博碩士論文 109460003 詳細資訊

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姓名 莊湘羽(Hsiang-yu Chuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 會計研究所企業資源規劃會計碩士在職專班
論文名稱 電子科技產業永續報告書之探討-以T公司為例
(The Discussion on the Sustainability Report of Electronic Technology Industry - A Case Study of T Company)
★ 利害關係人包容性:企業社會責任報告書揭露內容個案探討★ 盈餘目標的誘因對成本不對稱性之影響 -以母公司單獨報表與合併報表分析
★ 銷管費用的成本結構-以台灣公司為例★ 代理問題、公司治理與銷管費用僵固性
★ 差異化策略對成本不對稱性之影響★ 前期銷貨變動方向對成本習性及不對稱性之影響—營運成本之組成份分析
★ 公司治理與股權結構對資訊透明度之關聯性★ 公司治理、公司避稅與現金持有
★ 台灣企業社會責任報告書自願性揭露之影響因素★ 企業社會責任與成本僵固性之關聯性-以台灣公司為例
★ 企業社會責任績效與企業社會責任報告書確信選擇之關聯-以台灣為例★ 企業社會責任活動與成本僵固性之關聯──以台灣編製企業社會責任報告之公司為例
★ 企業社會責任活動對股東權益報酬率、資產報酬率及股價報酬率之影響:以企業社會責任願景為調節變數★ 企業社會責任願景對會計績效之影響:企業社會責任績效之中介效果
★ 企業社會責任治理績效與財務績效之雙向因果關係-以無形資產為中介效果★ 企業社會責任報告書確信提供者之選擇:選擇現任財簽會計師事務所與否之影響因素
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摘要(中) 企業社會永續報告書,於近年來,各國首領、資本經營市場、供需鏈及國際之間相關組織皆非常重視的關注重點。推動發展永續環境,「企業社會責任(corporate social responsibility,簡稱 CSR)」己不是嶄新且陌生的概念,創源自從前中國所謂的儒商,到1997年美國『環境責任經濟聯盟CERES』及『聯合國環境規劃署UNEP』共同成立『GRI永續性報告』後,進而直至2000年,聯合國發布『第一代GRI永續性報告指南』,並將此準則納入全球盟約起,便獲擁全球廣大企業界組織的普遍同理,隨即有效帶動社會責任的倡導,更多跨國大型企業開始重視並落實,促進社會責任的發展一日千里。至今企業透過以年度為期發行之報告書或以網絡透過網頁形式揭露資訊已為普遍趨勢,督促商業市場經濟發展的同時,必須承諾善加謹守社會責任之道德規範,對相關且各不相同的利害關係人,應承諾擔當不同的責任。於創造經濟獲利及對資本股東負責的同時,不忘兼顧其他利益關係人,包括員工、社區和社會環境的生活品質皆應有所貢獻。
以科技業為例,近年來,全球化風氣帶動產業數位轉型變遷快速,CSR與ESG浪潮也隨社會關注而湧起熱議,突如其來猖獗不停的疫情更加點醒企業即刻變革已是勢在必行,因此企業於永續報告書中之揭露資訊便非常重要,本研究想以剖析台灣科技產業-T個案科技公司之歷年企業社會責任報告書,將其資訊訂定為探討樣本,揭露與「全球永續報告協會(global reporting initiative,簡稱GRI )」規範準則參照遵守之程度。鑑於科技產業致力社會環境及展現落實永續發展的決心,透過研究結果,期望可提供尚未推動之企業,提早評估未來編製永續報告書時作為選擇規範之參考。幫助組織藉由回應企業責任相關議題,有效鑑別揭露主題,且妥善表達相關議題之回應,提升利益關係人可讀資訊,達更加完善之編製。
該公司自2013年起主動依照全球永續性報告協會(Global Reporting Initiative, GRI)之指引編撰,做為溝通非財務資訊之重要管道,並藉以檢視和增進永續績效。其後陸續出版之報告書範疇,擴及永續發展及企業社會責任之各個面向與準則推進時期,歷年編號或有不同。本研究主要以透過歷年企業永續報告書,各構面研究之探討,量化該公司揭露項目的多寡,呈現回應的誠意顯著。本研究個案探討結果概述如下,分析結果顯示,企業自動自發以良善企業公民為自主發行,但由於產業接受性、政策可行性及環境有效性等間接經營衝擊之多項影響下,顯然歷年來根據自身的具體狀況來發揮,多年度累績永續報告書雖己發行多版,卻皆未因歷經年度推展而致力其進化,歷年來相似性高,企業價值於報告書中,明顯未能全面彰顯,顯示企業社會責任落實績效,實有侷限。
摘要(英) The corporate social sustainability report has been the focus of attention of leaders of various countries, capital management markets, supply and demand chains and related international organizations in recent years. To promote the development of a sustainable environment, "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)" is not a new and unfamiliar concept. After the "GRI Sustainability Report" was jointly established by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and until 2000, the United Nations issued the "First Generation GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines" and incorporated the guidelines into the Global Covenant. The general agreement among business organizations has effectively led to the promotion of social responsibility, and more large multinational enterprises have begun to pay attention to and implement it, promoting the development of social responsibility by leaps and bounds. So far, it has become a common trend for companies to disclose information through annual reports or through web pages. While supervising the development of the commercial market economy, they must promise to abide by the ethics of social responsibility. Stakeholders should undertake different responsibilities. While creating economic profits and being responsible to capital shareholders, we should not forget to take into account the quality of life of other stakeholders, including employees, the community and the social environment. Take the technology industry as an example. In recent years, globalization has led to rapid changes in the digital transformation of the industry, and the CSR and ESG waves have also been hotly debated with the attention of the society. The sudden and rampant epidemic has further reminded enterprises that immediate change is imperative. Therefore, it is very important for companies to disclose information in their sustainability reports. This research intends to analyze Taiwan′s technology industry-T case technology company′s corporate social responsibility reports over the year, and set its information as a sample for discussion. The extent to which the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) normative guidelines are followed. In view of the technology industry′s commitment to the social environment and its determination to implement sustainable development, through the research results, it is hoped that companies that have not yet promoted can be provided as a reference for selecting norms when evaluating future sustainability reports in advance. Help organizations respond to corporate responsibility-related issues, effectively identify disclosure topics, and properly express responses to relevant issues, improve readable information for stakeholders, and achieve a more complete compilation.
Since 2013, the company has voluntarily compiled it in accordance with the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), serving as an important channel for communicating non-financial information to review and improve sustainability performance. Subsequent reports published in succession have expanded to various aspects of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility and the period of standard promotion, and the numbers may vary over the years. This research mainly quantifies the amount of the company′s disclosure projects through the discussion of various aspects of the corporate sustainability reports over the years, showing the sincerity of the response is remarkable. The results of the case study of this study are summarized as follows. The analysis results show that enterprises voluntarily issue their own products with good corporate citizenship. However, under the influence of indirect business impacts such as industry acceptance, policy feasibility and environmental effectiveness, it is obvious that over the years, according to Although the sustainability report has been issued in multiple editions over the years, it has not been committed to its evolution due to the annual promotion. The similarity has been high over the years. The corporate value in the report has obviously not been fully demonstrated. The performance of corporate social responsibility implementation has limitations.
The conclusion of this study is that the implementation of "social responsibility" by enterprises can indeed improve the business performance of enterprises. On the one hand, they comply with the regulations of government agencies. performance, and take the initiative to show relevant indicators to the public′s attention. Society′s measurement of enterprises is no longer limited to operations. remuneration. In order to improve the accessibility, transparency, timeliness, completeness and interactivity of information, we will collect feedback from all walks of life and continuously improve the content and presentation of the report. It can provide substantial contribution, participation feedback and social commitment to the society, and is committed to corporate social responsibility to help improve the corporate image, and create invaluable praise in social recognition.
關鍵字(中) ★ 企業社會責任報告書
★ 環境
★ 科技
關鍵字(英) ★ Corporate Social Responsibility Report
★ Environment
★ Technology
論文目次 中文/摘要 ⅰ
英文/摘要 ⅱ
目錄 ⅵ
圖、表/目錄 ⅶ
第一章 緒論 1.
1-1 研究背景與動機 2.
1-2 本研究目的 3.
1-3 研究架構流程 3.
第二章 文獻探討 5.
2-1 何謂永續報告書及其發展 5.
2-2 企業與永續報告書之利害關係人 8.
2-3 企業永續報告書新里程碑 9.
2-4 擴大永續報告書之推動時程 10.
2-5 國際間企業社會責任準則發展歷程 12.
第三章 個案分析 14.
3-1 個案分析目的 14.
3-2 個案公司簡介 15.
3-3 個案公司沿革事紀 16.
3-4 個案公司產業介紹 18.
3-5 個案公司產業主要製程活動 19.
3-6 個案公司產業製程重要步驟 21.
3-7 個案公司歷年永續報告書之比較 23.
3-8 個案公司歷年報告書對照分析之結果 31.
3-9 一般性準則GRI 102揭露面向分析 32.
3-10一般性準則GRI 102揭露符合程度 37.
3-11特定主題標準GRI200/300/400揭露統計 41.
第四章 結論 44.
4-1 研究結論 44.
4-2 研究範圍與限制 45.
參考文獻 46.
參考文獻 中文部分:
2.台灣表面黏著科技股份有限公司,2013-2020 CSR永續報告書,台灣表面黏著科技股份有限公司出版。
5.吳偉慈.徐偉傑譯,Steven L. Wartick and Donna J. Wood原著,2002,國際企業與社會,初版,台北市,弘智文化。摘自,第一章 企業與社會:全球議題與全球環境。
6.沈秋宏,2019.02.15,首頁/文章/主題/經營管理,企業社會責任報告書概要與GRI 102一般揭露要點,檢自https://mymkc.com/article/content/23082。
8.張明輝,吳德豐,2014年3月,企業永續DNA: CSR創利,資誠聯合會計師事務所出版出版。
10.理財寶C Money,2018.7.22,好公司不為人知的秘密,全都藏在這份「新檔案」裡,檢自https://www.cmoney.tw/notes/note-detail.aspx?nid=41453。
12.電子製造.工作狂人(ResearchMFG),2013.10.16,何謂SMT(Surface Mount Technology)表面貼焊(裝)技術? 檢自https://www.researchmfg.com/2013/10/smt-surface-mount-technology。
指導教授 陳建中(Chien-Chung Chen) 審核日期 2022-6-29
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