博碩士論文 107256010 詳細資訊

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姓名 廖育萱(Yu-Hsuan Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 全介電幾何相位超穎表面的 抗反射設計
(Design anti-reflection for all-dielectric geometric phase metasurface)
★ 從「紅葉」到「黑鷹」:台灣棒球醜聞的文化再現★ 基於音頻訊號隱藏技術之聲波數位傳輸
★ 金屬鹵化鈣鈦礦塊材之光致發光及光致變色特性研究★ 奈米壓印技術製作全介電幾何相位超穎表面
★ 混合式超穎介面於感光元件之應用★ 以自製灰階曝光機製作各式微光學元件
★ 高效率低深寬比幾何相位超穎介面★ 以雙面非等向性濕蝕刻製備單晶石英深穿孔
★ 奈米壓印技術製作全介電光學繞射元件★ 全介電幾何相位超穎表面的設計、優化及簡化模型
★ 以超穎校正器提升三片式庫克鏡組光學品質之研究★ 以熱壓及光固化奈米壓印技術製作公分 等級奈微米光學元件
★ 基於超穎校正器改善庫克三透鏡的光學性能之研究★ 藉由散射強化輻射冷卻發電之研究
★ 以人工智慧模型修復超穎透鏡影像品質之研究★ 基於波導共振之手鏡超穎介面之研究
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摘要(中) 本論文將PB-phase之超穎介面的應用簡化為半波板模型,探討將奈米鰭與抗反射層(MgF2)結合後之光學特性及總偏振轉效率(Overall PCE)。當抗反射層為平坦的薄膜結構時,對效率上提升是無貢獻,因此抗反射層需與奈米鰭相同具有結構異向性,將抗反射層置於奈米鰭頂部時,其Overall PCE提升會較穩定。在GaN奈米鰭情況下,當MgF2從0 nm增加到160 nm時,Overall PCE可從53.18% 提升至55.06%,提高1.88%,但因為GaN材料於可見光範圍下會有吸收的損耗,導致效率提升會較困難。使用Nb2O5奈米鰭時,其折射率適中且無吸收特性,相較於GaN其Overall PCE高於1.7倍, 加入MgF2後,Overall PCE從92.38%提升至94.58%,可提升2.2%。
摘要(英) In this thesis, the optical properties and polarization conversion efficiency (P.C.E) has been investigated by combining the anti-reflection layer (MgF2) with the nano-fin. In order to obtain the highest P.C.E, the height of the nano-fin has been considered as a half-wave plate. We numerically demonstrated that a flat anti-reflection film shows no contribution to efficiency improvement. The structural heterogeneity is necessary for the anti-reflection. Moreover, the overall P.C.E can be enhanced more stably when MgF2 stacked on the top of nano-fin.
In the case of the GaN nano-fin, the overall P.C.E is enhance from 53.18% to 55.06% when the height of MgF2 is increased from 0 nm to 160 nm. On the other hand, it is a challenge to enhance the efficiency of GaN based nano-fin due to the absorption loss in the visible light range. Therefore, we numerically investigated the materials that do not suffer from absorption loss in the visible light. Among them, niobium oxide (Nb2O5) becomes a good option because of the fair refractive index and no absorption. In comparison with GaN nano-fin, the overall PCE of Nb2O5 nano-fin is 1.7 times higher. The highest overall P.C.E enhances from 92.38% to 94.58% when MgF2 stacked on the top.
關鍵字(中) ★ 超穎介面 關鍵字(英) ★ metasurface
論文目次 目錄
摘要 vi
Abstract vii
致謝 viii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xiv
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2超穎介面的相位調製 3
1-3超穎介面的材料應用 5
1-4 研究動機 6
第2章 基本理論 9
2-1光波的偏振(Polarization of Light Wave) 9
2-1.1 瓊斯向量(Jones vectors) 10
2-1.2 瓊斯運算(Jones calculus) 13
2-1.3非等向性介質(Anisotropy media ) 15
2-1.4波板(Wave Plate) 17
2-2等效介質近似理論(Theory of effective medium approximations) 19
2-2.1 一維等效介電近似(1-D effective medium approximations) 19
2-2.2 二維等效介電近似(2-D effective medium approximations) 21
2-3抗反射原理(Theory of anti-reflective) 23
第3章 幾何相位超穎表面抗反射設計 25
3-1 GaN奈米鰭與抗反射層之光學特性 25
3-2 GaN奈米鰭結構之相位分佈 30
3-3 GaN奈米鰭不同高度之光學特性 31
3-4 介電質材料之EMT分析 33
3-5 Nb2O5奈米鰭之光學特性分析 37
3-6 Nb2O5 奈米鰭與抗反射層之光學特性 38
3-7 Nb2O5奈米鰭之GMR現象 40
3-8 奈米鰭梯形結構之光學特性分析 44
第4章 結論 49
參考文獻 50
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Jia-Ming Liu, Chapter 2
指導教授 王智明(Chih-Ming Wang) 審核日期 2022-1-17
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