博碩士論文 109322021 詳細資訊

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姓名 張萱瑋(Hsuan-Wei Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 二十公里深臺灣地殼的最強地震圓弧雙交叉分析:不同地震規模設定下的強震預測效果
(Analysis of SDICAE in the crust of Taiwan with the depth of twenty kilometers: the efficiencies of strong earthquake prediction corresponding to different choices of event magnitudes)
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摘要(中) 本研究使用李顯智老師撰寫的MATLAB程式ASICAE分析李老師所提出之最強地震圓弧雙交叉(SDICAE)概念並觀察後續規模5.7以上強震發生之規律。我們設定地震搜尋期間為西元1980年至西元2016年,地震震源深度為0至20公里,選定時間點向前搜尋之時間長度為四年(dY=4),精度之弧向誤差參數(TOLdePar)為0.09至0.15,徑向誤差參數(TOLRePar)為0.012至0.016,地理搜尋範圍為北緯21.7度至25.5度,與緊貼臺灣本島西部海陸交界處之斜直線至東部海陸交界處之斜直線,藉此將搜尋SDICAE的範圍盡量限縮於臺灣本島以內,並且將搜尋地震規模(Mmin)最小值由4.9至2.0逐漸調降,進而成功預測到部分臺灣本島內歷史上較具指標意義之災害性地震。
摘要(英) We apply the MATLAB program ASICAE to search for the strongest double intersections of circular arcs of earthquakes (SDICAEs) proposed by Hin-Chi Lei and analyze the rules of the strong earthquakes with magnitudes over 5.7 occurring after the SDICAEs. The search period is set from 1980 to 2016 and the focal depth is from 0 to 20 km. We look for the SDICAEs formed by events occurring in four years (dY=4) while the arc-direction error (TOLdePar) is from 0.09 to 0.15 and the radial direction error (TOLRePar) is from 0.012 to 0.016. The search area is from 21.7°N to 25.5°N and is bounded by two oblique lines cutting the eastern and western sea-land borders of Taiwan and confining the search area for the SDICAEs to a region containing mainly the island of Taiwan. Furthermore, we gradually reduce the minimum value of the event magnitude (Mmin) from 4.9 to 2.0, and thus successfully predict some historical strong earthquakes in Taiwan by using the SDICAEs.
In addition, it is found that the strongest double-convex intersection of circular arcs of earthquakes (SDCICAE) shows an excellent prediction of strong earthquakes within 70 days when Mmin equals 2, TOLdePar is from 0.09 to 0.11, and TOLRePar is from 0.014 to 0.016. Similarly, the strongest concave-convex intersection of circular arcs of earthquakes (SCCICAE) also shows an outstanding prediction of strong earthquakes within 70 days when Mmin equals 2, TOLdePar is from 0.11 to 0.15, and TOLRePar is from 0.012 to 0.014. For some of the settings of precision parameters, the best hit rate can reach 100%. Moreover, a special screening method by deleting the intersections with large radius ratios is adopted to increase the hit rate of short-term prediction. For example, after deleting the SCCICAEs with the radius ratios greater than 1.4, there are only seven SCCICAEs remained and it is found that these SCCICAEs provide a better efficiency of prediction of strong earthquakes within 40 days, and the hit rate reaches 57%.
關鍵字(中) ★ 最強地震圓弧雙交叉
★ 地震預測
關鍵字(英) ★ the strongest double intersection of circular arcs of earthquakes
★ earthquake prediction
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiv
名稱與符號說明 xxi
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究歷史回顧 2
1-4 臺灣各地的地震災害評估 5
第二章、地震圓弧介紹 8
2-1 地震圓弧定義 8
2-2 地震資料蒐集 9
2-3 地震圓弧組成 10
2-4 地震圓弧交叉型態 11
第三章、研究方法 13
3-1 研究範圍 13
3-2 參數設定 14
3-3 研究步驟 16
第四章、研究案例 18
4-1 搜尋地震規模大於4.9 18
4-1-1 TOLdePar=0.09 18
4-1-2 TOLdePar=0.10 18
4-1-3 TOLdePar=0.11 18
4-1-4 TOLdePar=0.12 18
4-1-5 TOLdePar=0.13 20
4-1-6 TOLdePar=0.14 21
4-1-7 TOLdePar=0.15 23
4-2 搜尋地震規模大於4.6 25
4-2-1 TOLdePar=0.09 25
4-2-2 TOLdePar=0.10 25
4-2-3 TOLdePar=0.11 25
4-2-4 TOLdePar=0.12 28
4-2-5 TOLdePar=0.13 30
4-2-6 TOLdePar=0.14 32
4-2-7 TOLdePar=0.15 34
4-3 搜尋地震規模大於4.0、3.6及2.0 37
4-3-1 TOLdePar=0.09 38
4-3-2 TOLdePar=0.10 43
4-3-3 TOLdePar=0.11 48
4-3-4 TOLdePar=0.12 53
4-3-5 TOLdePar=0.13 58
4-3-6 TOLdePar=0.14 63
4-3-7 TOLdePar=0.15 68
4-4 搜尋地震規模與最強地震圓弧雙交叉交互關係 73
第五章、統計與分析 75
5-1 搜尋地震規模大於4.6 75
5-1-1 TOLdePar=0.09 75
5-1-2 TOLdePar=0.10 75
5-1-3 TOLdePar=0.11 75
5-1-4 TOLdePar=0.12 79
5-1-5 TOLdePar=0.13 82
5-1-6 TOLdePar=0.14 86
5-1-7 TOLdePar=0.15 89
5-2 搜尋地震規模大於3.6及2.0(包含4.0) 92
5-2-1 TOLdePar=0.09 92
5-2-2 TOLdePar=0.10 96
5-2-3 TOLdePar=0.11 100
5-2-4 TOLdePar=0.12 103
5-2-5 TOLdePar=0.13 107
5-2-6 TOLdePar=0.14 111
5-2-7 TOLdePar=0.15 114
5-3 總體數據分析 118
5-4 強震發生機率背景值 121
5-4-1 背景值範圍 121
5-4-2 背景值分析 122
5-5 相異地震圓弧交叉 128
5-5-1 地震圓弧交叉命名 128
5-5-2 相異交叉數據分析 134
5-5-3 臺灣本島內災害性地震預測 139
第六章、地震圓弧交叉篩選辦法 143
6-1 剔除地震圓弧半徑比值過高的SDICAE 143
6-2 半徑比值過高剔除成效 146
6-2-1 雙凸交叉 146
6-2-2 凹凸交叉 153
6-3 效果分析 163
6-4 相異交叉數據分析 165
第七章、結論與未來研究建議 172
參考文獻 174
附錄一、SDICAE相異交叉案例圖 176
附錄二、SDICAE相異交叉對應參數組合編號 207
附錄三、完整研究資料 209
參考文獻 [1]H.C. Lei and C.W. Tang, “Circular Arcs and Curvilinear Distributions of Events of Earthquakes in Taiwan”, The Thirteenth National Conference on Structural Engineering, The Third National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2016.
[2]H.C. Lei, “Circles, Circular Arcs and Lines of Earthquakes Around Taiwan”, The 40th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Taiwan, 2016.
[3]H.C. Lei, “Circles, Circular Arcs and Lines of Earthquakes Around Taiwan (II): Magnitude and Time”, The 15th Conference on Land Studies, Tainan, Taiwan, 2017.
[4]H.C. Lei, “Some Ideas for Constructing Significant Intersections of Circular Arcs of Earthquakes”, The 2017 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2017.
[5]H.C. Lei, P.Y. Sun, Y.Y. Chen, and M.H. Chen, “An Elementary Analysis of the Strongest Intersections of Circular Arcs of Earthquakes around Taiwan”, The Fourteenth National Conference on Structural Engineering/ The Fourth National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan, 2018.
[6]H.C. Lei, ASICAE by HinChi Lei to find the strongest intersections of circular arcs of earthquakes. https://youtu.be/tvgYLpoH9T4, 2019.
[7]H.C. Lei, “Prediction of Strong Earthquakes around Taiwan by Intersection Point of SDCICAE Close to Evmax”, The 2019 Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on the Advancement of Urban Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2019.
[8]H.C. Lei, “Strongest Double Intersections of Circular Arcs of Earthquakes around Taiwan”, The 23rd Forum on Land Use and Planning, Tainan, Taiwan, 2019.
[9]H.C. Lei, Developing the prediction of strong earthquakes within 70 days, https://youtu.be/gFvJ0T99TJg, 2019.
[15]劉興宸,「日本地區最強地震圓弧交叉與後續強震之關聯 (2005~2014年)」,國立中央大學,碩士論文,民國108年。
[17]臺灣地震模型TEM 2020,https://tem.tw/TEM2020/index.html, 2020年。
指導教授 李顯智(Hin-Chi Lei) 審核日期 2022-8-22
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