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姓名 侯政誼(Cheng-I Hou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 行動網路中SIP網路服務之合法通訊監察系統
(Lawful Interception of SIP-based Services with Mobility Support)
★ 無線行動隨意網路上穩定品質服務路由機制之研究★ 應用多重移動式代理人之網路管理系統
★ 應用移動式代理人之網路協同防衛系統★ 鏈路狀態資訊不確定下QoS路由之研究
★ 以訊務觀察法改善光突發交換技術之路徑建立效能★ 感測網路與競局理論應用於舒適性空調之研究
★ 以搜尋樹為基礎之無線感測網路繞徑演算法★ 基於無線感測網路之行動裝置輕型定位系統
★ 多媒體導覽玩具車★ 以Smart Floor為基礎之導覽玩具車
★ 行動社群網路服務管理系統-應用於發展遲緩兒家庭★ 具位置感知之穿戴式行動廣告系統
★ 調適性車載廣播★ 車載網路上具預警能力之車輛碰撞避免機制
★ 應用於無線車載網路上之合作式交通資訊傳播機制以改善車輛擁塞★ 智慧都市中應用車載網路以改善壅塞之調適性虛擬交通號誌
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摘要(中) 在犯罪率居高不下的社會中,合法監聽常被用來取得犯罪者的通訊,以得知其下一步的行動。以往都是藉由傳統電話的監聽來破案,但隨著網際網路的普及,網路電話以及視訊會議也被廣泛使用,因此針對網路監聽的研究便成為一大重要的議題。常見的網路電話通訊協定包含 H.323 和 SIP,H.323 的架構非常完整,在監聽方面僅需在通訊的路徑上建立監聽的機制即可達成;然而 SIP 僅負責通訊的建立,通訊封包的傳輸路徑並無特定的規範,此協定的擴充性雖然高,但在監聽的議題上便相當困難,尤其是運作在移動式網路時,其通訊的路徑更難掌握,以及移動式的資訊也將難以取得。
本論文針對移動式網路之 SIP 服務提出三種監聽的策略,Centralized Wiretap-Agent-based Interception Strategy (CWAIS)、Distributed Wiretap-Agent- based Interception Strategy (DWAIS) 和 Home-Agent-based Interception Strategy (HAIS),並分析及比較各種策略之優缺點。本論文選擇以HAIS來實作,其主要原因在於此策略可運作於現行的網路,且在監聽的過程中,使用者無法察覺自己已被監聽。最後以各種參數針對此系統設計出實驗,以驗證系統運作的可行性,並分析各項實驗的結果。
摘要(英) With the high crime rate society, lawful interception is used to get the communication of the offenders. Interception of the traditional telephone is used to solve the criminal cases before. But following to the popularization of the Internet, people uses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and video conference to communicate with each other generally. Thus, the research of the interception with the network will be an important subject. The common protocols of VoIP include H.323 and SIP. H.323 has the complete structure. Interception of H.323 is just established the wiretap mechanism on the path of the communication. However, SIP rules the establishment of the connection only, the path of the transmission is not defined. Therefore, It is hard to intercept the media streams. Especially, when SIP is operated with mobile IP, It is hard to be aware the path of the communication and get the mobile information.
In this paper, three SIP wiretap strategies with mobile IP are proposed, including Centralized Wiretap-Agent-based Interception Strategy (CWAIS), Distributed Wiretap-Agent- based Interception Strategy (DWAIS) and Home-Agent- based Interception Strategy (HAIS). Each advantage and disadvantage of these strategies will be analyzed and compared. In this paper, HAIS is chosen to be implemented. That is because it can be operated with current network. And the SIP clients can not be aware that they are intercepted. Finally, the experiments are designed for this system with several parameters. The feasibility can be verified and the experimental results are analyzed.
關鍵字(中) ★ Mobile IP
★ 合法監聽
關鍵字(英) ★ Mobile IP
★ Lawful Interception
論文目次 Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Lawful Interception 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Goals 3
1.4 Thesis Organization 4
Chapter 2. Background and Related Work 5
2.1 VoIP Technologies 5
2.1.1 H.323 6
2.1.2 Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) 8
2.1.3 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) 10
2.1.4 Session Description Protocol (SDP) 12
2.2 Mobile IP 14
2.2.1 The Procedure of Mobile IP 14
2.2.2 SIP Mobility with Mobile IP 16
2.3 VoIP Interception 18
2.3.1 Interception with Circuit Switched Network 19
2.3.2 Interception with General Packet Radio Service 21
2.3.3 Interception with Media Gateway Control Protocol and H.323 22
2.3.4 Interception with 3G Network 24
2.3.5 Interception with SIP 27
Chapter 3. Proposed Agent-based Interception Strategy with Mobile IP 29
3.1 Requirement Analysis and System Modeling 29
3.2 Centralized Wiretap-Agent-based Interception Strategy 33
3.3 Distributed Wiretap-Agent-based Interception Strategy 39
3.4 Home-Agent-based Interception Strategy 45
3.5 Comparisons of Proposed Interception Strategies 53
Chapter 4. System Implementation 56
4.1 Structure of Wiretap System 56
4.2 Implementation Environment 57
4.3 Functions of Wiretap System 60
4.3.1 Functions of Wiretap filter 60
4.3.2 Functions of Wiretap Center 63
Chapter 5. Experimental Results 70
5.1 Experiment with Packets Catching Period 70
5.2 Experiment with Handoff Delay 75
5.3 Experiment with Performance of Connection 77
Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work 80
References 83
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指導教授 周立德(Li-Der Chou) 審核日期 2005-7-22
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