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姓名 吳毓傑(Yu-Chieh Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 結合頂層與底層句法資訊之中文詞相依性分析
(Incorporating top-level and bottom-level information for Chinese word dependency analysis)
★ 數位遊戲式學習環境對能源節約之影響評估★ Using Digital Board Game to Enhance Student Engagementin Learning
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★ 從全面性的角度探討先備知識對同儕互評中受評與 評分之影響★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評分組對遊戲製作與評量之影響
★ 探討創作媒介、個別差異、範例式教學及創作模式對九年級學生音樂創作的學習動機及成效之影響★ 探討個別差異與回饋形式在數位遊戲式學習系統中對學習動機、學習成效與遊戲表現之影響:以九年級國文學習為例
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摘要(中) 本論文提出一個整合性之中文語法相依性分析之架構,並包含了中文詞切割及詞性標注等問題。我們首先討論中文斷詞與詞性標注等問題,並且探討將此問題轉換為一個常見的序列分析分類的過程。然要訓練一個序列分析器,我們也研究了幾個目前常用而且效果很好的方法。在我們的實驗中發現最好的一個方法-CRF要優於其他分析器,但其缺點就是慢而且與類別數量成二次方成長,這使得中文詞性標注的問題無法在實際上能處理。為克服此問題,我們提出了一個結合CRF與SVM的二階段模型,結合CRF高效能的優點,並以SVM快速且準確的特性補足其效率問題。實驗證明我們的方法要明顯優於其他方法(包含CRF, 96.2 vs. 95.9 in F-measure)。 在公認的中文斷詞語料(SIGHAN-3)上,我們的方法也達到幾乎最佳的結果。
此外,本研究也提出一個近似K-best 搜尋法來改善整體解析文法與斷詞之結果。此法的優點在於可以不須修改訓練模組,而在測試時對所有可能的候選一起列入考慮,以決定最後之文法解析結果。
摘要(英) This thesis proposes a unified Chinese dependency parsing framework where the word segmentation and POS-tagging were included. We first discuss the issue of the Chinese word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging. Then we exploit the conversion of Chinese POS tagging as sequential chunk-labeling problem and treat it as the conventional sequential chunk labeling tasks. To train a sequential labeler several classification algorithms are investigated. However, the observed best method-CRF yields superior but slower performance than the other approaches which make the POS tagging intractable. To circumvent this, we propose a two-pass sequential chunk labeling model to combine CRF with SVM. The experimental result showed that the two-pass learner achieves the best result than the other single-pass methods (96.2 vs. 95.9). In the well-known benchmark corpus (SIGHAN), our method also showed very competitive performance.
By means of the two-pass Chinese POS tagging, the words associated with their part-of-speech labels could be auto-segmented and labeled. We therefore employ the auto-segmented words for dependency parsing. To enhance the performance our parser integrates both top-down and bottom-up syntactic information. Meanwhile, we also compare with current state-of-the-art dependency parsers. The experimental result showed that our method is not only more accurate but also spends much less training and testing time than the other approaches.
In addition, an approximate K-best reranking method is designed to improve the overall dependency parse and also for word segmentation results. The advantage is that one can independently train these modules, while taking the global parse into consideration through the K-best selection.
關鍵字(中) ★ 詞性標註
★ 中文斷詞
★ 中文詞相依性剖析
★ 機器學習
關鍵字(英) ★ part-of-speech tagging
★ word segmentation
★ Chinese dependency parsing
★ machine learning
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Prior Works 7
Chapter 3 Statistical Machine Learning Approaches 15
3.1.1 Multiclass SVMs 17
3.6 SUMMARY 27
Chapter 4 A Sequential Chunk Labeling Framework for Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging 29
Chapter 5 Chinese Dependency Parsing 47
Chapter 6 Experimental Results for Chinese Dependency Parsing 73
6.4 RESULTS 79
Chapter 7 Application to Multilingual Dependency Parsing 91
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Future Work 107
Bibliography 110
Appendix A The Chinese Treebank POS Tagset 121
Appendix B Chinese Treebank Phrase Tagset 123
Appendix C Pilot Study on Chinese and English Phrase Chunking 125
Appendix D Headword Rules for Chinese Treebank Conversion 129
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指導教授 李御璽、楊接期
(Yue-Shi Lee、Jie-Chi Yang)
審核日期 2007-11-16
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