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論文名稱 N 倍繞射效率之體積全像多工技術
(N Times Enhancement of Diffraction Efficiency of Volume Holographic Multiplexing Technology)
★ 使用體積全像光學波導之可變焦無透鏡數位全像顯微鏡★ 體積全像光學元件之波長及角度選擇性
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摘要(中) 傳統全像儲存之繞射效率會隨多工頁數增加而導致繞射效率呈現平方
倍數下降,也就是當多工頁數為 N 頁時繞射效率將下降 N 之平方倍,將導
能的任務。此外,呈現 sinc 函數的位移選擇性迫使讀取位置必須要非常接
本論文提出一套全像儲存技術,稱為 N 倍繞射效率之體積全像多工技
術,不僅可以改善多頁多工時繞射效率受 M/#限制之情形,還可以改善位移
摘要(英) As the number of multiplexed pages increases, the diffraction efficiency of
conventional holographic data storage systems will decrease with the square of
the diffraction efficiency. That is, when the number of multiplexed pages is N
pages, the diffraction efficiency will drop by the square of N, this resultsin limited
storage capacity and reading speed.
When conventional holographic data storage technology attempts to read
multiplexed information, the crosstalk between pages will limit reading pages and
make them too close together, thus, excessive page spacing greatly increases the
motor torque requirements. The process of stopping high-speed reading and then
moving to the next reading position at high speed becomes an impossible task.
Furthermore, the shifting selectivity of the sinc function forces the reading
position to be very close to the writing position in order to read the diffraction
beam, which increases the requirements for motor alignment accuracy.
This paper proposes a holographic data storage technology, called “N times
enhancement of diffraction efficiency of Volume Holographic Multiplexing
Technology”. This holographic data storage technology can record multiple pages
of information at the same location during multi-task recording, which can greatly
improve the storage capacity of holographic data storage. In addition to improving
storage capacity, it can also read information at the same location by shifting the
hologram, which will greatly elevate the reading efficiency.
關鍵字(中) ★ 體積全像
★ 全像儲存
★ 光學
★ 全像術
★ 布拉格簡併
★ M-number
關鍵字(英) ★ Volume Holographic
★ Holographic data storage
★ Optics
★ Holography
★ Bragg degeneracy
★ M-number
論文目次 摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 IV
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 全像術簡介 2
1-3 全像術歷史與發展 3
第二章 原理介紹 5
2-1 全像術 5
2-2 布拉格條件 7
2-3 布拉格簡併 9
2-4 耦合波理論 11
2-4-1 布拉格匹配 16
2-5 相位疊加法 18
2-6 M-NUMBER與儲存系統多工限制 21
第三章 儲存架構設計 26
3-1 多頁疊加多工儲存系統架構設計 26
3-2 全像片選擇 28
3-3 參考光設計 29
3-4 架構記錄與讀取方法 30
3-5 GERCHBERG–SAXTON迭代演算法計算相位 35
第四章 儲存架構實驗驗證 39
4-1 實驗架構 39
4-2 訊號設計 41
4-3 實驗方法 41
4-3-1 第一組實驗結果 45
4-3-2 第二組實驗結果 46
4-3-3 第三組實驗結果 47
4-3-4 實驗結果與繞射效率比較 48
4-4 實驗方法改進 51
第五章 結論 53
參考文獻 55
中英文名詞對照表 59
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指導教授 余業緯 孫慶成(Yeh-Wei YU Ching-Cherng Sun) 審核日期 2022-8-17
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