參考文獻 |
[1] M. Wooldridge, N. R. Jennings, "Pitfalls of Agent-Oriented Development", in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents (Agents ‘98), Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1998.
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[15] F. Bellifemine, A. Poggi, and G. Rimassa, JADE - A FIPA-compliant agent framework, CSELT internal technical report. Part of this report has been also published in Proceedings of PAAM'99, London, pages 97-108, April 1999.
[16] J. L. Austin, How to do Things with Words, Clarendon, Oxford, UK, 1962.
[17] T. Finin, Y. Labrou, and J. Mayfield, KQML as an agent communication language, In “Software Agents'”, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1997.
[18] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Content Language Library Specification, Jul. 31, 2000, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00007/XC00007A.pdf.
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[32] M. Dastani, F. Dignum, and J. J. Meyer, Autonomy and Agent Deliberation, In Proceedings of The First International Workshop on Computational Autonomy - Potential, Risks, Solutions (Autonomous 2003), to be held at AAMAS'03, Melbourne, Jul. 2003.
[33] M. Dastani, 3APL Platform: User Guide, Nov. 16, 2006, available at: http://www.cs.uu.nl/3apl/download/java/userguide.pdf.
[34] M. Dastani, B. van Riemsdijk, F. Dignum, and J.-J. C. Meyer, "A Programming Language for Cognitive Agents: Goal-directed 3APL," in Proc. the ProMAS 2003.
[35] F. Bellifemine, A. Poggi, and G. Rimassa, JADE - A FIPA-compliant agent framework, CSELT internal technical report, Part of this report has been also published in Proceedings of PAAM'99, London, pages 97-108, April 1999.
[36] D. Greenwood, J. Nagy, M. Calisti, Semantic Enhancement of a Web Service Integration Gateway, Service Oriented Computing and Agent Based Engineering (SOCABE) Workshop, Netherlands, 2005.
[37] A. Helsinger, M. Thome, and T. Wright, Cougaar: A Scalable, Distributed Multi-Agent Architecture, Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Vol. 2, pages 10-13, Oct. 2004.
[38] M. Dastani, J. van der Ham, and F. Dignum, Communication for goal directed agents, In Communication in Multi-agent Systems - Agent Communication Languages and Conversation Policies, LNCS 2650, pages 239-252. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2003.
[39] F. Dignum and M. Greaves (Eds.), Issues in Agent Communication, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1916, Springer 2000.
[40] J. Yen, X. Fan, S. Sun, T. Hanratty, and J. Dumer, Agents with shared mental models for enhancing team decision makings, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 41, pages 634-653, 2006.
[41] F. Koch, J. J. Meyer, F. Dignum, and I. Rahwan, Programming Deliberative Agents for Mobile Services: the 3APL-M Platform, AAMAS'05 Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS05).
[42] L. Winkelhagen, M. Dastani, J. Broersen, Beliefs in Agent Implementation, In Proceedings of the third International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3904, Springer, 2006.
[43] J. Broekstra, A. Kampman, and F. van Harmelen. Sesame: A generic architecture for storing and querying RDF and RDF schema. In the Semantic Web - ISWC 2002, Vol. 2342 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 54-68. Springer, 2002.
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[45] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Contract Net Interaction Protocol Specification, Dec. 6, 2002, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00029/SC00029H.pdf.
[46] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Iterated Contract Net Interaction Protocol Specification, Dec. 6, 2002, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00030/SC00030H.pdf.
[47] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA English Auction Interaction Protocol Specification, Aug. 15, 2001, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00031/XC00031F.pdf.
[48] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Dutch Auction Interaction Protocol Specification, Aug. 15, 2001, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00032/XC00032F.pdf.
[49] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Propose Interaction Protocol Specification, Dec. 6, 2002, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00036/SC00036H.pdf.
[50] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Request Interaction Protocol Specification, Dec. 6, 2002, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00026/SC00026H.pdf.
[51] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Request When Interaction Protocol Specification, Dec. 6, 2002, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00028/SC00028H.pdf.
[52] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Query Interaction Protocol Specification, Dec. 6, 2002, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00027/SC00027H.pdf.
[53] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Subscribe Interaction Protocol Specification, Dec. 6, 2002, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00035/SC00035H.pdf.
[54] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Brokering Interaction Protocol Specification, Dec. 6, 2002, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00033/SC00033H.pdf.
[55] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Recruiting Interaction Protocol Specification, Dec. 6, 2002, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00034/SC00034H.pdf.
[56] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA Content Language Library Specification, Jul. 31, 2000, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00007/XC00007A.pdf.
[57] Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, FIPA RDF Content Language Specification, Aug. 16, 2001, available at: http://www.fipa.org/specs/fipa00011/XC00011B.pdf.
[58] D. Martin, M. Burstein, J. Hobbs, O. Lassila, D. McDermott, S. McIlraith, S. Narayanan, M. Paolucci, B. Parsia, T. Payne, E. Sirin, N. Srinivasan, and K. Sycara, OWL-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services, W3C Member Submission, Nov. 22, 2004.
[59] The World Wide Web Consortium, RDF Primer, W3C Recommendation, editor: Frank Manola and Eric Miller, W3C Recommendation, Feb. 10, 2004.
[60] Y. Zou, T. Finin, L. Ding, H. Chen, R. Pan, “Using Semantic Web technology in Multi-Agent Systems: a case study in the TAGA trading agent environment”, In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, pages: 95-101, 2003.
[61] M. J. O'Connor, H. Knublauch, S. W. Tu, & M. A. Musen. Writing Rules for the Semantic Web Using SWRL and Jess. 8th International Protege Conference, Protege with Rules Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 2005.
[62] J. R. Hobbs and F. Pan, An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web, ACM Transactions on Asian Language Processing (TALIP): Special issue on Temporal Information Processing, Vol. 3, No. 1, pages. 66-85, March 2004.
[63] J. R. Searle. A taxonomy of illocutionary acts. Language, Mind and Knowledge, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, pages 344-369, 1975.
[64] E. Arnautovic, Language Specification for Communicative Acts, Technical Report, 2005.
[65] S. Poslad and P. Charlton, Standardizing Agent Interoperability: the FIPA Approach, European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS), pages 98-117, 2001.
[66] A. S. Rao and M. Georgeff, BDI Agents: from Theory to Practice, In Proceedings 1st International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS-95), pages 312-319, 1996.
[67] Goal-Directed Agent Technology: A Radical New Approach to Lowering Time to Market and Total Cost of Ownership, Agentis International, Inc.
[68] L. Winkelhagen, M. Dastani, J. Broersen, Beliefs in Agent Implementation, In Proceedings of the third International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3904, Springer, 2006.
[69] A. H. Dekker, Possible Worlds, Belief, and Modal Logic: a Tutorial, Oct. 5, 2004
[70] Linh Anh Nguyen, Reasoning about Epistemic States of Agents by Modal Logic Programming, Proceedings of Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA) VI, LNAI 3900, pages 37-56, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
[71] D. Booth, H. Haas, F. McCabe, E. Newcomer, M. Champion, C. Ferris, and D. Orchard, Web Services Architecture, W3C Working Group Note, Feb. 11, 2004.
[72] Dumitru Roman, Uwe Keller, Holger Lausen, Jos de Bruijn, Ruben Lara, Michael Stollberg, Axel Polleres, Cristina Feier, Christoph Bussler, and Dieter Fensel, Web Service Modeling Ontology, Applied Ontology, Vol. 1, Number 1, pages 77-106, 2005.
[73] S. McIlraith, T.C. Son, and H. Zeng, Semantic Web Services, IEEE Intelligent Systems Special Issue on the Semantic Web, pp. 46-53, Mar.-Apr. 2001.
[74] N. J. Davis, D. Fensel, and M. Richarson, The future of Web Services, BT Technology Journal, Vol. 22, Number 1, pages 118-130, 2004.
[75] T. Sollazzo, S. Handschuh, S. Staab, and M. Frank, Semantic Web Service Architecture - Evolving Web Service Standards toward the Semantic Web. Proc. of the 15th International FLAIRS Conference. Pensacola, Florida, May 16-18, 2002.
[76] S. Balzer, T. Liebig and M. Wagner, Pitfalls of OWL-S - A practical Semantic Web Use Case, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC2004), pages 289-298, New York, NY, USA, Nov. 2004.
[77] D. Greenwood, J. Nagy, and M. Calisti, Semantic Enhancement of a Web Service Integration Gateway, AAMAS 2005 workshop on Service Oriented Computing and Agent Based Engineering, July 2005.
[78] D. Martin, M. Burstein, J. Hobbs, O. Lassila, D. McDermott, S. McIlraith, S. Narayanan, M. Paolucci, B. Parsia, T. Payne, E. Sirin, N. Srinivasan, and K. Sycara, OWL-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services, editor: David Martin, W3C Member Submission, Nov. 22, 2004.
[79] T. Berners-Lee, Notation 3 (N3): A readable language for data on the Web, available at: http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Notation3.html.
[80] D. Beckett, Turtle: Terse RDF Triple Language, available at: http://www.dajobe.org/2004/01/turtle.
[81] N. Srinivasan, M. Paolucci, and K. Sycara, An Efficient Algorithm for OWL-S based Semantic Search in UDDI, In 1st International Workshop on Semantic Web Services and Web Process Composition (SWSWPC 2004), pages 6-9, San Diego, California, USA, 2004.
[82] R. Chinnici, M. Gudgin, J-J. Moreau, J. Schlimmer, and S. Weerawarana, Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language, W3C Working Draft, Nov. 10, 2003
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[87] Axis, Apache Software Foundation, available at: http://ws.apache.org/axis/.
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