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姓名 John Mark M. Tabor(John Mark M. Tabor)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士班
(Maintenance Prioritization Framework for Taiwan’s Pedestrian Bridges)
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摘要(中) 臺灣交通部(MOTC)已公佈以DER&U 方式檢測與評估橋梁劣化與維護
橋梁的相關規範與手冊。此DER&U 的檢測與評估方式已被證明可以有效地

座人行天橋提供合適的維護管理架構。此架構之基礎,在於先將6 種人行
要維修之橋梁。本研究建立之維護管理架構,以桃園市5 座人行天橋做為
摘要(英) The central government of Taiwan, through the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), has issued bridge inspection and maintenance specifications and manuals that include the DER&U condition assessment process. This process has proven to be effective in maintaining the structural safety and serviceability of Taiwan’s highway and railway bridge inventory. However, adapting it to pedestrian bridges may only consume undue amount of already limited maintenance resources since they carry lighter loads and thus may experience a narrower spectrum of defects than their larger counterparts.

In order to provide a standardized inspection and maintenance approach tailored to their needs, this research developed a framework for the maintenance of Taiwan’s 1,268 pedestrian bridges. The framework is designed to assess the structural safety and serviceability of 6 pedestrian bridge types through visual inspection. Two rounds of Delphi method interviews with bridge experts were conducted to assign weight factors to the components that form each pedestrian bridge type. These weight factors and the visual inspection results are then combined to calculate an index that represents the condition of a pedestrian bridge. The index can be used for inspection scheduling and maintenance prioritization by revealing which pedestrian bridge units in the inventory are the most deteriorated and in urgent need of repair. The framework’s application to 5 pedestrian bridges in Taoyuan City demonstrated its practicality and value in prioritizing pedestrian bridges for maintenance resource optimization. By presenting a strategy for managing a large inventory of pedestrian bridges, this study contributes to the body of knowledge in bridge engineering and management.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人行天橋
★ 橋梁管理
★ 橋梁檢測
★ 狀況指數
★ 維護優先順序
★ 德 爾菲法
關鍵字(英) ★ pedestrian bridge
★ footbridge
★ bridge management
★ bridge inspection
★ condition index
★ maintenance prioritization
★ Delphi method
論文目次 摘要.........................................................................I
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..............................................................III
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................IV
LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................VIII
LIST OF TABLES ..............................................................X

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION......................................................1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation.......................................1
1.2 Research Objectives......................................................3
1.3 Thesis Organization .....................................................3

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................5
2.1 Pedestrian Bridge – General Design Requirements..........................5
2.1.1 Structural forms, components, and materials ...........................5
2.1.2 Loading considerations.................................................7
2.1.3 Geometric properties ..................................................7
2.2 Bridge Maintenance Inspection ...........................................9
2.2.1 Inspector qualification ...............................................11
2.2.2 Techniques.............................................................12 Visual inspection....................................................12 NDT- and UAV-based inspection........................................17
2.2.3 Bridge maintenance inspection practices ...............................19 United States of America ............................................20 Denmark .............................................................22 Finland .............................................................22 France ..............................................................23 Germany .............................................................23 Norway ..............................................................24 Sweden ..............................................................24 Taiwan ..............................................................24
2.3 Bridge Condition Indices ................................................27
2.3.1 Ratio-based method ....................................................27
2.3.2 Worst-conditioned component method ....................................28
2.3.3 Qualitative method ....................................................28
2.3.4 Weighted average condition method .....................................28 Chile ...............................................................29 Vietnam .............................................................30 Taiwan ..............................................................32
2.4 Component Weight Factors in Bridge Condition Indices ....................35
2.5 Cases of Pedestrian Bridges Neglected of Proper Maintenance .............36
2.6 Chapter Summary .........................................................38

CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ......................................................40
3.1 Identification of Pedestrian Bridge Types and Components ................41
3.1.1 Structural safety components...........................................41 Type 1 – Suspension bridge ..........................................41 Type 2 – Truss bridge................................................42 Type 3 – Tied arch bridge ...........................................42 Type 4 – Open spandrel arch bridge ..................................43 Type 5 – Cable-stayed bridge.........................................43 Type 6 – Girder bridge ..............................................43
3.1.2 Serviceability components..............................................44
3.2 Assignment of Pedestrian Bridge Component Weight Factors ................46
3.2.1 Expert panel composition ..............................................47
3.2.2 Round 1 Delphi interview procedure.....................................48
3.2.3 Round 2 Delphi interview procedure.....................................49
3.3 Chapter Summary .........................................................50

CHAPTER 4: RESULTS...........................................................51
4.1 Type 1 – Suspension bridge...............................................51
4.2 Type 2 – Truss bridge ...................................................53
4.3 Type 3 – Tied arch bridge................................................54
4.4 Type 4 – Open spandrel arch bridge.......................................55
4.5 Type 5 – Cable-stayed bridge ............................................56
4.6 Type 6 – Girder bridge...................................................57

CHAPTER 5: FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT ............................................59
5.1 Rationale ...............................................................59
5.2 Implementation ..........................................................59
5.2.1 Initiate, access, and search ..........................................60
5.2.2 Decision and response .................................................60
5.3 Weight Factor Adjustment ................................................62
5.4 Condition States and Maintenance Prioritization .........................62
5.5 Validation ..............................................................66
5.5.1 Case 1 – Enclosed concrete girder bridge ..............................66
5.5.2 Case 2 – Enclosed concrete girder bridge ..............................70
5.5.3 Case 3 – Concrete girder bridge .......................................74
5.5.4 Case 4 – Enclosed truss bridge ........................................78
5.5.5 Case 5 – Suspension bridge ............................................83
5.6 Chapter Summary .........................................................89

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION .......................................................90
6.1 Conclusion ..............................................................90
6.2 Limitations and Future Work .............................................91
6.3 Chapter Summary .........................................................92

REFERENCES ..................................................................93
APPENDIX A: Delphi Round 1 Questionnaire ....................................100
APPENDIX B: Delphi Round 2 Questionnaire ....................................115
APPENDIX C: Pedestrian Bridge Component Weight Factors Per Round ............131
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指導教授 Yau Nie-Jia Liao Hsien-Ke(Nie-Jia Yau Hsien-Ke Liao) 審核日期 2022-9-27
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