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姓名 劉家棋(Chia-Chi Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 台灣餐飲外送平台產業分析
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摘要(中) 我國外送平台產業的發展,始於2012年由德國Foodpanda於引進台灣,至今已歷十年之久,期間歷經慘澹經營,直到2020年COVID-19疫情發生,在短時間內以極快的速度翻倍成長。本研究採用產業組織理論中之「結構–行為–績效」 (Structure-Conduct-Performance, S-C-P) 架構,探討台灣外送平台產業之市場結構、廠商行為與產業績效,以及外送平台產業的現況發展,並對模型,對應外送平台的演變趨勢及未來發展做出分析,並提出因應方針及建議。
  企業為達成其經營目標而根據市場結構制定各種策略,以擴大自己的市占率或營收,台灣外送平台產業經過這幾年的競爭,已經形成由二家優勢廠商 (Foodpanda與Uber Eats) 占有率達67%,及其他規模較小的外送平台業者共占市場的市場結構,二家優勢廠商,無論在點餐平台設計、外送人員數量、送餐即時性等,都有顯著的優勢,因而在「大者恆大」的規模經濟下,占有率持續上升。
摘要(英) Food delivery platform was introduced to Taiwan by German Foodpanda in 2012 and it has been ten years since then. During this period, it has experienced miserable operations. Until the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, it doubled at an extremely fast rate in a very short period of time. This study adopts the "Structure-Conduct-Performance" (S-C-P) from “The theory of industrial organization” to describe the market structure, vendor behavior, and industry performance of the Taiwanese food delivery platform industry, and analyze its development status. We also work on the evolution trend and future development of the platform, and put forward corresponding policies and suggestions.

In order to expand the market share or turnover and force competitors to pull out from the market, enterprises will generate strategies for certain goals. After several years of competition, the food delivery platform industry has reduced to two main players (Foodpanda and Uber Eats) who take 67% of the market share, and other smaller vendors to share the whole market. Comparing with other small vendors, the main two players has significant advantages on the art work design, the operating convenience of the platform, the numbers of delivery rider and the efficiency of food delivery. Therefore, under the economies scale of the "The big get bigger", the market share continues to rise.

The barriers to entry this industry is high. It requires sufficient funds, good technology for platforms, advertising and marketing budgets, and the training program for delivery riders, which are all the key cost outlay items. In addition, the selling price has limited room to be adjusted due to the fierce competition. At this moment, they are eager to know when they can reposition of business focus, and resulting in business turn around.

Food delivery platform is a newly developing industry, the government draw up new policies for the players based on its feature. Also, we study of government policies, occupational safety and road safety management, etc. In order to decrease traffic accidents and ensure the life safety of delivery workers, we must to push a new bill urgently. With the efforts of food delivery platform vendors, we expect to break new ground to make the platforms, delivery riders, restaurants, and consumers all winners. And finally we could even help restaurant owners to get through this difficult time and increase revenue while the uncertainty of the coronavirus developments.
關鍵字(中) ★ 餐飲外送平台
★ 餐飲業
★ 外送員
★ 結構–行為–績效
關鍵字(英) ★ Food delivery platform
★ Restaurents
★ Delivery riders
★ Structure-Conduct-Performance
論文目次 第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法 3
1.3 研究流程與架構 5
第2章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 外送平台發展趨勢之相關文獻 7
2.2 外送平台經營績效之相關文獻 9
2.3 本章小結 11
第3章 外送平台產業的發展與現況 12
3.1 外送平台產業簡介 12
3.2 外送平台在全球的發展 14
3.3 外送平台在台灣的發展與現況 23
第4章 餐飲外送平台的結構–行為–績效分析 34
4.1 基本條件 34
4.2 政府政策 38
4.3 市場結構 40
4.4 廠商行為 43
4.5 產業績效 48
第5章 結論與建議 53
5.1 結論 53
5.2 建議 54
參考文獻 56
附錄 59
參考文獻 一、 中文文獻
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指導教授 邱俊榮 審核日期 2022-6-29
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