博碩士論文 109226078 詳細資訊

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姓名 謝文鈞(Wen-Chun Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 材料相關之光子晶體谷拓樸邊緣態之研究
(The Research of Material-Dependent Topological Valley Edge States in Photonic Crystals)
★ 平坦化陣列波導光柵分析和一維光子晶體研究★ 光子晶體波導與藕合共振波導之研究
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★ 電磁波與聲波隱形斗篷之研究★ 一維光子晶體等效非均向介值之研究
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摘要(中) 本論文主要以蜂窩晶格 (honeycomb lattice) 排列之介電質圓柱所組成的光子晶體探討三種不同材料所產生谷拓樸邊緣態 (valley topological edge state)。我們先利用平面波展開法 (plane wave expansion method) 計算光子晶體的頻帶結構,再利用超晶胞 (supercell) 法計算谷拓樸邊緣態的模態色散曲線,並利用時域有限差分法 (finite difference time domain method, FDTD method) 法去模擬電磁波在光子晶體中的傳播行為。此種拓樸邊緣態是藉著使晶胞內兩圓柱的半徑不同,打破原來的蜂窩晶格的 C_3v 對稱性,將它約化成 C_3 對稱性而形成的。
在光子晶體中模擬拓樸邊緣態時,發現其手徵性 (chirality) 並不完美。我們在計算其頻帶的貝瑞曲率 (berry curvature) 後,發現其 K、K^′ 點的局部陳數(local Chern number) 差異並非理論預測的等於1,而是小於1。這可能是導致手徵性不完美的原因。
最後我們也利用改變超晶胞當中介電質柱的形狀去對於不同材料產生谷拓樸邊緣態。此作法同樣也是利用打破晶胞內兩圓柱的 C_3v 對稱性將它約化成 C_3 對稱性而實現其谷拓樸邊緣態。
摘要(英) In this thesis, we study the topological valley-edge states propagating or localizing at the boundary between two photonic crystals consisting of dielectric cylinders arranged on a honeycomb lattice. Three different material parameters are considered. We first calculate the photonic band structures by using the plane wave expansion method. We then calculate the dispersion relation of the topological valley edge states by applying the supercell method. The detailed propagation behaviors of the electromagnetic waves of the edge states and their field patterns are obtained by implementing various FDTD simulations. The valley edge states are formed by breaking the C_3v symmetry of the original honeycomb lattice and reducing it to C_3 symmetry by making the radii of the two cylinders in the unit cell different.
When simulating the topological valley edge states, we found that the chirality of them is not perfect. According to the numerical calculation results, the difference between the local Chern numbers at the K and K’ points in the first Brillouin zone is not equal to the theoretical value of 1, but instead of value smaller than 1. This may be the cause of imperfect chirality.
Finally, we also discuss how to generate topological valley edge states by changing the shapes of the cylinders in a unit cell. The underlying mechanism for this kind of edge states is the same as before, namely reducing the original C_3v symmetry to C_3 symmetry by changing the shape of the cylinders in a unit cell of the photonic crystals.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光子晶體
★ 谷拓樸邊緣態
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 光子晶體發展背景 1
1-2 光子晶體特性 1
1-3拓樸光子晶體 4
第二章 研究分析 8
2-1時域有限差分法 8
2-2完美匹配層 16
第三章 光子晶體模型與算法 18
3-1 貝瑞相與陳數 18
3-2 陳數之數值計算 20
3-3 平面波展開法 22
3-3-1 傅立葉的展開和倒晶格 22
3-3-2 向量波法計算頻帶結構 23
3-3-3 超晶胞之建構 26
3-4 光子晶體之貝瑞曲率與陳數 37
第四章 數值結果與討論 40
4-1 蜂窩晶格之模型 40
4-2 谷拓樸光子晶體之分析 41
4-2-1 圓柱蜂窩晶格 41
4-2-2 谷拓樸邊緣態之分析 45
4-2-3比較3種材料的邊緣態 59
4-2-4貝瑞曲率與陳數 62
4-2-5比較三種材料貝瑞曲率與陳數 64
4-2-6改變介電質柱形狀之探討 65
第五章 結論與未來展望 69
5-1結論 69
5-2未來展望 70
參考文獻 71
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指導教授 欒丕綱 審核日期 2022-9-27
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