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姓名 李曉雲(Shiau-Yun Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 什麼決定一個人的幸福——論個人幸福的基石
(What Makes a Life Good for the Person who Lives It)
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摘要(中) 本博士論文要探討的是幸福基石的問題,即:是什麼決定一個人的幸福?當代西方哲學界多年來提出了形形色色的哲學幸福理論來嘗試回答這個問題。然而,這些幸福理論都無法為這個問題提出有說服力的解答,這不是因為它們理論有各自的局限,而是它們共享一些習而不察卻有問題的理論預設。本文指出,這兩大解題預設:把幸福元素當作幸福的基石;以及把幸福元素當作內在價值,使得這些哲學幸福理論一直陷入辯論不休的僵局,也是它們被詬病為理論解釋不力、實踐指導不力的真正根源,因為被當作解題方案的內在價值並不能承擔幸福基石的重任。


摘要(英) This doctoral dissertation is to address the question of the ground of well-being, that is the question of what makes a life good for the person who lives it (hereafter, W). Contemporary western philosophy has put forward various philosophical well-being theories to answer W, yet none of them so far successfully offers a convincing answer to it, despite the question has been discussed over decades. Not only that, the existing philosophical well-being theories are stuck in a stalemate of endless debate and are rejected by many scholars because of their inability in resolving the theoretical and practical issues of well-being. This dissertation tends to show that the problems of philosophical well-being theories are not caused by their theoretical flaws, instead, the source of their problems lies in the two hidden and deep-rooted presuppositions shared by all philosophical well-being theories.

These two presuppositions, namely assuming the elements of well-being as the ground of well-being, and assuming the elements of well-being as the noninstrumental values, have directed the western philosophy of well-being to focus too much energy on noninstrumental values. Since noninstrumental values by their nature are unable to function as the ground of well-being, as a result, philosophical well-being theories fail to provide promising explanations and guidance to address ordinary as well as scientific well-being issues. It is thus concluded that the existing traditional philosophical well-being theories should be rejected and replaced by alternative theories which do not explore W via the noninstrumental values approach.

After examining the latest three alternative theories of well-being, this dissertation argues that Alexandrova′s Middle Theory should be rejected, while Tiberius′ Value Fulfillment Theory and Bishop′s Network Theory should remain and further developed. Although these two accepted alternative theories are superior to the aforementioned traditional well-being theories, neither of them proposes a systematic account of the nature of value, nor do they develop an account of well-being dynamics in their theories as well, and these two components are considered crucial for providing a comprehensive answer to W.

To fill in the gap, this dissertation proposes a new alternative philosophical well-being theory, namely Continuity and Accumulation Well-Being Theory (hereafter, CAT) which aims at providing a new approach to investigating W. CAT has not only developed a systematic account of the nature of value, it has also formulated the forms of value from which the ground and the dynamic of well-being could be further inferred and developed. According to CAT, values are defined as resources that contribute to personal well-being; and W is answered in this way: a person’s life is good for the person who lives it if and only if the person is continuously realizing and accumulating those well-being values, of which the value forms are cumulative over time and spatially extensive to other values.
關鍵字(中) ★ 價值
★ 幸福
★ 哲學幸福理論
★ 價值形式
★ 幸福元素
★ 幸福基石
關鍵字(英) ★ value
★ well-being
★ philosophical theories of well-being
★ value forms
★ the elements of well-being
★ the ground of well-being
論文目次 目錄
中文提要 i
英文提要 ii
第一章 導論 1
第一節 研究緣起與目的 1
第二節 論題的分析與釐清 2
第三節 現有學術研究成果的整理與分析 7
第三節 研究架構 18
第四節 研究步驟與章節安排 21
第一部分 傳統理論的問診與把脈 23
第二章 傳統理論的困境 23
第一節 成功幸福理論的標準 23
第二節 傳統理論問題的鑒定 29
第三節 傳統理論的問題根源及解題方案:前人觀點的駁斥 34
第四節 小結 42
第三章 傳統理論的困境根源 43
第一節 從上而下:從幸福哲學界如何理解W來追溯困境的根源 43
第二節 從下而上:從傳統理論的反對論證來反推傳統困境的根源 52
第三節 傳統理論的可能回應 54
第四節 對傳統研究模式和傳統理論的總結 59
第二部分 替代理論 61
第四章 三大替代理論 61
第一節 幸福中層理論 61
第二節 價值實現理論 67
第三節 幸福網絡理論 83
第四節 小結 91
第五章 連疊理論 93
第一節 連疊理論的理論參照系與前提條件 93
第二節 連疊理論的理論內涵 103
第三節 小結 140
第六章 連疊理論的檢驗與可能批評 141
第一節 成功幸福理論標準的檢驗 141
第二節 連疊理論的可能批評與回應 147
第三節 小結 157
第七章 結論 158
第一節 研究成果與學術貢獻 158
第二節 研究成果的檢討與後續研究之展望 159
第三節 總結 163
參考書目 164
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指導教授 孫雲平(Yun-Ping Sun) 審核日期 2022-8-18
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