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姓名 王俊隆(Jun-Long Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 評估注意力偵測之穿戴式腦電電極放置有效性
(Evaluating the effectiveness of wearable EEG electrode placement for attention detection)
★ 在有干擾的虛擬教室環境下 大人小孩的行為表現與腦神經反應的異同★ 使用映射模型和跨資料集遷移式學習的輕量化居家衰弱症訓練系統
★ 心率生理回饋放鬆訓練對於海洛因使用疾患(HUD)生理資訊之影響分析★ 基於深度學習模型的3D心理旋轉對認知障礙的診斷與評估
★ 建立數位地球:基於Omniverse平台的東南亞衛星雲圖與雷達圖可視化★ 基於多維度的臺灣天氣類型機器學習 臨近預報與分類系統
★ 整合檢索增強生成與大型語言模型應用於精準運動科學平台:架構與實現★ 透過生理數據分析的VR戰車訓練系統,評估壓力對認知專注力與穩定性的影響及通過多次訓練表現驗證系統有效性
★ 基於機器學習分析ADHD亞型利用VR認知測驗同步的神經生理數據★ FrAIlti:利用人工智慧和3D攝影技術提升老年照護的自動化衰弱評估系統
★ 自閉症譜系障礙虛擬實境訓練系統的開發與驗證★ 智慧醫療物聯網平台之裝置管理與應用
★ 智慧醫療物聯網平台之多租戶應用★ XRCURE:基於實證醫學的AIOT、XR和可穿戴感測器在AWS上的數位療法
★ 重複性經顱磁刺激同步虛擬實境與生理監測用於失語症創新治療與評估★ 將網路威脅情報與多視角分析和雙聚類結合:一種多維視覺化方法
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摘要(中) 多動症的問題在世界越來越嚴重。注意力檢測問題與對多動症患者的評
使用可穿戴式腦電設備OpenBCI Ganglion,集成並結合VR 一體機進行實
驗,並結合之前研究的腦電(Looxid)電極。根據國際10-20 系統的腦電定
位電極,對額頭的AF4、FP7、FP8、AF7、AF8 進行了比較,通過機器學習
驗證了目前應用於特定三點的可穿戴腦電設備FCz、FC3、Pz 在注意力檢測
方面的有效性。此外,我們還通過特徵探索了EEG 和眼球追踪之間的相關
性。最後,我們成功地確定了我們的EEG 電極位置的更好的有效性。
摘要(英) The problem of ADHD is getting more and more serious in the world. The
attention detection problem is closely related to the assessment of ADHD patients
that determines how concentrated the subject is. The frontal and prefrontal of the
human brain decide the subjects’ attention. Among them, response inhibition is
the key to attention. It can control impulsive responses. In this experiment, we
conduct a task related to response inhibition and we collected the data from
normal adults, and use the wearable EEG device OpenBCI Ganglion, integrated
and combined with the VR all-in-one machine to conduct the experiment, and
combined with the EEG (Looxid) electrode of the previous study. According to
the international 10-20 system for EEG location electrodes, AF4, FP7, FP8, AF7,
and AF8 in the forehead are compared, and we validate the effectiveness of the
current wearable EEG devices that applied to specific three points are FCz, FC3,
and Pz in attention detection through Machine Learning. Moreover, the
correlation between EEG and eye-tracking is explored through features. Finally,
we successfully determine the better effectiveness of our EEG electrode
關鍵字(中) ★ 腦電圖
★ 數據融合
★ 多模態數據
★ 虛擬現實
★ 機器學習
★ 眼睛追蹤
關鍵字(英) ★ Electroencephalography
★ Data Fusion
★ Multimodal Data
★ Virtual reality
★ Machine Learning
★ Eye-tracking
論文目次 Table of Contents
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures V
List of Tables VII
Introduction 1
Related Works 8
Go/NoGO task 8
EEG/Eye correlation 8
Attention Detection 9
Methodologies 11
A. Experiment 11
B. Data Preprocess and Features Extraction 15
C. Correlation Coefficient 18
D. Machine Learning Method 18
Results 22
Conclusion and Discussions 27
Reference 28
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指導教授 葉士青 吳曉光(Shih-Ching Yeh Hsiao-Kuang Wu) 審核日期 2022-8-22
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