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姓名 吳國彰(Kuo-Chang Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 建立教室內具適性化之教學支援與學習輔助的師生即時互動系統
(Building interaction system in the classroom: provide teaching supporting and learning assisting.)
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摘要(中) 雖然目前網路教學及虛擬教室等新興教育方式十分的盛行,但反觀我們自己的經驗、週遭的親朋好友及國民教育等的。教室裡的教育仍為不可取代的,因為根據學者統計研究,分析出教室裡最主要的獨特因素仍為具有社群活動及面對面的視覺、聽覺差異。
在回歸到教室裡的教育研究,有許多的學者討論教室裡的學習問題,發現師生溝通與互動不良,往往是導致教室內的學習效率不佳的最大因素。因此在伴隨著電腦科技的進步下,已有許多研究在設計並實驗證實了feedback system(回饋、自評系統)及interaction system(互動系統)的效果,但我們比較及實用分析這些研究,發現仍有不足的地方。因此我們整合了研讀後的想法及實驗過後取得的數據,補足了回饋系統其中自評狀態的項目,以及學生自評之餘能得到相對應的輔助,如補充教材及電子筆記的制作,並讓老師在台上看到這些學生的反應資訊時,提供適時的支援並引導使用有效的學習活動,解決老師在台上面對這些資訊時的負擔。
摘要(英) Although Distance Learning and Virtual Classroom are hot and new learning ways that attract a lot of students, learning in classroom is still more common and popular, moreover, learning in classroom has not been replaced by other methods outside of classroom because it is more interactive and social.
In recent years, many scholars have been researching educational problems occurred in the classroom, and it is known that the main cause of low learning efficiency is usually about bad communication and interaction between student and teacher. As the progression of computer science, the ability of feedback system and interaction system was designed and proved by in many studies; however, after surveying researches in this realm, we found that there might be some insufficiencies waiting to be improved. Thus, we combined existed results with our ideas and tried to fix defects of reactive circumstance and data analysis in feedback system, and made this system, with duly supports and functions leading to effective learning, useful for teachers to solve their problems of inability to deal with feedbacks on stage.
When we completed our system and mechanism, we have proved that the subdivision and analysis of feedback enable teachers to know their students’ situations, including their emotions, through experiments. And, it is not only that the support system helps teacher on teaching- students admired this system as an assisting tool of responding and taking notes. Furthermore, they specifically gave positive opinions about the feeling of being concerned after their response.
關鍵字(中) ★ 互動系統
★ 適性化教育
★ 教室內
關鍵字(英) ★ adaptive instruction
★ interaction system
★ in the classroom
論文目次 中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖片目錄 VII
表格目錄 VIII
第1章 緒論 1
1-1、研究背景 1
1-2、研究動機 3
1-3、研究目標 5
1-4、問題與對策 6
1-5、論文架構 9
第2章 相關研究與分析 10
2-1、特色介紹 10
2-2、做法比較與分析 15
第3章 適性化的設計與機制 18
3-1、規劃藍圖 18
3-2、互動與溝通 19
3-2-1、學生的回饋系統(feedback system) 19
3-2-2、老師的互動建議機制 22
3-3、適性化的功能 25
3-3-1、老師端的教學支援 27
3-3-2、學生端的學習輔助 28
3-4、系統架構 29
3-5、功能模組 30
第4章 在教室內的實作與應用 32
4-1、劇本(Scenario) 32
4-2、環境與平台 34
4-3、運作流程 35
4-4、系統畫面 39
4-4-1、老師端的界面 39
4-4-2、學生端的界面 41
第5章 實驗結果與分析 44
5-1、實驗背景 44
5-2、實驗目的 45
5-3、實驗結果與分析 46
5-3-1、互動與溝通 46
5-3-2、適性化的感受 49
5-3-3、學業成積的影響 52
第6章 結論 55
參考文獻 57
參考文獻 中文部份
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2006-7-20
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