摘要(英) |
Due to global climate change, under the 2050 Net zero emissions framework proposed by the International Energy Agency, governments have adjusted their policies by phases. At present, Taiwan’s transportation department is the main consumer of fossil fuels. Although there are measures such as energy consumption standards, carbon tax, and subsidies for car purchase, the development of electrification of truck is still slow. The energy consumption of trucks accounts for 29.27% of all vehicles, greenhouse gases account for 30.13%, and the number of trucks (1,127,510) is much higher than buses (31,931). If the electrification process of logistics industry is accelerated, carbon emissions will be effectively reduced. For the logistics companies, the price of electric truck is three times than fuel truck, and current energy storage technology is still difficult to meet the needs of trucks with high load and long-distance moving. In addition, the scarcity of fixed charging stations also makes charging time greatly different, and will affect the delivery of goods. Therefore, this research will solve the problem of insufficient fixed charging stations by matching mobile charging stations (MCS), and eliminate range anxiety of truck drivers, to build a charging network specially designed for electric trucks power supplement.
This study is a vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW). The problem is solved by using data such as the specifications of electric trucks, number of runs, the occurrence time, location and service time of demand points. The research goal is to find the required number of MCS on the premise of satisfying all demand points, and minimize the total transport cost of all MCS. The results are presented in the scenarios of 2, 3, and 4 runs of trucks (26, 24, and 32 demand points), respectively include the number of MCS required, total transport distance and cost, and the serving route, times of service and operating time of each MCS. In the sensitivity analysis, the capacity of the energy storage system will limit the number of MCS, otherwise it will not be able to meet all demand points. In addition, capacity will not make the total transport cost being reduced after the critical value is exceeded. The number of MCS also has a critical value, and the cost will not decrease after exceeds the certain value. Besides, the power (kW) of the charger will also affect the single service time and total transport cost. Therefore, if the logistics companies want to electrify their trucks, it is necessary to decide how many MCS should be dispatched according to the size of the fleets, and carefully calculate the capacity of battery and the charger with appropriate power rate, so that they can meet all the charging needs and avoid unnecessary cost. |
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