resolution ))
★ 基於虹膜色彩空間的極端學習機的多類型頭痛分類★ 以多分數加權融合方式進行虹膜影像品質檢定
★ 基於深度學習之工業用智慧型機器視覺系統:以文字定位與辨識為例★ 基於深度學習的即時血壓估測演算法
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★ 以生成對抗式網路產生特定目的影像—以虹膜影像為例★ 一種基於Faster R-CNN的快速虹膜切割演算法
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摘要(中) 隨著生物辨識技術的發展趨於成熟,許多系統逐漸運用生物特徵來取代傳統密碼以達到認證功能;雖然此方案解決了密碼認證系統的問題(例如:易受暴力攻擊、密碼過長而難以記憶等),另一方面,卻也不可避免造成了其他缺陷(例如:生物特徵的存續、不變性,以及辨識率等)。


摘要(英) Since the biometric solution is able to avoid the security problems which the traditional method may be compromised, for example, the password may be compromised by brute force attack or phishing attack, many systems gradually use biometrics to replace traditional passwords to achieve authentication functions. However, other potential defects of biometric are inevitably caused, such as the immutability of physiological characteristics, and the lower recognition rate in unconditional environment.
As a part of biometric technology, iris recognition has the advantages of features persistency and high recognition rate. On the other hand, face recognition benefits from lower equipment costs and maintains a certain recognition rate. Therefore, both authentication systems are commonly used for authentication services in business or military access control. However, the accuracy of the biometric system mainly depends on the features of high-degree-of-freedom. The low-resolution image will cause the loss of feature details and greatly reduce the biometric recognition rate. Therefore, the traditional solution attempt to apply the high-cost sampling equipment to achieve higher resolution images.
With the technology of the Internet of Things (IoT) become mature, the number of the IoT device will be expected to grow to 50 billion around the world in 2030, and the various service is already prepared to deploy on it. According to the traditional solution of iris recognition, the deployment of expensive image acquisition sensors on mobile devices will inevitably result in high retail price. However, the low-cost equipments may not be able to meet various requirements based on image resolution, such as the additive photosensitive element to catch the depth of field, the additive storage to store the high-resolution image, and the high bandwidth to transmit the high-resolution image.
In order to deal with above mentioned issue, the super-resolution technology have been proposed to generate the super-resolution image of biometrics from the low-resolution input. Benefit from clear detailed information of output biometrics image, the overall recognition system will be greatly improved, and reduce the cost of building low-end equipment indirectly.
關鍵字(中) ★ 超解析度
★ 生成對抗式網路
★ 生物辨識
關鍵字(英) ★ super-resolution
★ generative adversarial network
★ biometric
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
一、緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
1-3論文架構 5
二、文獻回顧 6
2-1生物辨識技術 6
2-1-1生物辨識的流程與種類 7
2-1-2虹膜辨識 10
2-1-3人臉辨識 12
2-2超解析度網路介紹 14
2-2-1 SR-CNN 14
2-2-2 ESPCN 16
2-2-3 VDSR 16
2-2-4 SRDenseNet 17
2-2-5 EDSR 19
2-2-6 Residual Dense Network 20
2-2-7 SR-GAN 21
2-2-8 ESRGAN 24
2-2-9 nESRGAN+ 27
2-2-10 MA_SRGAN 29
2-2-11 RCAN 31
2-2-12 RAM 32
三、方法說明 34
3-1 方法架構 34
3-1-1 注意力機制的引入 34
3-1-2 整體網路架構 35
3-2 注意力機制模組 37
3-2-1 通道域注意力模組 (CAM) 38
3-2-2 空間域注意力模組 (SAM) 40
3-3 網路整體損失函數 42
四、實驗成果 44
4-1 實驗內容 44
4-1-1 資料集介紹 44
4-1-2 實驗資料集的劃分 45
4-1-3 實驗流程 47
4-1-4 實驗訓練的細節 51
4-2 實驗評價框架 52
4-3 實驗結果 53
4-3-1 虹膜影像客觀評價 54
4-3-2 人臉影像客觀評價 58
4-3-3 虹膜影像主觀評價 61
4-3-4 人臉影像主觀評價 66
五、結論與未來展望 73
5-1 結論 73
5-2 未來展望 74
六、參考文獻 75
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指導教授 栗永徽(Yung-Hui Li) 審核日期 2021-8-11
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