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姓名 董育汝(Yu-Ru Tung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 透過分析程式設計模式提供干預措施以提升學習成效
(Interventions to enhance learning outcomes by analyzing coding patterns)
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摘要(中) 在現今的程式教學中,線上程式系統已經成為大家常用的方式,允許學生可以不受時間和地點限制的練習程式設計。此外,因應疫情的影響,遠距課程需求日益增加,學生需要在沒有教師面對面指導的情況下獨立調整自己的學習。在過去的研究中發現透過行為分析相較於考試成績預測自我調節學習的能力更好,程式設計行為分析也可以幫助教師更了解學生的學習狀況和程式設計的過程。除此之外,線上程式系統的應用分成教育中程式評量、線上編譯器等,在過去的研究中大多只分析單一應用的行為,且大多僅透過作答次數、錯誤次數、時間等特徵,其分析結果容易忽略程式內容。
摘要(英) In recent programming teaching, the online programming system has become a common method, allowing students to practice coding regardless of time and place. In addition, with the increasing demand for distance courses in response to the impact of Covid-19, students need to independently adjust their learning without face-to-face guidance from teachers. In past studies, it has been found that behavioral analysis is better than test scores to predict the ability of self-regulated learning, and programming behavioral analysis can also help teachers better understand students′ learning status and coding process. In addition, the application of the online programming system is divided into program evaluation in education, online compiler, etc. In the past research, most of them only analyzed the behavior of a single application, and most of them only analyzed the characteristics of the number of answers, the number of errors, and the time, and the analysis results tend to ignore the program content.
In this study, students use the programming behavior in the online programming system to define various states in practice and evaluation, generate the programming behavior sequence and convert it into a probability transition matrix, through the K-Means++ clustering algorithm separated 9 coding modes. In order to further study the coding modes, the correlation analysis was carried out between the probability of students staying in each coding mode and the scores of the programming test. Then, students with 3 different coding patterns (adept, struggle, and abandonment group) were distinguished by the students′ staying probability in each coding mode. In order to understand the characteristics of students of each coding pattern, we conducted an ANOVA analysis of the students of each coding pattern in the programming exam scores, self-regulated learning, and the probability of staying in each coding mode. Finally, according to the characteristics of students with different coding patterns, give corresponding feedback, and recommend the corresponding practice questions for students who are extremely troubled by logic and syntax and have a high probability of staying in the mode.
The study results show that the probability of staying in each coding mode is related to the programming exam scores and self-regulation learning to varying degrees. Although there is no significant difference in the programming exam scores of students with different coding patterns, the probability of staying in each coding mode is significant differences in different degrees in the ability to rehearsal, organization, and control beliefs. In terms of the effect of the intervention, the students in the experimental group were more familiar with the syntax of the program than before the intervention, and were significantly better than the control group in the performance of the programming exam. In addition, there was no significant difference in all aspects of self-regulated learning.
關鍵字(中) ★ 程式設計模式
★ 程式設計方式
★ 干預措施
★ 學習成效
★ 自我調節學習
★ 線上程式系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Coding pattern
★ Coding mode
★ Intervention
★ Learning outcome
★ Self-regulated learning
★ Online programming system
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
1. 緒論 1
2. 文獻探討 2
2.1. 自我調節學習(Self-Regulated Learning, SRL) 2
2.2. 程式設計行為分析(Coding behavior analysis) 3
2.3. 程式設計干預措施 5
3. 基於Coding patterns的干預措施 6
4. 研究方法 8
4.1. Online Judge程式評量系統 8
4.2. VisCode程式練習系統 9
4.3. 程式設計狀態序列 Sequence of coding states 10
4.4. 機率轉移矩陣 Probability Transition Matrix 11
4.5. Coding mode 12
4.5.1. Coding mode 1: 精熟 13
4.5.2. Coding mode 2: 重複練習,確認再評量 13
4.5.3. Coding mode 3: 重複評量,確認已通過 14
4.5.4. Coding mode 4: 評量後仍重複練習 15
4.5.5. Coding mode 5: 即時修正語法錯誤 15
4.5.6. Coding mode 6: 較易忽略邏輯條件 16
4.5.7. Coding mode 7: 較少練習且評量常有錯誤 17
4.5.8. Coding mode 8: 程式邏輯方面極為困擾 17
4.5.9. Coding mode 9: 程式語法方面極為困擾 18
4.6. 相關性分析 Correlation analysis 19
4.7. Coding pattern 21
4.8. 干預措施 Intervention 24
4.8.1. 推薦題目 24
4.8.2. 回饋 26
5. 實驗設計 28
5.1. 實驗對象 28
5.2. 實驗流程 28
5.3. 自我調節學習問卷 29
6. 結果 30
6.1. Coding patterns不同的學生,程式測驗成績、自我調節學習能力是否不同 30
6.2. 基於Coding patterns的干預措施對於不同patterns的學生影響是否不同 33
6.3. 基於Coding patterns的干預措施是否能提升程式測驗成績 36
6.4. 基於Coding patterns的干預措施是否能提升自我調節學習能力 38
7. 討論與結論 41
參考文獻 44
附錄 49
自我調節學習問卷(MSLQ) 49
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指導教授 楊鎮華(Jhen-Hua Yang) 審核日期 2022-7-11
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