博碩士論文 109522082 詳細資訊

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姓名 史家瑩(Jia-Ying Shih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 從版本庫的提交中提取維護耦合以進行系統知識轉移
(Extracting Maintenance Couplings from Repository Commits for System Knowledge Transfer)
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摘要(中) 在開發人員開發與維護的過程中,若修改某段程式碼時,須連帶修改另一部份程式碼,則這兩段程式碼之間存在的耦合關係,我們將其稱為維護耦合(maintenance coupling)。
為了提升耦合技術文件的正確性與完整性,以及製作文件的便利性。本論文使用Git提交(Commit)版本歷史,分析專案中存在的維護耦合關係。透過分析結果,使用者能夠要求GeekyNote自動標記耦合的程式碼區塊。除此之外, GeekyNote還能夠利用該分析,提供開發人員詳細的耦合資訊,讓開發人員在修改程式碼時無需再懼怕軟體故障的發生,並降低開發的風險性。
摘要(英) During the development and maintenance, if one code block is modified, another part of code must be modified together, then the coupling between the two code blocks is called maintenance coupling.
There are lots of maintenance couplings in most existing projects, but these couplings are not mentioned in the technical documents, which will also let other developers ignore the existence of coupling. During the development or maintenance, if developers fail to find the hidden maintenance couplings, and does not modify the code blocks with couplings together, it is likely to cause other bugs.
GeekyNote is a novel tool developed in our laboratory to address the major challenges in technical documentation, and we have also created the concept of coupling technical documents. Users can use coupling labels to link code blocks that have a coupling relationship with each other, and then cooperate with audio or video explanations to replace traditional technical documents written in texts and pass on known important information.
In order to improve the correctness and integrity of the coupling documents, as well as the convenience of making documents. This paper uses the Git commit history to analyze the maintenance coupling relationship existing in the project. Based on this analysis, users can automatically mark coupled code blocks. In addition, GeekyNote can also provide developers with detailed coupling information, so that developers no longer worry about software failures when modifying code, and reduce the risk of development.
關鍵字(中) ★ 耦合
★ 技術文件
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
一、 緒論 1
二、 研究背景 6
2-1耦合 6
2-1-1耦合對實作的影響 7
2-1-2耦合資訊的應用 8
2-2 GeekyNote 9
2-2-1 技術文件管理方式 10
2-2-2 耦合標籤 12
2-2-3 文件覆蓋率 13
2-2-4 文件剩餘有效程度 14
2-2-5 GeekyNote現況以及不足之處 16
2-3 Git[7]介紹 16
三、 問題描述與分析 18
3-1 維護耦合判斷準確性 18
3-2 耦合完整性與開發與維護過程之風險性 19
3-3 耦合相關技術文件建立困難 20
四、 耦合預處理(preprocessing) 23
4-1 過濾不適合的Git提交 23
4-2 用分支進行耦合處理 25
4-3 用檔案與具代表性提交進行處理 27
4-4 用程式碼進行處理 28
五、 系統設計與實作 30
5-1 使用情境(user scenario) 30
5-2 檢視與目前開發目標耦合的區塊 33
5-3 自動建立耦合文件 33
六、 評估與討論 35
6-1 耦合文件準確性評估結果與討論 35
6-1-1 評估是否過濾合併與修改檔案數過多之提交 36
6-1-2 分支處理評估與討論 37
6-1-3 檔案處理評估與討論 38
6-1-4 程式碼處理評估與討論 40
6-2 耦合文件完整性評估與討論 41
6-3 自動建立耦合文件便利性評估 43
七、 結論與未來展望 45
八、 參考資料 46
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指導教授 鄭永斌(Yung-Pin Cheng) 審核日期 2022-8-3
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