摘要(英) |
Near-surface ozone has become a critical issue for Taiwan in recent years. Since volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are the precursors of ozone generation, we must understand the ozone precursors’ VOCs. Furthermore, the amount of VOCs in Taiwan is represented by the measurement of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), which is also the main species for photochemical reactions in atmosphere, thus it’s crucial to monitor NMHC. NMHC is calculated as Total hydrocarbons (THC) minus methane, of which methane is not a VOC but is also an important greenhouse gas, so methane monitoring is also necessary.
The study followed the standard method NIEA A740.10C announced by the National Institute of Environmental Analysis to develop a catalytic total hydrocarbon analyzer. The instrument′s stability was improved by both hardware and software, and the stability test was carried out according to the standard method specification. Zero and full-scale drift test results THC is 0.06 and -0.32, CH4 is 0.07 and -0.07, NMHC is 0.03 and -0.25ppm, and the response time is 83 seconds, all within the specified range. After the completion of laboratory test, the developed machine was moved to Taipei City’s Air Quality Station (AQS) for field monitoring. During the monitoring period, it was found that the filter paper used in the station had changed the flow rate entering the FID due to the adsorption of particulate matter in the air, which makes the resistance more significant. Since the flow rate was not controlled in the previous instrument architecture, this study attempted to use mass flow controller (MFC) to control the sample flow into the FID which improved the problems of FID flow change. Comparing machine which installed the MFC catalyst with laboratory-developed back-flush GC method according to NIEA A723.75B, results showed that both trends were identical. Moreover, the MFC catalyst method showed higher stability than back-flush GC method.
The ethane measurement value of the Wanhua station’s photochemical assessment monitoring station (PAMS) is high year-round which was speculated that the emission source is natural gas leakage. By analyzing the ethane data of the PAMS and the methane data of the AQS, the high value of methane could also be observed at the same time in the event of ethane’s high value which showed highly correlated. Thus, this study proved that the ethane value of Wanhua station was came from natural gas instead of transportation source. Additionally, this study found out the source of natural gas by using the backward trajectory. After comparison, it is speculated that the natural gas comes from the restaurants in Ximending. |
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