博碩士論文 90522031 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳香翰(Shain-Han Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 遮罩保護機制防禦差分能量攻擊之研究
(The Research on Masking Countermeasure Against Differential Power Analysis)
★ 多種數位代理簽章之設計★ 小額電子支付系統之研究
★ 實體密碼攻擊法之研究★ 商業性金鑰恢復與金鑰託管機制之研究
★ AES資料加密標準之實體密碼分析研究★ 電子競標系統之研究
★ 針對堆疊滿溢攻擊之動態程式區段保護機制★ 通用型數域篩選因數分解法之參數探討
★ 於8051單晶片上實作可防禦DPA攻擊之AES加密器★ 以非確定式軟體與遮罩分割對策 防禦能量攻擊之研究
★ AES資料加密標準之能量密碼分析研究★ 小額電子付費系統之設計與密碼分析
★ 公平電子現金系統之研究★ RSA公開金鑰系統之實體密碼分析研究
★ 保護行動代理人所收集資料之研究★ 選擇密文攻擊法之研究與實作
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摘要(中) 隨著資訊科技與網際網路的蓬勃發展,資訊安全的問題與需求,與人們的生活息息相關,因此,密碼學之相關研究已然成為現今重要的議題。除了探討密碼演算法本身的特性與結構,密碼系統的實作過程也必須納入安全分析。物理攻擊法便是藉由密碼系統運算過程中所洩漏的物理現象進行攻擊,因此即使是保證安全的密碼演算法,也會因實作過程洩漏些許資訊而可破解密碼系統。
摘要(英) Since the explosive growth in the use of computer and Internet, the requirements for information security generate higher influence in our daily life. Therefore, cryptography becomes an important issue, which not only considers the cryptographic algorithm but also takes their implementations into account. Physical attacks on the security of a cryptosystem are characterized by viewing the information leaking from the cryptosystem being processed.
The preliminary knowledge and requirements of physical cryptanalysis will be discussed. The discussion of physical security is extended to include an important standard, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Further, an approach to the protection of cryptosystem in software-based implementation from power analysis is also addressed.
For opposing differential power analysis, an improved technique to perform the security transformation will be developed. A masking countermeasure resisted power analysis and integrated transformations into original cryptographic architecture is presented. The principles of improved technique are discussed and the analysis of performance and security are provided completely.
Finally, the techniques used to construct improved masking method are examined. The practical masking countermeasure has been implemented and provides the information security against the DPA attack. The experimental results demonstrated the practicality of the DPA attacks on straightforward AES and the security of AES could be achieved by using improved method.
關鍵字(中) ★ 差分能量攻擊
★ 遮罩保護機制
★ 乘法反元素
★ 乘法遮罩保護
★ 物理攻擊法
★ 晶片卡
★ 新一代加密器
★ 密碼學
★ 能量攻擊法
關鍵字(英) ★ Physical cryptanalysis
★ Side channel attack
★ Power analysis attack
★ Smart cards
★ Transformed masking
★ Cryptography
★ Multiplicative mask
★ Inversion
論文目次 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Conventional Mathematical Attacks Versus Physical Cryptanalysis
1.2.1 Conventional mathematical attacks
1.2.2 Physical cryptanalysis
1.3 Overview of The Thesis
2 Preliminary Background of Power Analysis Attack and AES
2.1 Power Analysis Attack
2.2 Simple Power Analysis
2.3 Differential Power Analysis
2.4 Brief Review of AES
2.4.1 Physical cryptanalysis against AES
2 Introduction to Masking Countermeasure
3.1 Random Masking Technique
3.2 Masking Conversions
3.3 Transformed Masking Method
3.3.1 Transformed masking on AES
3.3.2 Vulnerability and cryptanalysis procedures
3.3.3 Simplified and enhanced transformed masking
4 An Improved Transformed Masking for AES Implementation
4.1 Motivation
4.2The Proposed Countermeasure
4.2.1 Secure implementation on S-Box transactions
4.2.2 Updating m-Inversion tables
4.3 Security Analysis
4.3.1 Proposed DPA on simplified and enhanced transformed masking
4.3.2 Security against first-order DPA
4.3.3 Security against second-order DPA
4.4 Performance Comparisons with Other Methods
4.4.1 Multiplication in GF(2^8)
4.5 Main Contribution
5 Experimental Work
5.1 Description of Experimental Equipment
5.1.1 Experimental environment
5.1.2 The selection function of DPA
5.2 Experimental Results
5.2.1 Experimental results of straightforward AES implementation
5.2.2 Experimental results of proposed masking method
6 Concluding Remarks
6.1 Brief Review of Main Contributions
6.2 Further Research Topic and Directions
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指導教授 顏嵩銘(Sung-Ming Yen) 審核日期 2004-6-21
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