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姓名 蔡孟仁(Meng-Jen Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 應用於數位儲存示波器之100MHz CMOS 寬頻放大器電路設計
(100MHz CMOS Wideband Amplifier for DSO)
★ 低雜訊輸出緩衝器設計及USB2實體層的傳收器製作★ 低雜訊輸出緩衝器設計及USB2實體層的時脈回復器製作
★ 應用於通訊系統的內嵌式數位訊號處理器架構★ 具有QAM/VSB模式的載波及時序回復之數位積體電路設計
★ 應用於通訊系統中數位信號處理器之模組設計★ 應用於藍芽系統之CMOS射頻前端電路設計
★ 具有QAM/VSB 模式之多重組態可適應性等化器的設計與實現★ 適用於高速通訊系統之可規劃多模式里德所羅門編解碼模組
★ 應用於橢圓曲線密碼系統之低複雜性有限場乘法器設計★ 適用於通訊系統之內嵌式數位訊號處理器
★ 雷射二極體驅動電路★ 適用於通訊系統的內嵌式數位信號模組設計
★ 適用在通訊應用之可參數化內嵌式數位信號處理器核心★ 一個高速╱低複雜度旋轉方法的統一設計架構:角度量化的觀點
★ 5Gbps預先增強器之串列連結傳收機★ 超取樣技術之資料回復電路設計及其模組產生器
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摘要(中) 寬頻放大器是通訊系統及高頻測試儀器中不可或缺的一部份。寬頻放大器是用在一段所需要頻寬中能提供一個穩定的增益。
本篇論文說明數位儲存示波器(DSO)所需的前級寬頻放大器的設計與實作。由於製程技術的提升,示波器的頻寬取樣率和精確度有了很大的進步。對寬頻放大器而言,頻寬需要達到所需的需求,但電晶體的寄生電容卻是限制頻寬的主要因素。在電路中每個信號路徑都會有個RC時間常數,這個常數常常決定了放大器頻寬。因此要使得寬頻放大器頻寬增加要設法降低RC時間常數。在這個寬頻放大器設計中,將採用並聯-並聯回授(Shunt-Shunt Feedback)的方式降低信號路徑的阻抗。
VLSI是目前世界的潮流趨勢,因此寬頻放大器的設計將採用CMOS的數位電路製程技術。整個電路是用TSMC0.6 CMOS 數位製程,佈局後模擬顯示在5V下,功率消耗為200mW,頻寬可達150MHz 晶片面積約佔1000umx1000um。
摘要(英) Wideband Amplifier is indispensable in some high-frequency testing instruments and communication systems. A wideband amplifier is required in a analog front end that provides a flat gain transfer within the bandwidth.
In this thesis, the CMOS wideband amplifier was introduced, and implemented. Due to the processing technology improved, the bandwidth and the sampling rate of DSOs have a large development. To wideband amplifiers, the parasitic capacitors of transistors limited the bandwidth. In the circuits, every signal path has a RC time constant. This constant usually determines the bandwidth. So the topic of the wideband amplifier is to find a way to lower these RC time constants. In this wideband amplifier, we use an architecture of shunt-shunt feedback to reduce the impedances of signal-path nodes.
A GAIN-VGA-BUFFER architecture is employed in the circuit design. Simulation results show the SNR is about 45dB for 100mVpp up to 100Mhz. The chip is implemented by TSMC0.6um 1P3M process. It consumes 200mW for overall circuits by 5V power supply.
關鍵字(中) ★ 寬頻 關鍵字(英) ★ wideband
★ amplifier
★ 100MHz
論文目次 1.Introduction
1.1 Motivations ………………………………………10
1.2 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Basis…………………10
1.3 Thesis Organization……………………………………12
2.Wideband circuit techniques ……………………………….13
2.1 Feedback Topologies...………………………………………14
2.2 Pole-Zero Cancellation………………………………………16
2.3 Impedance Mismatch Technique………………………………18
3.Circuit Design and Post Layout Simulations ……………22
3.1 Specifications …...…………………………………………22
3.2 Circuit Design
3.2.1Block Diagram …………………………………………………23
3.2.2CMOS Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier ...…………………23
3.2.3Gain Control Amplifier ….…………………………… …26
3.2.4Output Buffer ………………………………………………….27
3.2.5Variable Gain Amplifier ……………………………………27
3.2.6Bias Circuit.……………………………………………………29
3.3 Post Layout Simulations……………………………………29
4.Chip Measured Results…………………………………………40
Appendix …...……………………………………………………………..49
A.1 2V Low-power IF/Baseband Signal Processor for IS-95 based CDMA Communication System ………………………………………………49
A.2 Measurement of the proposed 2V Low-power IF/Baseband Signal Processor for IS-95 based CDMA Communication System…………….51
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指導教授 周世傑(Shyh-Jye Jou) 審核日期 2000-7-14
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