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姓名 施品妤(Pin-Yu Shih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 結合語義分割與全連接網路做基於坵塊的水稻判釋之初步研究
(Integration of semantic segmentation and fully connected network for parcel-based rice segmentation: a preliminary study)
★ 基於最大期望算法之分析陶瓷基板機器暗裂破片率★ 基於時間序列預測的機器良率預測
★ 基於OpenPose特徵的行人分心偵測★ 建構深度學習CNN模型以正確分類傳統AOI模型之偵測結果
★ 一種結合循序向後選擇法與回歸樹分析的瑕疵肇因關鍵因子擷取方法與系統-以紡織製程為例★ 融合生成對抗網路及領域知識的分層式影像擴增
★ 針織布異常偵測方法研究★ 基於工廠生產資料的異常機器維修預測
★ 萃取駕駛人在不同環境之駕駛行為方法★ 基於刮痕瑕疵資料擴增的分割拼接影像生成
★ 應用卷積神經網路於航攝影像做基於坵塊的水稻判釋之研究★ 採迴歸樹進行規則探勘以有效同時降低多種紡織瑕疵
★ 應用增量式學習於多種農作物判釋之研究★ 應用自動化測試於異質環境機器學習管道之 MLOps 系統
★ 農業影像二元分類:坵塊分離的檢測★ 應用遷移學習於胚布瑕疵檢測
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摘要(中) 水稻是台灣重要的作物之一,每年政府都會需要了解其種植的區域與面積,並用於統計產量及訂定相關決策。傳統方法是經由專家對每張遙測影像進行判釋並人工繪製標記,然而這樣的方式效率很低,根本無法及時的提供大量調查的資訊。隨著近年人工智慧技術的發展,把相關技術應用於輔助判釋便可以大幅降低該項作業對人力的依賴,並能做到快速有效的水稻自動判釋。
摘要(英) Rice is one of the important crops in Taiwan. Every year, the government needs to know its planting area and the location, and use it to calculate the yield and make relevant decisions. The traditional method is that experts interpret each remote sensing image and draw labels manually. However, this method is very inefficient and cannot provide a large amount of survey information in time. With the development of artificial intelligence technology in recent years, the application of related technologies to assisted interpretation can greatly reduce the dependence on manpower, and achieve rapid and effective automatic interpretation of rice.
The current method used in rice segmentation is that model learns the information of the entire aerial image. However, there may be too much information for the model to learn. Therefore, this research proposes that the model only learns on farmland. In addition, the currently used semantic segmentation model is UNet. Because UNet does not consider the spatial relationship between pixels, it will lead to speckle segmentation results, resulting in reduced accuracy. This research will propose the UNet-FNN architecture to solve this problem. According to observations, there are many different appearances of rice fields in different area. Therefore, this study will use random sampling based on framelets to increase the diversity of training data to train a better model.
關鍵字(中) ★ 語義分割
★ UNet
★ 全連接網路
★ 水稻判釋
關鍵字(英) ★ Semantic segmentation
★ UNet
★ Fully connected network
★ Rice segmentation
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 1
1-3 研究貢獻 2
1-4 論文架構 2
二、 相關背景知識與研究 3
2-1 農業相關知識 3
2-1-1 水稻 3
2-1-2 坵塊 4
2-2 UNet-VGG16語義分割 4
2-2-1 UNet 4
2-2-2 VGG16 遷移式學習 5
2-3 Parcel-based Classification 6
2-4 語義分割應用於水稻判釋 7
三、 研究方法 8
3-1 資料集介紹 8
3-2 資料前處理 10
3-3 水稻判釋模組 12
3-3-1 Pixel-based水稻判釋模組 12
3-3-2 Parcel-based 水稻判釋模組 14
3-4 評估方法 19
四、 實驗與結果討論 22
4-1 實驗前準備 22
4-2 實驗一:Pixel-based水稻判釋模型 23
4-2-1 問題定義 23
4-2-2 實驗方法 23
4-2-3 結果與討論 24
4-3 實驗二:Parcel-based水稻判釋模型 25
4-3-1 問題定義 25
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指導教授 梁德容(Deron Liang) 審核日期 2022-1-20
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