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姓名 李敬超(Ching-Chao Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 應用具位置知覺的博物館導覽系統於行動團隊學習之研究
(A Context-aware Museum Tour Guide for Mobile Collaborative Learning)
★ 無線行動隨意網路上穩定品質服務路由機制之研究★ 應用多重移動式代理人之網路管理系統
★ 應用移動式代理人之網路協同防衛系統★ 鏈路狀態資訊不確定下QoS路由之研究
★ 以訊務觀察法改善光突發交換技術之路徑建立效能★ 感測網路與競局理論應用於舒適性空調之研究
★ 以搜尋樹為基礎之無線感測網路繞徑演算法★ 基於無線感測網路之行動裝置輕型定位系統
★ 多媒體導覽玩具車★ 以Smart Floor為基礎之導覽玩具車
★ 行動社群網路服務管理系統-應用於發展遲緩兒家庭★ 具位置感知之穿戴式行動廣告系統
★ 調適性車載廣播★ 車載網路上具預警能力之車輛碰撞避免機制
★ 應用於無線車載網路上之合作式交通資訊傳播機制以改善車輛擁塞★ 智慧都市中應用車載網路以改善壅塞之調適性虛擬交通號誌
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摘要(中) 隨著現代人對於假日活動品質的重視與要求,具學習性質的知性旅遊已漸受民眾青睞。但由於一般民眾對於這些知性旅遊地點,如博物館、天文館、美術館等地的展出內容大多沒有相關背景知識,在展示場所又無法獲得足夠的資訊,因此一趟參觀行程時常是走馬看花,平白喪失了一次良好的學習機會。傳統上博物館都會設置導覽人員為民眾介紹展出內容,並解答民眾的疑惑。但是這樣的解說服務通常是為團體參觀的民眾服務,不但步調受制於解說員以及團員影響,參觀的路線更是受到限制。若能以輕便的裝置搭載足夠的導覽資訊讓民眾隨身攜帶使用,使用者不但能對展示品獲得進一步地瞭解,還可隨自己的喜好與意志進行參觀。
本論文提出一應用具位置知覺的博物館導覽系統以輔助團隊學習的研究,提出於團隊學習時所需的輔助功能與功效,將用以輔助單人參觀的工具賦予更深的教育意義。博物館的客源除了一般民眾外,還有一大部份是來自各級學校的課外教學活動。在課外教學活動中首重學生與學生之間的知識交流以及老師與學生們的互動,因此本論文引入Computer Supported Collaborative Learning的觀念,運用了導覽系統為使用者建立起一知識交流網路,並給予老師管理、監控學生的能力。
摘要(英) In Taiwan, people are getting more aware of their time spent on holidays. In addition to outdoor activities, indoor activities such as visits to museums and galleries are getting more popular. But people usually have only a little background knowledge on exhibitions and they can hardly reach exhibit information beyond the illustration tags. Therefore most museums provide tour guide services with expositors to give further explanations and answer visitor questions. However, expositor services are for group visitors and also the tour routes are fixed. Individual visitors are usually helpless during their museum visits such that lost chances to meet the treasure hidden in each exhibits.
A museum tour guide system that is used not only for individual visitors but also to facilitate collaborative activities is proposed in the thesis. Using a mobile device as personal museum expert such that people may visit exhibits freely while exposing himself or herself to a rich knowledge base at the same time. The introduction of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning brings more potential learning supplements to the guide system such that users may share their knowledge to others and teachers in an educational excursion can monitor the learning effects of students.
After the implementation, we have held an experiment to see how the proposed system helps a class of students visit a dinosaur exhibition. During the experiment, a competition was held to encourage the use of proposed system. Results after the experiment show that users were found of the system and averagely over 60% users were satisfied by the supplied functions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 團隊學習
★ 位置知覺
★ 導覽服務
★ 行動學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Collaborative Learning
★ Tour guide services
★ Context-aware
★ Mobile Learning
論文目次 Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Museum Tour Guide 1
1.2 Mobile Learning 5
1.3 Goals 6
1.4 Organization 9
Chapter 2. Related Works 10
2.1 Context-awareness 10
2.2 Innovative Tour Guide Systems 11
2.2.1 The Electronic Guidebook 13
2.2.2 Hypermedia Tour Guide 15
2.2.3 Sotto Voce 16
2.3 Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 17
2.4 Sharable Course Object Reference Model 21
Chapter 3. The Proposed Museum Tour Guide System 23
3.1 Surveys on Related Technology 23
3.1.1 Considerations on network environments 23
3.1.2 Considerations on Mobile devices 29
3.1.3 Considerations on positioning technologies 32
3.2 System Overview 34
3.3 Network Topology 37
3.4 System Model 41
3.5 Functionalities and Usages 44
3.3.1 Convenience in an individual visit 44
3.3.2 Support to group activities 49
3.3.3 Add-on services 54
3.3.4 Management and statistic mechanisms 56
Chapter 4. System Implementation 59
4.1 System Overview 59
4.2 Environment and Tools to Develop 61
4.3 System Functionalities and demonstration 64
Chapter 5. Assessments 78
5.1 Experiment Scenario 79
5.2 Experiment Results and Discussions 81
5.2.1 Data Collected from Students and Teachers 81
5.2.2 Recommendations from Museum Staffs 90
Chapter 6. Conclusions 94
References 96
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指導教授 周立德(Li-Der Chou) 審核日期 2003-7-18
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