摘要(英) |
The performance planning and application integration of 5G NR small cells is the focus of today′s manufacturers, and O-RAN (Open Radio Access Network) is one of the projects. Although some manufacturers have proposed commercial products of O-RAN small base stations, the development of O-RAN is still difficult. One of the reasons is that the O-RAN simulation is still incomplete: even the official release of the O-RAN Alliance has unfinished parts. This makes the O-RAN simulation and reality have some gaps in development, that is, there are difficulties in the verification of performance.
This paper combines the existing and complete network simulator - NS3 to make up for the shortage of the official release. Replacing the incomplete low layer system with NS3 can simulate a more realistic network environment, which can make the performance evaluation of intelligent management such as xApp and Near/Non-RT RIC(RAN Intelligent Controller) more reliable. In addition, we also use the editability of NS3 to quickly and effectively simulate a variety of network environments, thus proving the feasibility and reliability of this system. |
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