摘要(英) |
In this paper, I study the effectiveness on models from Fama and French(2015) and Hou, Xue, Zhang(2015) in Taiwanese listed company respectively. Based on the difference in the definition of the profitability factor, I separately examine two samples, which are all listed firms and all listed companies excluding financial firms in order to study the connection between factors and stock returns in two models. Using multiple regression analysis, I rank models based on the amount of significant alpha in 74 portfolios. Moreover, for the completeness of the research, I also consider Fama-French-Carhart four factors model and CAPM.
The research period is from 1990 to 2019 and my findings are as follow. First, no matter using which announcement date version or containing financial firms or not, CAPM performs the best, which is contrary to both Fama and French(2015) and Hou, Xue, Zhang(2015). Second, during all-sample period, the Fama-French five factors model ranks after CAPM, but it is superior to the Hou et al. six factors model. Third, after adding HML factor, the performance of the Fama-French five factors model and the Hou et al. six factors model are better, which is opposite to the conclusion of Fama and French(2015). |
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