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姓名 陳佳宏(Chia-hung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 策略聯盟下航空公司合作排程暨班表規劃之研究
(Coordinated Fleet Routing and Flight Scheduling for Airlines under Alliances)
★ 橋梁檢測人力機具排班最佳化之研究★ 勤業務專責分工下消防人員每日勤務排班最佳模式之研究
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摘要(中) 近年來航空公司時興透過策略聯盟之建立,增加航空網路與機隊營運之效率。而飛航排程與班次表之建立為航空公司營運之重點,與航空公司間策略聯盟績效之關係密切。良好的飛航排程與班次表規劃,除可強化策略聯盟的績效,亦可在航空公司聯盟的談判中,提供一重要之決策參考。目前航空公司在配合策略聯盟的排班上,以往各家航空公司在進行策略聯盟後,僅就現行的班次表各自以人工方式進行局部的調整,未以系統最佳化方法,調整其排班,如此可能降低聯盟的功效。另外,以往研究主要針對個別航空公司的排班作業,無法應用於聯盟航空公司的排班作業。緣此,本研究針對航空公司策略聯盟及航空公司排程的相關性下,建立數個航空公司聯盟排程模式,以幫助聯盟的航空公司在策略的談判中,求得共同最滿意的機隊排程與班次表。此等模式期能於未來實務應用上,提供有效的工具,以處理航空公司策略聯盟下之飛航排程問題。
摘要(英) Recently, the trend has been for major air carriers enter into alliances with other carriers as a means of forming global networks and reaching a more efficient level of operations. Fleet routing and flight scheduling are not only important in individual airline operations, but also affect these alliances. The setting of a good coordinated fleet routing and flight scheduling can not only enhance the operating performance of the allied airlines, but can also be a useful reference for allied airlines in their decision-making process. However, currently in Taiwan most fleet routing and flight scheduling formulation is done on a trial-and-error process. To do this the airline iteratively constructs and evaluates the schedule phases manually and independently of each other, without optimization from a systemic perspective. As well most past research on fleet routing and flight scheduling has mainly focused on single carrier transportation, which is difficult to apply to a coordinated scheduling problem. Therefore, to fill this gap in this dissertation, we develop several coordinated scheduling models, in order to help the allied airlines solve for the most satisfactory fleet routes and timetables. It is expected that such models will be useful tools allowing the allied carriers to plan the most suitable fleet routes and timetables for short-term operations.
To evaluate how the proposed coordinated scheduling models perform in practice, we perform apply them to both passenger and cargo fleet routing and flight scheduling problems. The dissertation includes three essays. In the first, we develop several coordinated scheduling models, which will help the allied airlines solve for the most satisfactory fleet routes and timetables within the alliance. In the second, we also develop several coordinated scheduling models combining airport selection, fleet routing and timetable setting, in order to help cargo airlines solve for the most satisfactory cargo fleet within an alliance. In the third, we develop a mixed-stop heuristic and a family of Lagrangian based algorithms for solving coordinated fleet routing and flight scheduling problems. We perform these applications using real operating data, with reasonable simplifications. The C computer language is used to write the necessary programs, coupled with the CPLEX mathematical programming solver, to solve the problems. Finally, conclusions and suggestions for future research are given.
關鍵字(中) ★ 門檻值接受法
★ 策略聯盟
★ 飛航排程
★ 班次表
★ 一般化網路
★ 多重貨物網路流動問題
★ 拉氏鬆弛法
★ 啟發式解法
關鍵字(英) ★ Lagrangian relaxation
★ Multiple commodity network flow problem
★ Generalized network
★ Timetable
★ Fleet routing
★ Alliance
★ Threshold accepting
★ Heuristic
論文目次 摘要…….. I
Abstract…. II
List of Tables V
List of Figures VI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Problem statement 1
1.2 Dissertation Structure 2
Chapter 2 Essay1: Coordinated Scheduling Models for Allied Airlines 6
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Modeling Approach 9
2.2.1 Fleet-flow time-space networks 9
2.2.2 Passenger-flow time-space networks 12
2.2.3. Notations of symbols used in the model formulation 16
2.2.4 Basic model formulation 18
2.2.5 Strategic model formulations 20
2.2.6 Model applications 21
2.3. Numerical Tests 24
2.3.1 Data analysis 24
2.3.2 Test results 25
2.3.3 Model applications 29
2.3.4 Sensitivity analysis 33
2.4. Conclusions 36
Chapter 3 Essay2: Optimal Flight Scheduling Models for Cargo Airlines under Alliances 38
3.1 Introduction 38
3.2 Modeling Approach 40
3.2.1 Fleet-flow time-space networks 40
3.2.2 Cargo-flow time-space networks 44
3.2.3 Notations of symbols used in the model formulation 47
3.2.4 Basic model formulation 49
3.2.5 Strategic model formulations 51 The alliance types 52 Resource sharing strategies 52
3.3 Numerical Tests 53
3.3.1 Data analysis 53
3.3.2 Test results 54
3.4 Conclusions 59
Chapter 4 Essay3: Lagrangian based Algorithms for Coordinated Fleet Routing and Flight Scheduling Problems 61
4.1 Introduction 61
4.2 Problem Description 63
4.3 Development of the Solution Algorithms 67
4.3.1 Mixed-stop heuristic 68
4.3.2 LR1 69
4.3.3 LR2, LR3 and LR4 76
4.4 Computational Tests 78
4.5 Conclusions 84
Chapter 5 Conclusions, Suggestions and Contributions 86
5.1 Conclusions 86
5.2 Suggestions 88
5.3 Contributions 89
References 91
Appendix 1 Operation Data for Passenger Transportation 96
Appendix 2 Alliance Feasibility and Operation Data for Cargo Transportation 97
1. Alliance Feasibility 97
2. Operation Data 97
Appendix 3 Adjusting Lagaragian Multipliers 101
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指導教授 顏上堯(Shangyao Yan) 審核日期 2007-5-16
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