摘要(英) |
With the development of the fifth-generation mobile communication, the industry Internet of Things (IIoT) and the Metaverse, a faster and friendly data-controlled transmission method is particularly important. The traditional transmission architecture usually adopts TCP as the transmission protocol. However, the master-slave architecture is prone to bottleneck at nodes and is limited by the mutual knowledge of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses among users. Data Distributed Services (DDS) uses data-centric method rather than IP-based transmission method. Users can publish data to specific topic in a domain that other users (participants) in the same domain can easily get the data by subscription. Transmission using DDS can be seen as a convenient and alternative transmission solution. It avoids the shortcomings of the master-slave structure, and accomplishes the point-to-point transmission.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs) has been used in various scenarios, such as surveillance, livelihood, entertainment, national defense, etc. The conventional UAV transmission method is the master-slave architecture. The purpose of this study is to replace the legacy transmission architecture by applying the DDS system as its transmission framework. This study will develop a DDS-agent software. Using this DDS-agent software, the DDS system can be easily applied to various applications. Through the data transfer at the local end, applications can communicate each other as usual through the DDS-agent software, thereby improving the development and deployment speed. This study uses Gstreamer, which is a matured video transmission software used in UAVs, as a deployment example. |
參考文獻 |
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