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姓名 胡立綸(Li-Lun Hu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 設計與製作一個易於持續演進之數位學習劇場軟體架構
(Design and produce a digital learning theater software architecture that is easy to continue to evolve)
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摘要(中) 在數位學習劇場的學術研究中,學生在相同的系統下進行擴展。隨著學生的世代交替系統規模逐漸擴大,若是原先的系統邏輯與實體架構不一致,會讓學生在開發時難以修改原本的系統。如果沒有開發與測試文件能夠輔助學生理解系統,學生就只能花費許多時間閱讀系統文件。因此對數位學習劇場重新設計與製作,並把系統實體架構修正是最佳的方法,與提供一個可以維護數位學習劇場的測試系統。因此本研究運用MVVM設計模式設計與製作數位學習劇場的系統架構,與製作測試系統以維護數位學習劇場,達成易於持續演進。最後我們使用行為驅動開發作為學生團隊開發的方法,讓參與開發的學生都能夠共同討論系統項目,增進本地生與外籍生間團隊開發的能力。
摘要(英) In the study of digital learning theater, students expand under the same system. With the gradual expansion of the students′ joint participation system, the actual situation of the final system and the actual use of the entity first, and the students modify the system during development. If there are no development and testing documents that can assist students in understanding the system, students can only spend time reading system documents. Therefore, the digital learning theater was redesigned and produced, and the system physical architecture was modified to the best method, and a test system for maintaining the digital learning theater was provided. Therefore, this research uses MVVM to design and produce the system architecture of the digital learning theater, and to produce a test system to maintain the digital learning theater, leading us to continuous design evolution. Finally, behavior-driven development is used as a driving method for student team development, so that all students participating in the development can discuss system projects together, and improve the team development ability between local and foreign students.
This research cooperates with the undergraduate students and conducts the introduction. During the introduction process, the students use the continuously evolving digital learning theater for project development, with a total of 6 people. Through the questionnaire, we understand: the developer believes that the pattern design and testing system can make the system easier and easier to maintain; and the behavior-driven development is for the development of team communication and team collaboration when the students develop the system integration in the team.
關鍵字(中) ★ 軟體演進
★ 數位學習劇場
★ MVVM模式
★ 行為驅動開發
關鍵字(英) ★ Software evolution
★ Digital learning theater
★ MVVM pattern
★ Behaviordriven development
論文目次 摘要 v
Abstract vi
誌謝 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 6
1-3 研究目的 6
1-4 研究問題與對策 6
二、 相關研究 9
2-1 軟體演進 9
2-2 數位學習劇場 9
2-3 MVVM 10
2-4 行為驅動開發 10
三、 系統設計與實作 11
3-1 設計理念 11
3-2 系統架構與設計 13
3-2-1 系統架構 13
3-2-2 開發環境與工具 14
3-3 系統實作 15
3-4 子系統開發 24
3-5 行為驅動開發 36
四、 導入驗證 37
4-1 導入假設 37
4-2 導入對象 38
4-3 導入流程 38
4-4 驗證工具 40
五、 導入討論與結果分析 40
5-1 設計模式對學生理解與開發系統的影響 40
5-2 行為驅動開發對團隊協作開發的影響 42
六、 結論與未來研究 43
6-1 結論 43
6-2 未來研究 45
參考文獻 46
附錄一、問卷 49
附錄二、關鍵字 62
附錄三、圖 63
附錄四、表 84
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2021-8-26
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