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姓名 吳柏廷(Bo-Ting Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生物物理研究所
論文名稱 團藻自我推進的非線性現象研究
(A study of Nonlinear Phenonomena of Volvox self-propelling motion)
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摘要(中) 本實驗利用團藻的趨光性當作主動粒子,藉此研究團藻在黏滯液體中移動與阻塞現象。為了解團藻的基本性質,我們以光源驅使團藻移動,藉此計算團藻大小、軌跡與速度關係,並在不同黏度的培養液環境測量對團藻移動的影響。實驗結果發現,液體黏滯度越低時團藻速度越快,且有無光刺激的影響對團藻移動速度並無明顯差異。團藻半徑小時70μm速度與半徑正相關,但當團藻半徑大時70μm速度開始下降。
摘要(英) This thesis uses volvox, with its phototaxis ability, as a self-driven particle system to study the motions and the phenomena of jamming in a viscous fluid. In order to measure the basic self-driven properties of volvox, the volvox is driven by light so as to find the relations between the size and the speed of volvox particles. Besides, we use fluid with different viscosity to study the viscous effects on their movement. Our experiment shows that the speed of volvox is negatively correlation with the viscosity of the fluid and their speed is independent of the intensity of the light source. The speed will reach a maximum when the radii of volvox particle are approximately 70μm.
To study the phenomenon of jamming , we shrink the central part of a glass tube (the neck) to different diameters, and use volvox suspended in medium with different viscosities produced by mixing with different PVP concentrations. We find that when the concentration of PVP is 4% , the jamming ratio are 100%、80% and 15% when the neck-to-particle size ratio is 4.6, 6 and 8 respectively. We also generate various background light simulations (linear, square and exponential) to observe the distribution of volvox under these backgrounds. We find that volvox would have a spatial distribution according to the intensity of the light. The stability of volvox is higher in the linear and square spatial light variations than an exponential one.
關鍵字(中) ★ 團藻
★ 自我推進
★ 非線性現象
論文目次 目錄
摘要 vi
Abstract vii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xv
符號說明 xvi
專有名詞中英對照 xviii
一、 簡介 1
1-1自我推進粒子(self-driven particle) 1
1-2團藻 2
1-2-1種類、結構 2
1-2-2繁殖 3
1-2-3團藻的移動 6
1-3棘輪(ratchet) 11
1-3-1棘輪 11
1-3-2位能棘輪 12
1-3-3熵分離器 13
1-4阻塞(jamming) 14
1-5總結 16
二、實驗方法 17
2-1培養團藻 17
2-2實驗架設 18
2-2-1全域刺激 18
2-2-2阻塞 19
2-2-3位能性棘輪 21
2-2-4投影機光源控制 23
2-3影像處理 24
2-3-1匯入影像 24
2-3-2計算背景 25
2-3-3去除雜訊 26
2-3-4偵測團藻 27
2-3-5團藻軌跡連結 29
2-3-6團藻在通道中的阻塞偵測 31
三、實驗結果 32
3-1團藻大小、溶液黏滯度與速度關係 32
3-1-1團藻移動穩定性分析 32
3-1-2團藻大小與速度關係 33
3-1-3溶液黏滯度與速度關係 36
3-2團藻的阻塞現象 37
3-2-1團藻的阻塞現象 37
3-2-2通道口徑大小對阻塞發生時間的影響 41
3-2-3PVP濃度對阻塞發生時間的影響 41
3-2-4 D與PVP濃度對阻塞發生比例的影響 42
3-3位能性棘輪對團藻移動的影響 43
3-3-1亮度變化對團藻分布的影響 43
3-3-2不同光亮度圖形對團藻分布的影響 46
3-3-3團藻在線性亮度變化下對移動的影響 49
四、結論與討論 51
參考文獻 53
附錄A PVP viscosity 57
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指導教授 陳志強 審核日期 2022-9-20
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