博碩士論文 109352005 詳細資訊

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姓名 楊啓威(CHI-WEI YANG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 營建工程土方開挖作業排程最佳化之研究
★ 橋梁檢測人力機具排班最佳化之研究★ 勤業務專責分工下消防人員每日勤務排班最佳模式之研究
★ 司機員排班作業最佳化模式之研究★ 科學園區廢水場實驗室檢驗員任務指派 最佳化模式之研究
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★ 地質鑽探工程人機作業管理最佳化研究★ 職業棒球球隊球員組合最佳化之研究
★ 鑽堡於卵礫石層施作機具調派最佳化模式之研究★ 職業安全衛生查核人員人力指派最佳化研究
★ 救災機具預置最佳化之探討★ 水電工程出工數最佳化之研究
★ 石門水庫服務台及票站人員排班最佳化之研究★ 空調附屬設備機組維護保養排程最佳化之研究
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摘要(中) 現今營造業相關的相關工程,現場大多由工地主任和現場工程師來管理,並根據現場具有的資源和工程需求,憑著經驗來安排相關作業進度與人員配置,因此工地主任和現場工程師的經驗及能力決定了工作調派,進而影響工程收益的成敗。本研究模式以台灣桃園某工程之山坡地基地土方開挖作業為例,以一般常見土石方工程中挖土機配合傾卸卡車的模式,並依據(1) 以最低成本為主要考量。(2)挖土機、傾卸卡車的載運和成本。(3)工程竣工日期尋求較低日期之可能性。(4)各工區機具上限數量。本研究的目的為以最佳化指派的方式將各類型的機具指派分工,找出最低成本的分配方式。
摘要(英) Construction industry related projects nowadays are mostly managed by site managers and on-site engineers, while relevant work progress and manpower allocation are arranged based on experience as well as available on-site resources and engineering demands. Work assignments are therefore dependent on the experience and capability of the site manager and on-site engineers, which in turn affects the resulting earnings of the project. This study takes the example of a slope foundation excavation project in Taoyuan, Taiwan, carried out via the usual earth excavation work that combines excavators and dump trucks, where basic considerations include (1) minimum costs; (2) the capacity and costs of excavators and trucks; (3) the possibility of finding a shorter construction period; and (4) the maximum number of machines on each site. This study aims to find the most cost effective method for assigning work to each type of machines.
This study constructs a corresponding integer programming model by considering factors of the project such as the number of days of the construction period, work rate and cost of each machine, machine number limits, and progress incentives and punishments. Calculation software is used in combination with word processing software that facilitates the checking of parameter settings to verify the results. This setup allows obtaining more precise results within a short period of time compared to manual scheduling. When external factors and conditions change, this configuration also allows timely adjustment to the newest parameters to carry out the scheduling, so that excavators and dump trucks are assigned according to actual conditions, helping the decision maker of the worksite to use a unified allocation plan for construction machines. This study takes excavation scheduling as an example to configure the model for resolving minimal costs. The results are compared with those made by manual decision making, which shows that the results of this study are better than those made by manual scheduling. Sensitivity analysis is then carried out to check the results obtained by different sensitivities, proving that this study model is actually applicable.
關鍵字(中) ★ 最佳化
★ 最低成本
★ 機具指派
★ 整數規劃
關鍵字(英) ★ LINGO
論文目次 摘 要
誌 謝
目 錄
1-1 研究背景與動機1
1-1-1 研究背景1
1-1-2 研究動機1
1-2 研究目的與範圍2
1-2-1 研究目的2
1-2-2 研究範圍2
1-3 研究方法與流程3
1-3-1 研究方法3
1-3-2 研究流程3
2-1 人力機具最佳化指派之相關著述及文獻6
2-2 有關人員排班、指派及最佳化排程等相關著述及文獻8
2-3 文獻評述10
3-1 問題描述及現況做法11
3-1-1 問題描述11
3-1-2 現況做法12
3-2 模式建立13
3-2-1 假設條件、參數及決策變數定義 13
3-2-2 數學模式15
3-2-3 模式說明15
3-3 求解方法與步驟17
3-3-1 求解方法17
3-3-2 求解步驟17
3-4 小結18
4-1 資料分析19
4-1-1 問題規模19
4-1-2 範例測試參數擬定21
4-1-3 決策變數之擬定22
4-2 測試與結果分析25
4-2-1 電腦演練環境25
4-2-2 模式測試與結果輸出26
4-3 最佳化指派模式與人工經驗指派模式效益分析比較29
4-4 敏感度分析31
4-4-1 完成期限變更敏感度分析32
4-4-2 管理及維護費用變更之敏感度分析33
4-4-3 罰金變更之敏感度分析34
4-4-4 自有挖土機機具數量變更之敏感度分析35
4-4-5 各區挖土機數量上限變更之敏感度分析36
4-5 小結37
5-1 結論38
5-2 建議39
附錄一、 測試範例LINGO 17.0程式碼42
參考文獻 1.王其錦「專案工程開發人員指派與土地使用管制容積獎勵決策最佳化模式之研究」,國立中央大學土木工程學系,碩士論文,2013年。
18.Deng, N., Li, X., & Su, Y., “Optimization of Earthwork Allocation Path as Vehicle Route Problem Based on Genetic Algorithm”, E3S Web of Conferences, Vol.165, p.04057, 2020.
19.Ji, Y., Borrmann, A., Rank, E., Seipp, F., & Ruzika, S., “Mathematical Modeling of Earthwork Optimization Problems”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2010), Nottingham, UK, 2010.
指導教授 顏上堯 審核日期 2022-7-25
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