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姓名 徐淑萍(XU SHU PING)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 客家語文暨社會科學學系客家研究碩士在職專班
論文名稱 以行動者網絡理論探討客語師資 網絡發展之研究-以桃園市為例
(A Study on the Development of Hakka Language Teachers Network Based on Actor Network Theory-Taking Taoyuan City as an Example)
★ 客家特色產業發展之回應性評估★ 休閒生態園區體驗行銷之研究—以新竹老頭擺客家美食休閒生態園區為例
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★ 客家社團成員參與行為意向之研究─以解構式計畫行為理論觀點★ 紫金礦業與上杭縣之發展
★ 新北市客家文創產業經營策略之研究★ 泰國客家女性與客家文化推動之研究: 以泰國客家之音啟芳論壇為例
★ 從公私協力觀點探討地方產業推動之研究-以桃園蓮花季為例★ 文化創意產業網站品質評估之研究
★ 文化創意產業感性行銷之研究-以苗栗三義木雕為例★ 桃園縣高齡者學習需求與參與意願之研究
★ 南桃園國小客家新移民子女教育之研究--多元文化教育與文化再製理論★ 兩蔣文化園區行銷策略之研究-兼論其對客家文化園區的啟示
★ 桃園縣國民小學實施客語教學執行成效之研究-以學校支持系統觀點★ 寶島客家電台志工人力資源發展之研究
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摘要(中) 摘 要

客語師資近年來,得到廣大的客家民眾支持,許多客家民眾都從民眾的身份轉換成教導客語的老師,漸漸的學校的教學現場出現了很多的客語師資,師資培訓的現場也出現了很多客語師資,許多民眾拿著通過中高級認證的證書,也成為客語師資,許多的大專院校講師教授,成為了客語師資培訓師。客語師資,成為了這個時代的新網絡組織。為數眾多的客語師資,大家在網絡中,扮演什麼樣的角色,在整體的客語師資網絡中,客語師資個人短期、中期、長期的發展是什麼?客語師資網絡短期、中期、長期的發展又是什麼?尤其桃園市是客語師資最多的所在,大量的 客語師資們在網絡中面對政策的變化,應該要如何因應?如何恰如其份地在網絡中,守護傳承母語,共同實踐、平衡現實與理想、使命和責任,值得研究和探討。
利益賦予是行動網絡的動能來源,充分掌握客語師資網絡的崛起和網絡問題核心,再開始探究網絡中的利益賦予,是否足以驅策、驅動整個網絡為之行動,了解利益賦予的來源、分配、原則。配合大衛•克里斯托(David Crystal)於《語言的死亡》一書中,列出了六個他認為可以挽救「瀕危語言」的「語言復振」(languagerevitalization)方式。利用其概念,進行客語師資網絡利益賦予現況的檢視和對照,在不斷的研究問答之中,企圖看情楚,客語師資網絡每個主體,期待的利益賦予是什麼;整個客語師資網絡對各種身分轉換的客語師資賦予的情形。

摘要(英) Abstract

In recent years, the Hakka language teacher policy has been supported by the majority of Hakka people. Many Hakka people have changed their identity from the public to teachers who teach Hakka language. Many Hakka language teachers have been acquired, and many people have become Hakka language teachers with certificates of intermediate and advanced certification. Many college lecturers and professors have become Hakka language teacher trainers. Hakka language teachers have become a new network organization in this era. There are a large number of Hakka language teachers, what role do you play in the network? In the overall Hakka language teacher network, what is the short-term, medium-term and long-term development of Hakka language teachers? The short-term, medium-term and long-term development of the Hakka language teacher network What is the development of? In particular, Taoyuan City is home to the most Hakka language teachers. How should a large number of Hakka language teachers face policy changes on the Internet? How to properly protect and inherit the mother tongue in the network, practice together, balance reality and ideal, mission and responsibility, is worth studying and discussing.
The cultivation of Hakka language teachers in Taiwan has been from the political resources of the Hakka community in the past to the current legislative cultivation. This study uses the "actor network theory" to construct a Hakka language teacher network, and changes the progress of the entire actor network from network problematization, Network benefits, recruitment from all walks of life, and comprehensive mobilization. In the five networks, comb through and study the changes in translation, the connection between actors, the organizational benefits of common interests, and the interaction between recruiters and the overall bottom-level mobilization. , the changes caused by the influence, and describe the structure and current situation of the Hakka language teacher network.
To study the construction of the Hakka language teacher actor network, we should first understand why the Hakka group rises and whether the reason for the rise is really because of the government’s protection of the mother tongue. Digest the political background of the rise of such an ethnic group in the whole historical process, and pragmatically clarify the core origin of the Hakka language teacher network.
Benefit conferring is the source of kinetic energy for the action network. After fully grasping the rise of the Hakka language teacher network and the core of network problems, we begin to explore whether the benefit endowment in the network is sufficient to drive and drive the entire network to act for it. in principle. In conjunction with David Crystal′s "The Death of Language", he lists six methods of "language revitalization" that he believes can save "endangered languages". Use its concept to inspect and compare the current situation of the Hakka language teacher network benefit. In the continuous research and question and answer, we try to see clearly what each subject of the Hakka language teacher network expects to be benefited from; the entire Hakka language teacher network The situation given to Hakka teachers who have changed their identities.
Originated from the literal spiritual recruitment of "I would rather sell the ancestral fields, not forget the ancestral words", Hakka people, everyone has a mission, filial piety, inherits the Hakka language, and the recruitment camp calls for it, which has nothing to do with "benefit" or "harm". , The actors in the recruiting camp are enthusiastic, interacting, contacting, researching, discussing and developing, and injecting soul into the spiritual level of the Hakka language teacher network with a metaphysical spirit.
In the end, it successfully mobilized the bottom layer of the network, making the entire Hakka actor network a solid cornerstone. Mainly a large group of senior Hakka elders, housewives, second-time employment, middle-aged part-timers, originating from the true temperament of the Hakka family. After entering the Hakka teacher network, it is difficult to stop training, further education, study, certification, and transfer. If you run the school and study this research in depth, you can understand the origin of the problem, the distribution of interests and the problem points of the policy, and find the solution.
The Hakka language culture and the Hakka language teacher network have been combined to form a whole “Hakka language teacher actor network” of Nuoda. Human and non-human actors have equal status in this network. Non-Hakka language Culture cannot mobilize the network of actors; non-Hakka language teachers cannot inherit Hakka language.
The subject in the study travels through the Hakka language teacher actor network constructed by the "Actor Network Theory". All of them pass through mandatory passage points in the network, overcome their own obstacles, complete the subject′s own goals, and create a win-win for the subject and the network. In the network, there are actors who survive the fittest and translate beautifully, and there are also actors who cannot optimize their interests, and those who leave the network turn away.
The content of this research is The Development of Hakka Language Teacher Network in Taoyuan City. Applying ANT Actor Network Theory to structure as a whole new network. Can help readers quickly understand, participate or promote and plan. From 1988 to 2022, the reason for the development of the Hakka language teacher network to the latest development. Taking the Hakka Affairs Council as the main body, the Hakka language teacher network that endowed and influenced by interests. Subjects and actors are classified and hierarchically studied in the network. This study took five years of field participation, observation, interviews, records, and research, and collected relevant literature and data records. The problem-solving, benefit-giving, recruitment, and mobilization of the Hakka language teacher network, how the actors organize, connect, expand, reflect, and re-act, various actions and their influences, are sorted out in a unique way of ANT actor theory. And take Taoyuan City, which has the most Hakka language teachers and most Hakka Language Heritage Teacher, as an example. For the first time, the network theory of ANT actors is applied to the Hakka language teacher network. This study develops and systematically analyzes and links this application, and validates such an application convincingly.

Keywords: Hakka language teachers, actor network theory, network development, obligatory point of passage(OPP), Taoyuan City
關鍵字(中) ★ 客語師資
★ 行動者網絡理論
★ 網絡發展
★ 強制通行點
★ 桃園市
關鍵字(英) ★ Hakka language teachers
★ actor network theory
★ network development
★ obligatory point of passage(OPP)
★ Taoyuan City
論文目次 目 次
摘 要 I
Abstract III
致 謝 VI
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 3
第二節 研究目的與問題 7
第三節 研究架構與方法 9
第四節 研究倫理 15
第二章 文獻探討 17
第一節 相關文獻回顧 17
第二節 ANT行動者網絡理論 19
第三節 客語師資動能發展三階段 27
第四節 客語師資ANT行動者 44
第三章 客語師資網絡OPP析探 53
第一節 客語師資網絡OPP 53
第二節 桃園客語師資網絡OPP 56
第三節 綜合討論 59
第四章 ANT應用於桃園市客語師資網絡發展 61
第一節 祖語「問」蒼天之風起雲湧 61
第二節 聯合製作出的客委會客語師資網絡有「利」動能 65
第三節 來自祖魂的「徵」召 70
第四節 逆風而上千錘百鍊的客師「動」員 73
第五章 結論與建議 93
第一節 研究結論 93
第二節 研究建議 96
第三節 後續研究建議 97
參考文獻 99
附錄 107
客語師資訪問同意書 107
附錄:訪談題綱 109
附錄:參與觀察-客語師資及其網絡歷程之研究 110
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指導教授 陳定銘(CHEN,TING-MING) 審核日期 2022-6-23
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