摘要(英) |
With the increasingly fierce market and industry competition, enterprises have been trying to analyze the problems existing in their business through different aspects, and seek solutions and optimization countermeasures. In recent years, on the issue of maintaining long-term competitiveness, in addition to continuously strengthening the operation of products, markets and customers, more and more attention has been paid to the development of internal organizational power and internal operation optimization of the enterprise, improving efficiency by creating a more efficient organizational structure and management model, and improving the quality of business decisions with financial analysis, so as to promote the overall competitiveness and pursue value maximization.
Corporate Group B is a paper-making enterprise. Under the dual influence of the rapid development of the mainland economy and the demand of its own business format, it has continuously set up production and marketing bases in major cities. The financial and accounting units and the number of people responsible for account processing, account receivable and payable have also naturally expanded, while management complexities has also increased. At a time of rapid changes in the industrial environment, the past model of focusing on accounting, pursuing stability and local recruitment has also been constantly challenged with the proliferation of the Internet and reduction in children. In the information age, the decentralized models of financial management and business management can no longer fully meet the current requirements, and need to increase the financial participation from the business back-end to the front-end through the integration of business and finance, and change the role from post hoc analysis and explanation to a priori involvement and in-process coordination.
Based on this concept, this study proposes to reconstruct the accounting organization and develop a new operation mode of accounting unit through the setting of shared service center and expert group, which can be used as the improvement suggestions of Corporate Group B. It is expected that after the organizational transformation, we can not only reduce costs and improve operation efficiency, but also give greater support to the business front end. |
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