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姓名 王凱弘(Kai-Hung Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 工具機產業服務化探討
(A Study on Servitization in the Machine Tools Industry)
★ 製藥業的成本會計評估研究─ 一個ABC成本制度的應用★ 一個保險業的資料採擷應用--業務員的薪酬制度分析
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摘要(中) 2018年,台灣機械產業邁入兆元產業元年,卻也面臨著市場競爭、匯率波動、昇級轉型、資源與創新不足等問題,使業者在市佔、獲利與成長上倍感壓力。然而工業4.0智慧製造與IoT物聯網的倡議,促進了新型態消費需求,也加速了新應用技術的發展,對工具機 (Machine Tools) 產業帶來了新的刺激與挑戰,同時也浮現了轉型契機與曙光。
服務化 (Servitization) 是一種由產品導向思惟轉變成服務導向思惟的轉型過程,製造業者將傳統產品提供模式,轉變為產品服務系統 (PSS) 提供,以產品做為服務提供的載具及平台,藉以創造與傳遞給客戶更好的共同價值。Rolls-Royce由引擎製造商轉變成飛航動力服務提供商,Xerox由影印機製造商轉變成文書事務處理服務商,OTIS由電梯製造商轉變成人流與物流服務提供商。原本做為銷售的主要產品,成為服務提供媒介,藉由從中提供之客戶價值,來創造出新型態且持續性的商業模式。
工具機屬於複雜產品系統 (CoPS),具有資本財與知識複雜特性,交易期程長、頻率低、生命周期長,但不易取得使用階段售後服務商機;而自動化與數位化解決方案的提供,需要具備高度跨領域專業知識與技術整合。因此,在工具機特性與服務化本質下,工具機業者或可將服務化做為轉型策略,促使工具機製造商轉變成多元加工能力服務提供商,以創造出新型態與持續性之商業模式。
本研究採用質性研究法,進行次級資料搜集,並以扎根理論來做深入分析。研究標的方面,挑選了在工具機產業中具領導地位,且服務化程度領先的DMG MORI集團,藉由發展歷程來分析其服務化過程事件與軌跡。研究並以組織資訊處理理論中「適配」的概念,來解釋「加工處理能力」與「加工知識深度」之間,以及「財務負擔能力」與「設備資金投入」之間的平衡與適配過程,以做為服務化利基之推論基礎。
摘要(英) In 2018, Taiwan′s machinery industry entered the first year of the Trillion-Dollar industry. But it still faces challenges like stiff market competition, exchange rate fluctuations, upgrading and transformation, insufficient resources for innovation etc. Therefore, manufacturers have to tackle problems like market share, profit and growth. Meanwhile, the initiative of Industry 4.0, smart manufacturing and IoT has pushed new-type demand and accelerated the development of new application technologies. These together creates new stimulus, challenges and transformation opportunity for the industry.
Servitization is a process of transformation from product-oriented thinking to service-oriented thinking. Manufacturers transform the traditional product into product service system (PSS). The products can be used as the carrier for service delivery. In order to create and deliver better co-value to customers. Rolls-Royce changed from an engine manufacturer to an aero engine power service provider, Xerox changed from a photocopier manufacturer to a document processing service provider, and OTIS changed from an elevator manufacturer to a logistics service provider. The product, main selling object, has become the carrier for service providing. Through value delivery by carrier, the new-type business model will be created.
Machine tools possess the characteristics of complex product system (CoPS) with capital goods and complex knowledge. The transaction period is long, low frequency, and also with long product life cycle. It is not easy to obtain after-sales service business opportunities in the usage phase. For providing automation and digital solutions, it has to integrate with cross-domain knowledge and knowhow. Therefore, machine tool manufacturers may use servitization as a strategy for transformation. It could push machine tool manufacturers to transform into service providers with diverse PSS to create a new and sustainable business model.
This research adopts the quality research method, collecting secondary data for in depth analysis using grounded theory. Through the development history of DMG MORI, the world’s leading manufacturer of machine tools, this study analyzed the servitization events and trajectory of DMG MORI, which is a highly servitization company. This study proposes to use the concept of “fit” introduced by the organizational information processing theory as a foundation, to explain the balance between “machining capabilities” and “machining knowledge depth,” as well as the balance between “financial affordability” and “financial requirements,” to explain the servitazation prosess.
關鍵字(中) ★ 服務化
★ 工具機
★ 工業4.0
★ 智慧製造
★ 組織資訊處理理論
★ 扎根理論
關鍵字(英) ★ Servitization
★ Machine Tools
★ Industry 4.0
★ Smart Manufacturing
★ Organizational Information Processing Theory
★ Grounded Theory
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 2
1-2 研究目的 3
第二章 工具機產業現況與未來 5
2-1 工具機定義與分類 5
2-2 全球市場與產業分析 8
2-3 工具機產業現況與發展 14
2-4 工具機複雜產品系統 (Complex Product Systems, CoPS) 15
2-5 工具機產業服務化 (Servitization in Machine Tools Industry) 18
第三章 文獻探討 31
3-1 服務化 (Servitization) 31
3-2 產品服務系統 (Product-Service System) 35
3-3 工業4.0 (Industry 4.0) 與智慧製造 (Smart Manufacturing) 40
3-4 資通訊科技促成之服務化 (ICT Enabled Service) 44
3-5 組織資訊處理理論 (Organizational Information Processing Theory) 45
第四章 研究設計 50
4-1 研究方法 51
4-1-1 個案研究法 51
4-1-2 扎根理論 (Grounded Theory) 52
4-2 個案選擇與背景 54
4-3 資料搜集與分析 58
4-3-1 資料來源 58
4-3-2 編碼程序 60
4-4 資料品質 62
第五章 個案DMG MORI資料分析與討論 63
5-1 個案資料分析 63
5-1-1 開放編碼 63
5-1-2 主軸編碼 65
5-1-3 選擇編碼 72
5-2 議題討論 77
5-2-1 DMG MORI服務化水平 77
5-2-2 工具機產業服務化利基分析 79
5-2-3 DMG MORI服務化發展路徑與模式 84
第六章 結論與建議 91
6-1 研究成果與結論 91
6-2 管理意涵 93
6-3 研究限制 95
6-4 未來研究方向 95
參考文獻 96
附錄一、個案扎根理論編碼 101
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指導教授 范錚強(Cheng-Kiang Farn) 審核日期 2021-9-15
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