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姓名 林淑慧(Shu-Hui Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 進階通訊架構的創新E-Bus系統
(Advanced Communication Architectures for Innovative E-Bus System)
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摘要(中) 近年來,智慧交通服務不斷進步,帶給民眾生活上許多的便利。然而,在偏鄉地區仍然無法像城市一般達到智慧化。因為受到基礎設施的限制,使得智慧化服務無法在偏鄉提供。故本研究我們專注於台灣的電子巴士 (E-Bus)系統,以政府公共專網(DMR和Enhanced Wi-Fi)及功能增強的 LoRaWAN(在台灣稱為 GloRa)建置新的網絡系統,以取代當前的移動網絡。4G/LTE的無線網絡傳播可能會受到山區地理環境的嚴重限制,導致無法收到訊號(雲端架構)。因此,我們改用新的網絡系統,構建了一個智慧化當地無線 E-Bus 系統(霧端架構)。如此一來每個月可以節省許多巨大的開支來支付數據傳輸費用。
除此之外,由於偏鄉山區沒有電力,因此該 E-Bus 系統的公車站牌由手搖發電機產生電力。並且我們提出了多條E-Bus路線的虛擬方向和位置算法,透過動態更新策略準確預估公車到站資訊。 最後提出了一種使用發電機的新型傳感方法來優化公車發車時刻表。
摘要(英) In recent years, smart transportation services have continued to improve, bringing many conveniences to people′s lives. However, in rural areas, it is still not as smart as cities. Due to the limitations of infrastructure, smart services cannot be provided in remote rural areas. Therefore, in this research, we focus on Taiwan’s electronic bus (E-Bus) system, and build a new network system with government radio networks (DMR and Enhanced Wi-Fi) and enhanced LoRaWAN (called GloRa in Taiwan). Replace the current mobile network. The 4G/LTE wireless network transmission may be severely restricted by the geographical environment of the mountainous area, resulting in the inability to receive signals (cloud architecture). Therefore, we switched to a new network system and built a smart local wireless E-Bus system (fog architecture).
In addition, because there is no electricity in the remote mountainous areas, the bus station sign of the E-Bus system is powered by a hand-cranked generator. In addition, we have proposed virtual direction and location algorithms for multiple E-Bus routes, and accurately estimate bus arrival information through dynamic update strategies. Finally, a new sensor method using a generator is proposed to optimize the bus departure schedule.
關鍵字(中) ★ 偏鄉通訊
★ 手搖發電站牌
★ 霧計算
關鍵字(英) ★ rural transportation
★ rural communication
★ 4G/LTE
★ cloud computing
★ fog computing
★ LoRa
★ GloRa
論文目次 摘要 ......................................................i ABSTRACT..................................................ii 誌謝.................................................... iii Table of Contents .........................................v
List of Figures.........................................viii
List of Tables.............................................x
Chapter 1. Introduction....................................1
1.1 Purpose................................................2
1.2 Motivation.............................................5
1.3 My Research Work.......................................6
1.4 Roadmap................................................8
1.5 Thesis Organization...................................10
Chapter 2. Related Work and Background Knowledge..........11
2.1 Intelligent E-Bus System..............................11
2.2 Communication in ITS..................................13
2.2.1 Radio Network.......................................15
2.2.2 Enhanced Wi-Fi......................................25
2.2.3 Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN).................27
2.2.4 Communication Choose................................31
2.3 Energy Saving Mechanism...............................32
2.4 Dynamic Update........................................36
2.5 Virtual Direction and Position........................39
2.6 Broadcast Technology..................................44
2.7 E-Bus System Compare..................................46
Chapter 3. E-Bus System Using Two-Way Government Radio Network...................................................50
3.1 Community E-Bus System................................50
3.2 Central Control Server................................51
3.3 Data Transmission Format..............................55
3.4 Deployment............................................56
3.4.1 Simulation..........................................57
3.4.2 Experiment..........................................62
3.5 Evaluation............................................65
Chapter 4. E-Bus System Using LPWAN Technology............67
4.1 Rural E-Bus System....................................67
4.2 Data Transmission Format..............................70
4.3 Proposed E-Bus Schedule Optimization..................71
4.4 Deployment............................................74
4.4.1 Simulation..........................................74
4.4.2 Experiment..........................................76
4.5 Evaluation............................................79
Chapter 5. Fog-Computing-Based Smart Rural IoT Platform...81
5.1 System Architecture...................................81
5.2 Communication Method..................................83
Chapter 6. Conclusions....................................86
6.1 E-Bus System Compare..................................87
6.2 Contribution..........................................91
6.3 Research limitations..................................92
6.4 Future Work...........................................92
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指導教授 吳曉光 審核日期 2022-1-14
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