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姓名 廖翊君(YI-CHUN LIAO)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 勞工 ICT 能力之薪資報酬率研究---以台灣地區為例
(A Study of Returns to Labor ICT Skills in Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 近年來資訊通訊科技(information and communication technology,簡稱 ICT)的蓬勃發展,各式軟體硬體迭代出新,伴隨而來的是現代人生活方式與工作型態的轉變,ICT 技術也逐步成為勞工就業時被關注的能力之一,作為衡量勞工生產力的依據。本文使用行政院國家發展委員會單位公佈的「個人/家庭數位機會調查資料庫」,以個人的 ICT 使用情況量化其 ICT 技能,探討該能力對勞工在薪資上的影響,並且考量了內生性問題。同時,從所處地域、學歷別、職業技術力三個方面分析 ICT 能力的效果。
實證結果發現,台灣勞工的 ICT 能力對實質薪資有顯著正向的效果,報酬率約為 10%-12%。若是在薪資決策研究中忽略該變數,可能出現教育報酬率被高估的情況。地域方面, ICT 報酬率在台灣並不存在顯著的區域間差異。學歷方面,學歷為高中職的勞工獲得其 ICT 能力對薪資的影響最大,約為 12.7%-15.5%。職業技術力層面,職業歸屬於技術層次 3 級,即技術員與助理專業人員 ICT 技能對薪資的效果最強,約在 9.5%-11.1%。政策方面,建議可根據此結果調整正規教育中的資訊相關課程與職業訓練方向。對屬於第三技術層次的勞工或轉職者設計針對性的職訓課程,使勞工能有效達成提升人力資本的目的。同理,在正規教育的高中職課程中增加針對 ICT 技能的培訓,提高該學歷的勞工在投入職場後的生產效率,助其盡快脫離較低的起薪。綜上所述,不論就業所處區域,也不論勞工所從事的職業或教育水平,ICT 報酬率的正向效果依舊存在。在資通訊產業的快速發展下,勞工獲取和使用 ICT 的門檻與成本已大幅降低。台灣薪資長期低迷,勞工若想改善自己的薪資水平,尤其是處於基本工資線上的勞工,加強 ICT 技能改善其低薪的處境可能會是務實且有效的方法。
摘要(英) In recent years, information and communication technology (ICT) is booming. All kinds of software and hardware are iterated and new, accompanied by changes in modern people’s lifestyles and work patterns. ICT skill has gradually become one of the skills that are valued by workers when they are employed, as a basis for measuring labor productivity. This article uses the personal/household digital opportunity survey database for empirical research and measures an individual′s ICT skills in terms of their ICT usage under the assumption of learning by doing. The main goal of this research is to explore the impact of this ICT ability on workers′ wages, taking into account endogeneity issues. At the same time, the effect of ICT ability is analyzed from three aspects: region, educational background, and occupational technical ability.
Empirical results show that the ICT skill of Taiwanese workers have a significant positive effect on real wages, with a rate of return of about 10%-12%. If this variable is
ignored in wage determination equation such as most related researches in Taiwan, the return to education may be overestimated. In terms of regions, there is no significant
regional difference in the ICT rate of return in Taiwan. In terms of educational background, the acquisition of ICT ability by workers with a high school education has
the greatest impact on wages, ranging from 12.7% to 15.5%. In terms of occupational skills, workers whose occupations in technical level 3 (i.e., technicians and assistant
professionals) have the strongest ICT effect on wages. On the policy side, it is suggested that information-related courses in formal education or job training can be adopted
based on this result. Targeted job training courses are encouraged for workers who belong to the third technical level or for job changers, so that workers can effectively
enhance their human capital. In the same way, adding ICT skills training to the senior high school curriculum might improve their work productivity after entering the labor
market , which may help raise their starting salary. To sum up, this research found positive and significant ICT rate of return, regardless people’s employment region, occupation or education level exists. With the rapid development of the information and communication industry, the threshold and the cost of labor to acquire and use ICT have been greatly reduced. Wages in Taiwan have been sluggish for a long time. If workers want to improve their wages, especially those on the basic wage line, strengthening ICT skills to improve their low-wage situation may be a pragmatic and effective way.
關鍵字(中) ★ ICT 能力
★ 薪資報酬率
★ 數位素養
★ 人力資本
關鍵字(英) ★ ICT skill
★ wage returns
★ digital literacy
★ human capital
論文目次 中文摘要................................................... Ⅰ
英文摘要.................................................. Ⅱ
誌謝..................................................... Ⅲ
目錄..................................................... Ⅳ
表目錄................................................... Ⅵ
圖目錄................................................... Ⅶ
一、研究動機與目的 ........................................ 1
二、文獻回顧 .............................................. 4
2.1 人力資本理論........................................... 4
2.2 ICT 對人力資本的影響................................... 4
2.3 ICT 的衡量............................................ 6
三、台灣 ICT 發展現況與趨勢 ................................ 7
四、資料來源與研究方法 .................................... 11
4.1 資料來源與 ICT 能力之衡量............................. 11
4.1.1 資料庫............................................. 11
4.1.2 個人 ICT 能力計算方式............................... 12
4.2 迴歸模型設定.......................................... 14
4.2.1 Mincerian 薪資方程式............................... 14
4.2.2 內生性問題與工具變數的選擇........................... 17
五、實證結果 ............................................. 20
5.1 主要變數的基本統計量.................................. 20
5.2 全體樣本迴歸結果 ..................................... 23
5.2.1 內生性檢定......................................... 23
5.2.2 勞工 ICT 能力與薪資水準之關係........................ 25
5.4 地區數位發展差異之影響................................. 29
5.5 學歷、職業種類對 ICT 薪資效果的影響.................... 33
5.5.1 各學歷的分組迴歸結果 ............................... 33
5.5.2 各技術層次的分組迴歸結果 ............................ 35
5.5.3 拆解 ICT 能力為賦能與融入能力指標的迴歸結果 .......... 39
六、結論................................................. 41
6.1 結論與建議........................................... 41
6.2 研究限制............................................. 43
參考文獻................................................. 44
附錄一................................................... 45
附錄二................................................... 50
附錄三................................................... 56
附錄四................................................... 59
附錄五................................................... 61
附錄六................................................... 65
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指導教授 黃麗璇(Li-Hsuan Huang) 審核日期 2022-7-13
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