博碩士論文 90542004 詳細資訊

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姓名 魏福祥(Fu-Hsiang Wei)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 運用無所不在的論壇於學習脈絡之合作知識支援
(Collaborative Knowledge Support in a Learning Context Using a Ubiquitous Discussion Forum)
★ 學習馬賽克-以教科書內容置入平板之合作式情境學習遊樂場★ 為使用知識而設計的電子書- 以參考手冊為模式的電子書設計
★ 為使用知識而設計的電子書- 將紙本書籍以及電子書提供社群共建的機制★ 高互動低資源損耗之課堂學習系統設計與實際教學環境導入接受度探討
★ 依學生偏好及學習狀態建構之學習輔助者與知識協尋系統★ 網路資訊與學習系統之中文全文探勘工具
★ 支援使用者觀點之線上分析系統★ 由網站行為歷程以貝式學習建立學習者模式之引導系統
★ 網路合作學習系統與小組互動觀察工具★ 依作品集評量方式並支援學習狀況分析與監控之網路學習系統
★ 網路學習歷程之知識探索:學習效能評鑑之工具★ 網路學習系統之手機端學習輔助系統
★ 以網站行為的歷程建立具時間性學習者模式★ 行動學習資訊系統-學生端網路學習伺服器與個人數位助理端之學習系統
★ 應用貝式學習及決策樹之群組溝通網路監控系統★ 以網路群組作品及活動依角色分析之群組合作監控系統
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摘要(中) 以全球資訊網為基礎的學習環境之主要挑戰是要提供網路學習者可以有互動討論、合作知識建構及知識分享的機會,讓學習者在學習或工作的脈絡當中,從事知識的獲得及運用。知識分享是構成社群的關鍵要素。大多數的網路學習社群都會使用全球資訊網論壇,提供發問問題、回答,促進互動討論和知識分享的平台。然而,這種論壇與學習活動的脈絡是分離的,有些網路學習者不知如何在論壇問問題,不知道要問些什麼問題,或缺乏脈絡看不懂別人提的問題,或是缺乏發問者的背景資料致無法適切回答該問題。老師需要費心努力地介入主持與回答。這種論壇也缺乏隨時隨地用語音討論與即時傳達的行動性支援。另外,當遇到學習問題時,學習者經常要中斷他們的學習脈絡,來尋求適合的參考知識。這種中斷會導致學習成效的降低。因此,發展一個有效的協尋支援機制,幫助學習者定位學習中的問題與脈絡,協尋同儕專家,透過無所不在的論壇進行合作討論與知識建構的機會,以及獲得適合的參考知識之推薦,對促進知識分享運用和學習成效之提升是至關重要的。
本系統經實驗結果顯示,論壇平均每位學生每週張貼量從0.25升到2.64,討論水準明顯的增加。與書本內容有關的張貼量以及依各主題做討論的串連量也都有增加。 89.8%的學生認為當有不懂的本文段落時,可以容易地提問題,參與討論。平均每位助教每週張貼量從16降到5.4。 80%的學生認為可以自動獲得適當的同儕專家之協助回答問題。僅有57%的學生認為透過手機存取論壇是很容易操作使用的,在校園裡,學生比較偏好使用個人電腦勝過於手機。總結,77.5%的學生表明他們在電子書的學習脈絡裡,透過無所不在的論壇進行合作討論,並獲得知識支援,對學習是有相當大的助益。學生喜歡透過這個系統來存取知識及參與討論勝過於傳統教科書的閱讀方式。而且,學生使用這個系統的時間多寡和考試成績高低,存在著正相關的現象。
摘要(英) The main challenge in Web-based learning setting is providing the opportunity and resources for discussion and collaborative knowledge construction to engage learners in acquiring, and applying knowledge in a context of learning and collaboration. Knowledge sharing is a key component of the formation of communities. Most online learning communities employ Web-based discussion forums to facilitate interactions and knowledge sharing. However, such forums are separated from the context of learning activities. Some learners don’t know how and what to ask questions, have context problems interpreting a posted question, or respond inappropriately without knowing the profile of questioners. Teachers would struggle to moderate and reply on discussion forums. Such forums also lack the ubiquity in support of voice postings and immediate delivery. Furthermore, when encountering a difficult in learning activity, learners are required to disrupt the learning context to locate adaptive knowledge. This disruption reduces learning performance. Thus, developing an effective support mechanism to help learners to locate their queries and contexts, find peer experts for collaborative knowledge building through a ubiquitous discussion forum, and acquire adaptive knowledge in a learning context, is crucial to facilitating knowledge sharing and learning performance.
This study presents a Web-based e-book interface that enables learners to annotate or enter queries in a text in which questions arise, where the query context is transferred to a discussion forum. The subsequent anchors of questions are linked to a discussion forum for actuating sustained participation. Meanwhile, based on learners’ knowledge level of specific concepts in the query context derived from a concept map, a mentor finder adopts similarity-based concept matching to recommend peer experts for collaborative knowledge building through discussions. Learners’ knowledge level can be analyzed based on Web-based portfolios. Whenever and wherever, learners can use smartphones to post a voice up, and access this ubiquitous discussion forum in an individual basis. This study also extends e-book with a contextual knowledge recommender that can support learners to locate adaptive references from a knowledge repository, when questions arise in a text. This knowledge repository comprises a web dictionary, discussion forum, and library of examples.
Experiments showed that weekly posting per student was from 0.25 up to 2.64, a clear increase in the level of discussions. Both postings related book topic and average length of discussion threads were also increased. 89.8% of students can easily locate questions and enter into discussion in a text where learning question encountered. Average reply of teaching assistants was decreased from 16 down to 5.4. 80% of students can automatically obtain suitable peer help regarding the problem. Only 57% of students said that it is simple to access forum by using smartphone. Students prefer PC to smartphone in campus. To summarize, 77.5% of students indicated that they benefited considerably by collaborative discussion in an e-book learning context through a ubiquitous forum. Students prefer accessing knowledge and joining discussions through this system to reading a conventional textbook. A positive correlation existed between amount of time spent for students using this system and their grade.
關鍵字(中) ★ 合作知識
★ 學習脈絡
★ 無所不在論壇
★ 行動學習
★ 電子書
★ 同儕專家協尋
關鍵字(英) ★ Ubiquitous Discussion Forum
★ e-book
★ peer mentor finder
★ Collaborative Knowledge
★ Learning Context
★ mobile learning
論文目次 中文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------- i
Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii
List of Figures ----------------------------------------------------------------- vii
List of Tables ------------------------------------------------------------------ viii
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------ 1
1.1 Background --------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Problem Statement ------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.3 Motivation ----------------------------------------------------------------- 7
1.4 Goal ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8
1.5 Limits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
CHAPTER 2. RELATED WORK ------------------------------------------ 13
2.1 Computer-Mediated Anchored Forum --------------------------------- 14
2.2 Intelligent Help Desk, and I-Help -------------------------------------- 15
2.3 Answer Garden 2, Q&A System, and Expert Finder ---------------- 15
2.4 Tampere University Bulletin Board System -------------------------- 16
2.5 HyperVoice ---------------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.6 e-book ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
2.7 Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18
3.1 Raising contextualized question and anchors through e-book
interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22
3.2 Asking for suitable peers to respond through a mentor finder ------ 23
3.3 Accessing mobile forum with voice/text through mobile phone --- 24
3.4 Extending e-book with contextual knowledge for Web-based
reading support ---------------------------------------------------------------- 27
CHAPTER 4. DESIGN APPROACH ------------------------------------- 29
4.1 Supporting annotation interface to raise contextualized question
through e-book ---------------------------------------------------------------- 29
4.2 Monitoring student learning status, and locating peers capable of
solving specific concepts related to the raised questions ---------------- 30
4.2.1 Representing knowledge using a concept map for both student
capability and e-book --------------------------------------------------------- 31
4.2.2 Locating capable peers by similarity-based concept matching--- 34
4.3 Tackling text/audio of mobile forum display on smartphone ------- 37
4.4 Locating adaptive knowledge by matching coordinate with
concept map ------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
5.1 Collaborative discussion in an e-book with ubiquitous forum ----- 48
5.2 Adaptive knowledge in an e-book learning context ----------------- 57
5.3 Ubiquitous discussion forum access using mobile phones --------- 61
5.4 Discussions ---------------------------------------------------------------- 67
CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSIONS -------------------------------------------- 71
6.1 Suggestions ---------------------------------------------------------------- 75
6.2 Further Development ----------------------------------------------------- 77
REFERENCES ---------------------------------------------------------------- 79
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2007-12-14
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