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姓名 謝民一(Min-Yi Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 複製可追查型CDN-P2P遞送網路下之近端伺服器選擇
(Finding Nearest Neighbors in Replication-Aware CDN-P2P Architecture)
★ 整合多樣配置組態下的藍芽射頻驗證系統★ 具檔案敘述相關語查詢之智慧型檔案搜尋系統
★ 具遲到者支援功能之網際網路簡報系統★ 以快速廣播法建構熱門視訊隨選服務伺服器
★ 具事件同步再現特性之遠程電傳展示伺服器★ 無線網路環境下之廣播資訊快速下載
★ 中文網站繁簡互訪協助系統★ 支援時光平移播放之調適性現場直播演算法
★ 用於互動式廣播之段落對齊法★ 熱門影片廣播法之影片區段復原機制
★ 配合熱門影片廣播的本地伺服器高效快取法★ 一個增進SIP在防火牆環境中應用的協同模組
★ 考量網頁熱門度之一致性雜湊法解決 網頁代理伺服器之負載平衡★ 以網域名稱伺服器為基礎之色情網站過濾系統
★ 使用熱門廣播法及支援點對點傳輸之影音內容傳遞網路★ 變動頻寬平滑化之熱門廣播演算法
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摘要(中) 內容遞送網路(CDN)提供了經由內容提供者合法授權的終端使用者就近取得內容服務。內容提供者不需要額外花費硬體設備與網路頻寬的建置,將內容遞送的工作委託給內容遞送網路服務業者,大幅降低了設備成本與網路頻寬的浪費。但是對於內容遞送網路服務業者而言,大量的儲存設備建置以及多媒體需求,帶來更多的網路頻寬的租用,造成龐大的資本支出。
摘要(英) Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) services by distributing content to replica servers located close to users. The content provider entrusts the delivery of CDN service provider to avoid the extra cost for network equipment setup and reduce the need of the bandwidth. However, CDN service provider has to spend huge capital expenditure to deploy and maintain hardware device.
On the other hand, under Peer-to-peer (P2P) Network, anyone could share his content to other users without restriction. Therefore, P2P Network does not care whether the content is authorized legally to transmit or not. In another words, the content provider in P2P system is unable to understand the delivery status and the right using of replication. Moreover, a P2P system requires sufficient number of the seed to guarantee that the content can be transmitted intactly.
In this paper, we proposed a selection procedure to find the nearest server in the replication-aware CDN-P2P system, and to protect the content provider’s rights. In the meantime, we suggested that CDN service provider could provide an approach for end users to join the delivery service through the positive feedback rewarding, and the P2P program must get authorized replication right to enable delivery service. We chose two-step selection approach on landmark-based selection algorithm: (1) the end user finds the nearest content replica server through the content delivery network, (2) the end user gets the nearest peer cache by the content replica server. Under this proposed architecture, everyone must be authorized to download content via the content provider, no matter the content is from replica server or peer cache. Therefore we could guarantee the copyrights of contents and the two-step server selection approach could offer the nearest replica /cache server to the end users.
關鍵字(中) ★ 伺服器選擇
★ 使用者快取
★ 內容快取伺服器
★ 點對點傳輸網路
★ 內容遞送網路
★ 複製可追查型CDN-P2P
★ 地標點
關鍵字(英) ★ server selection
★ peer cache
★ content replica server
★ peer-to-peer network
★ content delivery network
★ replication aware CDN-P2P
★ landmark
論文目次 摘要 I
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 相關研究 4
2.1 內容遞送網路(CDN) 4
2.2 點對點傳輸網路 (P2P NETWORK) 8
2.3 CDN-P2P混合架構 10
2.4 伺服器選擇 (SERVER SELECTION) 11
第三章 系統設計 19
3.1 複製可追查型CDN-P2P 19
3.1.1系統需求 19
3.1.2 系統環境配置 21
3.1.3 系統運作流程 22
3.2 近端伺服器選擇法 24
3.2.1 地標點建立 26
3.2.2 近端內容快取伺服器選擇 26
3.2.3 近端使用者快取選擇法 31
第四章 效能模擬分析 38
4.1 模擬環境 38
4.2 效能量測 39
第五章 系統實作 44
5-1 功能模組 44
5.2實作方法 45
5.3 近端伺服器選擇流程 47
第六章 結論 51
參考文獻 53
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指導教授 曾黎明(Li-Ming Tseng) 審核日期 2004-7-20
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