姓名 |
朱庭儀(Ting-Yi Chu)
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機械工程學系在職專班 |
論文名稱 |
鈹銅合金在連接器端子偏斜分析與改善 (Analysis and Improvement of Beryllium Copper Alloy on the Distortion of the Terminal Connector)
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摘要(中) |
研究結果顯示,若在沖切過程中,能確保端子左右兩側受力平均,可有效改善端子歪斜的情況,由數據得知,可有效降低57%的不良率。本研究之成果,不僅有助於了解製程對於端子歪斜的影響,還可以當作後續模具設計和維護的參考。 |
摘要(英) |
The function of terminal block connector is mainly for signaling and conduct electricity. Nowadays, the size of the connector is getting smaller, and the internal terminal structure is getting more complicated. Abnormalities such as crooked terminals or scratches on the surface may occur by unconscious assembling. Thus, the key is how to effectively manipulate the mold and procedures.
This study investigates the factors that cause crooked terminals in production process. Through understanding the effects of these factors, the solutions of reducing the crooked terminals could be proposed in the present study. This study apply beryllium copper alloy C1720R-1/4H (thickness: 0.25mm; width of the smallest terminal: 0.23mm). We discovered that it is easy to skew when punching because the width of the terminal is less than 2 times of the thickness.
The results of this study show that if the force on the left and right side of the terminal is evenly distributed during the punching process, the distortion of the terminal can be improved. The results of this study will not only lead us understand the influence of the process on the skewed terminals, but also serve as a reference for the progressive die design and maintenance. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 鈹銅合金 ★ 連續沖模 ★ 連接器端子 ★ 端子歪斜 ★ C1720 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Be-Cu alloy ★ progressive die ★ terminal block connector ★ crooked terminal ★ C1720 |
論文目次 |
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章、緒論 - 1 -
1.1前言 - 1 -
1.2沖壓介紹 - 1 -
1.3文獻回顧 - 3 -
1.4研究動機 - 4 -
第二章、材料特性與技術分析 - 5 -
2.1連接器材料特性 - 5 -
2.2連接器端子特性 - 7 -
2.3沖切方法 - 10 -
2.3.1沖切說明 - 10 -
2.3.2影響端子沖切之因素 - 11 -
第三章、模具設計與實驗設備 - 13 -
3.1實驗流程圖 - 13 -
3.2模具設計 - 14 -
3.3實驗設備 - 15 -
第四章、實驗結果與討論 - 21 -
4.1沖切刀口設計 - 21 -
4.2量測手法 - 26 -
4.3量測數據 - 30 -
第五章、結論與未來展望 - 31 -
5.1結論 - 31 -
5.2未來展望 - 31 -
參考文獻 - 32 -
附錄一 - 34 -
附錄二 - 37 -
附錄三 - 43 -
附錄四 - 45 -
附錄五 - 48 -
附錄六 - 49 -
附錄七 - 51 - |
參考文獻 |
[2]Froos Fu, “連接器金屬材料性能解釋及其對連接器的影響”,CACT,2010年。
[7]陳孟偉, “鈹銅探針之複合加工法研究”,國立虎尾科技大學碩士論文,民國102年。
[9]Brush Wellman inc,“Guide to Beryllium Copper”,P20-77,2000年。
[20]邱先拿、廖振昇、蔡添吉、魏江銘,“沖壓模具設計手冊”,金屬工業研究發展中心,1998年。 |
指導教授 |
審核日期 |
2021-8-20 |
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