摘要(英) |
The quasi-experimental study aims to examine the effectiveness and the integrative learning attitude of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)Project-Based Learning curriculum based on engineering design process, on 6th graders’ Science,
Mathmatics, Engineering and Technology domains. Two groups of 6th graders of New Taipei City participated in this study for 5 weeks. The participants were trained to learn the unitMechanics: How to Work Effectively and seperated into control group and experiment group. The teaching method on two groups were Inquiry Teaching Method with practical operating process and STEM Project-Based Learning curriculum based on engineering design process. The instructions were given via in-person classes for the first two weeks, and the third, fourth, and fifth weeks were online classes due to COVID-19.
After the instructions, quantitative data were collected via pre- and posttests of Scientific Concepts proficiency test, Technology and Engeineering Cognition test, the Ability of Technology Inguiry Scale, the Engineering Attitude Scale, and the Interests in Science Scale. Participants’ responses were analyzed and interpreted in the thematic method, throught desciptive statistics, correlation analysis, and analysis of covariance SPSS 20.0.
The results of this study indicates that:
(1) Currirulum based on engineering design process is helpful for students to comprehend
Scientific concepts, especially on Remembering and Understanding.
(2) Currirulum based on engineering design process enhances students’ cognition of
Technology and Engineering.
(3) Currirulum based on engineering design process lifts the learning effects of students’
ability of Technology Inguiry on defining problems, planning, and explainging and analyzing.
(4) Currirulum based on engineering design process doesn’t enhance students’ attitude
toward engineering, but it works on the value judgement of engineering toward the society.iii
(5) Currirulum based on engineering design process doesn’t raise students’ interests in
Sciene, but it benefits the confidence of learning Science and the value toward Science.
At last, this study suggests that teachers may choose Technology and Engineering related
units to implement currirulum based on engineering design process to enhance the effectiveness of STEM Project-Based Learning curriculum. On the other hand, though we had
to switch the in-person classes to online classes, we found online platforms are useful for students to construct the concepts of currirulum based on engineering design process, and cultivate the attitude toward engineering. Based upon the study results, we recommend this study to the reference of online learning based on engineering design process in the future. |
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