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姓名 林彥成(Yan-Cheng Lin) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 冠狀動脈三維重建之初步架構
(Initial process for 3D reconstruction of coronary arteries)相關論文
★ Zienkiewicz動態多孔彈性力學模型之穩定性探討 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 ( 永不開放) 摘要(中) 心血管疾病占全球死亡因素前幾名,對於診斷及治療的方法都有持續性的研究。醫師使用 X 光血管攝影(X-ray angiography,XRA)和血管內超音波影像(Intravascular ultrasound,IVUS)等技術作為診斷和治療的媒介,在將導管放入患者體內時,醫師需要建立三維空間概念才能正確操作導管至病灶位置。因此血管的三維重建可以幫助醫師直覺地想像導管與血管在三維空間中的位置,對醫師在操作導管時可以做到更精細的處理。本研究著重在利用 XRA 兩視圖重建出血管路徑於三維空間中座標,方法分成三大步驟,一、人工在 XRA 雙視圖上標記三大心血管位置,再用樣條插值擬合心血管路徑;二、利用對極幾何(Epipolar)與最小中值平方法(Least median squares,LMedS)消除錯誤對應的點;三、利用四元數建構旋轉矩陣來避免萬向鎖,再找出兩線段間最短距離之中點。未來可以加入自動建立心血管
系統的樹狀圖,再搭配 LMedS 找出兩視圖中每條線段的對應點,再加入自動辨識血管輪廓演算法重建出包含血管輪廓的三維心血管模型。摘要(英) Cardiovascular diseases are in the top ten of death factors in the world, and there is continuous research on the methods of diagnosis and treatment. Physicians use X-ray angiography(XRA) and Intravascular ultrasound(IVUS) as the medium of diagnosis and treatment. When placing the catheter into the patient, the physician needs to establish a three-dimensional concept for correctly operating the catheter to the location of lesion. The three-dimensional reconstruction of the coronary can help the physician intuitively imagine the relationship of the catheter and the coronary in the three-dimensional space, and the physician can perform more accurate operating. In this paper we propose an approach to use the two views of XRA to reconstruct the coordinates of the coronary path in the three-dimensional space. First, manually mark the three coronary positions on the two views of XRA, and then use the spline interpolation to fit the coronary path;Second, use epipolar geometry and Least median squares (LMedS) to eliminate the wrong corresponding points;Third, use quaternions to construct a rotation matrix in order to avoid Gimbal lock, and then find out the midpoint of the shortest distance between two line segments. In the future, it can be added to automatically create a tree diagram of the cardiovascular system, and then use LMedS to find the corresponding point of each line segment in the two views, and then add an algorithm of automatic identification of vessel contour to reconstruct a three-dimensional cardiovascular model containing the contour of the vessel. 關鍵字(中) ★ X光血管攝影
★ 三維重建關鍵字(英) ★ X-ray angiography
★ 3-D reconstruction論文目次 目 錄
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章、 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 文獻回顧 2
第二章、 研究方法 4
2.2 血管標記與擬合曲線 6
2.2.1 人工標記 6
2.2.2 樣條插值(Spline interpolation) 7
2.3 篩選對應點 8
2.3.1 對極幾何(Epipolar geometric) 8
2.3.2 最小中值平方法(Least median squares,LMedS) 9
2.4 血管重建 10
2.4.1 四元數建構旋轉矩陣 10
2.4.2 血管三維座標 12
第三章、 結果與討論 14
3.1 血管標記與擬合曲線 14
3.1.1 人工標記結果 14
3.1.2 樣條插值結果 14
3.2 篩選對應點 15
3.2.1 LMedS篩選後結果 15
3.3 血管重建 16
3.3.1 空間旋轉結果 16
3.3.2 血管重建結果 17
第四章、 結論與未來展望 19
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