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姓名 潘奕平(Yi-Ping Pan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 用特徵選擇減少疲勞偵測腦電圖通道數
(Channel Reduction for EEG Fatigue Detection Using Pearson’s Correlation and Mutual Information)
★ 條件判斷式事件驅動程式設計之C語言擴充★ 基于小波变换的指纹活度检测,具有聚集 LPQ 和 LBP 特征
★ 應用自動化測試於異質環境機器學習管道之 MLOps 系統★ 提升乳癌篩檢效率之批次排程框架
★ 設計具有可視化思維工具和程式作為單一步的 輔助學習程式之棋盤式遊戲★ TOCTOU 漏洞的靜態分析與實作
★ 用於繪製風力發電控制邏輯之特定領域語言★ 在Java程式語言中以雙向結構表達數學公式間關聯之設計與實作
★ 支援模組化規則製作之程式碼轉換工具★ 基於替代語意的 pandas DataFrame 靜態型別檢查器
★ 自動化時間複雜度分析的設計與實作–從軟體層面評估嵌入式系統的功率消耗★ 以震波層析成像為應用之特定領域語言實作與分析
★ 一個應用紙本運算與數位化於程式設計學習使程序性思維可視化的機制★ 基於抽象語法樹的陣列形狀錯誤偵測
★ 從合作學習角色分工獲得函式程式設計思維學習遞迴程式的機制★ 基於抽象語法樹的深度複製及彈性別名之所有權系統解決 Java 表示暴露問題
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摘要(中) 疲勞駕駛在全球造成大量的傷亡。以臺灣為例,疲勞駕駛是佔所有意外的 20%。我 們定義了甚麼是疲勞,並且在相關研究中找到疲勞影響駕駛表現的證據。車道偏移量上 升、方向盤操控能力下降、反應時間變長、油門煞車控制(速度控制)變差,都是疲勞 駕駛會造成的。我們發現駕駛人本人很難認知道自己已經發生疲勞駕駛,因此需要透過 疲勞偵測系統輔助。我們分析了四種常見的疲勞駕駛系統及它們的優缺點,並且發現使 用 EEG 偵測疲勞是最精準且客觀的。可惜的是 EEG 目前無法使用在日常生活中,因為它使用非常麻煩且昂貴。我們的目標是能夠用把用降低腦電圖偵測疲勞的通道數,我們即可使腦電圖疲勞偵測落實在生活中。

本篇論文我們先是分析各種 EEG 分析方法、特徵選擇的方法。我們並接著研究篩 選器的架構: SVM 與 LSTM 的架構。我們的方法主要是盡可能的減少 40 個 EEG 通道 之間的關聯程度,並且利用篩選方法搭配上 LSTM 的機器分類方法,以達成減少通道 數。我們的結果,呼應我們的假設。在皮爾森的線性相關係數演算法中,我們使用 7 個 通道便達成 94.9 % 的疲勞準確度。而在相互資訊的演算法中,我們使用 6 個通道便達成 94.04 % 的疲勞準確度。

我們比較我們篩選出來的通道數,和當代 fMRI 觀察疲勞對於腦袋中的影響,兩者 皆顯示疲勞跟大腦的運動皮層有關。我們也和當代不同腦電圖特徵選擇應用方法比較, 並顯示我們的方法不論是在準確度還是減少的通道數都是比大多數的研究優秀。
摘要(英) Driver fatigue is an underestimated factor that leads to traffic accidents. This research reviewed researches and found out how drowsiness will impact driving performance in various ways. Increasing lane drifting, decreasing steering wheel controlling ability, increasing reaction time (RT), and poor speed control, are the signs and indicators for drivers to discover they are not suitable to operate the vehicle. We then reviewed the four most common ways to detect drowsiness. Various drowsiness detection methods this research reviewed, drowsiness detection via EEG has the highest accuracy. However, due to the multi-channel nature of the EEG signal, using EEG detection in everyday life nowadays is not possible. Our objective is to reduce the channel needed so that we could make EEG drowsiness detection useful in daily life.

First, this research looks into different ways to analyze EEG signal. This research inspects two feature selection methods, filter method and wrapper method. We also discussed two classification model, which is the widely used support vector machine (SVM) and the long short term model (LSTM). Our method introduced the feature selection method into drowsiness detection with the key idea of reducing the redundancies between 40 EEG channels with the combination of filter method and LSTM classifier. The result is that we obtain the accuracy of 94.9 % in 7 channel Pearson’s correlation method and 94.04 % in 6 channel mutual information method.

This research then evaluates the selected channel with some drowsiness research, which suggests that when it comes to drowsiness, this research should look into one’s motor cortex of the brain. This research compares our result to some state-of-the-art method in different EEG applications which show great results in both accuracy and the amount of channel reduced.
關鍵字(中) ★ 疲勞偵測
★ 特徵選擇
★ 腦電圖
★ 長短期記憶模型
★ 遞歸神經網路
★ 通道減少
關鍵字(英) ★ Feature Selection
★ fatigue detection
★ drowsiness detection
論文目次 Contents
摘要 ix
Abstract xi
Contents xiii
List of Figures xv
Glossary xvii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 How drowsiness affects vehicle control........................................ 2
1.2 Recent ways to detect drowsiness............................................. 5
1.2.1 Drivers’ Operation Behavior Based Detection ........................ 5
1.2.2 Vehicle State ........................................................... 6
1.2.3 Drivers’ Physiological Behavior Based Detection ..................... 7
1.2.4 Driver’s Physiological Signal .......................................... 8
1.3 Motivation..................................................................... 9
1.4 Structure ...................................................................... 10
2 Related Work 13
2.1 Ways of EEG Analysis........................................................ 13
2.1.1 Frequency domain analysis ............................................ 13
2.1.2 Time domain analysis ................................................. 14
2.1.3 Time-frequency domain analysis ...................................... 15
2.1.4 Artificial neural network (ANN) analysis ............................. 16
2.2 Feature Selection on EEG signals............................................. 16
2.3 Classification Models.......................................................... 18
2.3.1 Support Vector Machine (SVM) ...................................... 19
2.3.2 Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) ....................... 21
3 Dataset & Methodology 25
3.1 Dataset ........................................................................ 25
3.2 Methodology .................................................................. 26
3.2.1 Preprocessing .......................................................... 26
3.2.2 Feature selection....................................................... 28
3.2.3 Classification Model: LSTM........................................... 29
4 Implementation 31
4.1 Prepossessing phase ........................................................... 31
4.2 Data analyzing phase ......................................................... 33
4.3 Feature selection phase........................................................ 34
4.4 Classification phase ........................................................... 35
5 Evaluation 37
5.1 Evaluate the practicability of proposed methodology ........................ 37
5.2 Accuracy comparison of previous work ....................................... 42
5.3 Application selected channel comparison of previous work .................. 44
6 Conclusion 47
Bibliography 49
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指導教授 莊永裕(Yung-Yu Zhuang) 審核日期 2022-7-19
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