博碩士論文 109352017 詳細資訊

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姓名 郭燦麟(TsanLin Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 埤塘巡守人力指派最佳化之研究
★ 橋梁檢測人力機具排班最佳化之研究★ 勤業務專責分工下消防人員每日勤務排班最佳模式之研究
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★ 救災機具預置最佳化之探討★ 水電工程出工數最佳化之研究
★ 石門水庫服務台及票站人員排班最佳化之研究★ 空調附屬設備機組維護保養排程最佳化之研究
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摘要(中) 「志工」是一群利用自己閒暇時間,從事各種簡單工作卻不求薪資回報的人士。不僅僅能夠彌補各相關單位的人力問題,甚至小到個人問題,大到社區鄰里的安全等也在志工的工作範圍內。例如學校的導護媽媽、醫院的櫃台志工、家扶中心及張老師的志工或各景點的觀光導覽員等,不勝枚舉。從私人機構到各縣市政府或各類的機關團體皆有各種的志工。而現行的排班方式通常由各組組長或較資深人員依照志工個人提供的時間編排其服務的班別及時間。而經過人工編排往往較易產生班別重複、班別無人服務或時間上的落差,因此,某些單位另行編列預算給予志工一定的金額補助,讓志工們能配合單位需求進行排班,以求班別無重複、班別皆有人服務或時間上更平均。故編排人員如何使志工的服務班別或人員達到其單位所需而又達到時間趨於平均,皆考驗著編排人員的能力。
本研究模式以桃園市埤塘志工排班巡守為例,進行領有補助之志工排班,並考量跨區時間差異,編列巡守安排為研究範圍。建立一套以0-1整數規劃為架構之數學最佳化模式,協助編排人員統一指派,以使衍生之巡守時間差異最小化。當外在因素及限制條件改變時,本研究模式可隨時依最新條件調整參數,重新進行人員巡守的安排,並利用Lingo 18.0電腦套裝軟體為工具,達到最佳化的指派原則,同時針對巡守人員增減進行敏感度分析,將有限之人員做出最佳化調配,以幫助編排人員適度規劃及人力安排,以避免志工巡守時數差異過大產生不平均之情形。本研究模式可靈活運用於各類人員排班派遣規劃,並為參考依據。
摘要(英) "Volunteers" are a group of people who spend their free time doing simple tasks without expecting a paycheck. Not only can they compensate for the manpower problems of various related units, but even small personal problems and the safety of the community are also included in the scope of volunteer work. Examples include school nursing mothers, hospital counter volunteers, volunteers at family support centers and teachers, or tourist guides at various scenic spots, just to name a few. From private organizations to county and city governments or various organizations, there are all kinds of volunteers. The current scheduling method usually consists of team leaders or more experienced staff scheduling their shifts and hours of service according to the time provided by the individual volunteers. As a result, some units have budgeted for a certain amount of money to be given to the volunteers so that they can schedule their shifts according to the needs of the unit, so that there is no duplication of shifts, no one is available for each shift, or the time is more evenly distributed. The scheduler′s ability to make the shifts or staffing of volunteers meet the needs of the unit while achieving a more even schedule is a test of the scheduler′s ability.

This study model is based on the example of volunteer scheduling and patrolling in Pitang, Taoyuan City, and takes into account the cross-district time differences to arrange patrolling arrangements. A mathematical optimization model based on the 0-1 integer planning framework was established to assist the scheduling staff in standardizing their assignments to minimize the differences in patrol time. When the external factors and constraints change, the model can be adjusted according to the latest conditions at any time to re-arrange the staff patrol, and use Lingo 18.0 computer package as a tool to achieve the optimal assignment principle. In order to avoid the unevenness caused by the large difference of volunteer patrol hours, the study model can be flexibly applied to various types of patrols. This research model can be flexibly applied to all kinds of staff scheduling and dispatching planning, and serve as a reference.
關鍵字(中) ★ 志工
★ 排班巡守
★ 最佳化
★ 公平指派
關鍵字(英) ★ Lingo
論文目次 摘 要 i
誌謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖 目 錄 viii
表 目 錄 x
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-1-1 研究背景 1
1-1-2 研究動機 1
1-2 研究的目的與範圍 2
1-2-1 研究目的 2
1-2-2 研究範圍 2
1-3 研究方法與流程 3
二、文獻回顧 6
2-1 人力指派最佳化研究相關文獻 6
2-2 最佳化排班研究運用之領域相關文獻 7
2-3 文獻評述 8
三、模式構建及求解方法 9
3-1 問題描述與現況做法 9
3-1-1 問題描述 9
3-1-2 現況做法 9
3-2 模式建構 10
3-2-1 已知資訊與假設條件 10
3-2-2 參數定義 11
3-2-3 決策變數定義 11
3-2-4 數學模式 12
3-2-5 模式應用 13
3-3 問題求解與步驟 14
3-3-1 求解方法 14
3-3-2 求解步驟 14
3-4 小結 15
四、範例測試 17
4-1 資料分析 17
4-1-1 資料來源及說明 17
4-1-2 基本參數設定 18
4-1-3 決策變數擬定 19
4-2 測試與結果分析 19
4-2-1 測試環境軟硬體配置 19
4-2-2 運算輸出結果 21
4-2-3 運算結果分析 22
4-2-4 多重解之探討 25
4-2-5 人工經驗排班模式 25
4-2-6 本研究範例測試求解與人工經驗排程比較分析 27
4-3 敏感度分析 29
4-3-1 人員數量增加之敏感度分析 29
4-3-2 人員數量減少之敏感度分析 34
4-3-3 各自區域巡守之敏感度分析 46
4-4 小結 51
五、結論與建議 52
5-1 結論 52
5-2 建議 53
參考文獻 54
附錄一:測試範例LINGO程式碼 57
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指導教授 顏上堯 審核日期 2022-7-27
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