博碩士論文 109522016 詳細資訊

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姓名 張介韋(Jei-Wei Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 探索基於預測產生教材的個人化干預對學生學習成效和SRL學習策略的影響
(Exploring the effect of prediction-based content intervention on students’ learning performance and SRL learning strategy.)
★ 應用智慧分類法提升文章發佈效率於一企業之知識分享平台★ 家庭智能管控之研究與實作
★ 開放式監控影像管理系統之搜尋機制設計及驗證★ 資料探勘應用於呆滯料預警機制之建立
★ 探討問題解決模式下的學習行為分析★ 資訊系統與電子簽核流程之總管理資訊系統
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★ 應用集群分析探究學習模式對學習成效之影響★ 應用序列探勘分析影片瀏覽模式對學習成效的影響
★ 一個以服務品質為基礎的網際服務選擇最佳化方法★ 維基百科知識推薦系統對於使用e-Portfolio的學習者滿意度調查
★ 學生的學習動機、網路自我效能與系統滿意度之探討-以e-Portfolio為例★ 藉由在第二人生內使用自動對話代理人來改善英文學習成效
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摘要(中) 在過去的研究中發現透過行為分析相較於考試成績可以更好的預測學生的學習成效。但是透過學習分析找出高風險的學生後該如何為他們提供及時的干預以提高學生的學習成效是重要的。
摘要(英) In past studies, behavioral analysis has been found to be a better predictor of student learning outcomes than test scores. However, after identifying at-risk students through learning analysis, it is important to provide them with timely interventions to improve students′ learning outcomes.
This study uses machine learning to identify students′ conceptual mastery level based on the learning logs of college students in courses that support an online learning environment. In addition, we further studied which features extracted from the learning logs would affect the mastery level of each concept of. After the classifier identified the students as not mastery, the students′ learning logs were used to find out which behaviors the students lacked, and then based on it provide personalized materials as interventions. In the personalized teaching materials generation, we help teachers generate personalized teaching materials through natural language processing to reduce the burden on teachers.
The results of the study show that the classifier identified most of at-risk students, which means that at-risk students can be identified based on students′ online learning log, which further helps teachers understand students′ learning situations. Different concepts have different characteristics that affect students′ concept mastery level, and the implementation of individualized interventions can significantly help improve students′ learning effectiveness. In terms of the effectiveness of intervention measures, the students in the experimental group are similar in terms of program concepts. More proficient than before the intervention, and significantly better than the control group in programming test.
關鍵字(中) ★ 精準教育
★ 學習分析
★ 個人化干預
★ 自然語言處理
★ 機器學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Precision Education
★ Learning Analytics
★ Personalized Intervention
★ Natural Language Processing
★ Machine Learning
論文目次 目錄
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
1. 緒論 1
2. 文獻探討 3
2.1. 自我調節學習(Self-Regulated Learning, SRL) 3
2.2. 學習分析 4
2.3. 個人化學習 5
3. 自我調節的個人化干預方法 7
4. 研究方法與實驗設計 12
4.1. 參與者 12
4.2. 實驗設計與課程活動 12
4.3. 預測模型訓練 13
4.3.1. 特徵整理 13
4.3.2. 特徵選擇 14
4.3.3. 模型訓練 18
4.3.4. 模型效能評估 20
4.4. 個人化教材生成 20
4.4.1. 摘要生成 22
4.4.2. 練習題生成 23
5. 結果 26
5.1. 模型效能評估 26
5.2. 各概念重要特徵 27
6. 分析結果討論 28
6.1. 各概念重要特徵分析 28
6.2. 學習成效分析 29
6.3. 學習策略與學習行為的分析 31
6.4. 學生反饋 43
7. 結論 44
參考文獻 45
附錄 51
自我調節學習問卷(MSLQ) 51
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Jhen-Hua Yang) 審核日期 2022-7-11
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